Zachary Meadors, age 28

Lost on October 17, 2018 in Lawrenceville, Georgia.

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55 candles have been lit for Zachary.
Light a candle for Zachary.

You can add to Zachary's profile:

  • Nickname:
  • Number of children:
    2 Dog- Vivi. Cat- Tessa. Both sleep in or near his room
  • Personality:
    2 Sweet and loving. Would have taken a bullet for students
    3 No way in HELL he molested anyone- was set up. I was his best friend
    2 Zac was a wonderful man
    1 For 12 years, was my best friend and with me through everything
    1 I would give anything to hug him- even though he wasn't that affectionate
    1 Please pray for his name to get cleared. He didn't do it.
    1 I saw the videos- he maintained his innocence. Don't believe everything you read
    1 He was my rock, biggest cheerleader and shoulder to cry on
    1 Zac was generous to a fault.
    1 We were best friends from HS until he died. We hung out with the cool kids and not cool kids
    1 He was my Homecoming date my sophomore year. Most fun I've ever had!
    1 He was SO creative- esp. with art and writing.
    1 Most of the kids he taught were refugees. He was the most selfless person I've ever known
    1 Sincere and thoughtful. Couldn't have asked for a better friend
    1 Even my late cat from hell liked him! I miss my sweet friend
    1 Thank you for honoring him.
    2 He was my teacher when he first came to freedom. was and still is one of my favorite teachers.
    1 Best friend I've ever had, best guy I have ever known
    1 A thoughtful
    1 I would have married him.
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
    1 Freedom Middle School ESOL Teacher
  • Schools attended:
    1 Georgia State University- undergrad and Master's.
  • Comments:
    4 he was devastsed prayers for family

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