Rashard Williams, age 32

Lost to gun violence on July 31, 2018 in Columbus, Georgia.

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You can add to Rashard's profile:

  • Nickname:
    1 Taz
    3 "Scrappy" Has was secondary and rarely used
    3 Taz wasn't used often but "Scrappy" yes. He got that name cuz he looked just like lil scrappy
  • Number of children:
    1 2 in Florida that he loved like his own.
  • Personality:
    1 Sweet and quiet
    1 Rashard was a loving loyal man.
  • Occupation:
    1 laborer
  • Workplace:
    1 Alatrade
  • Schools attended:
    1 lake mary High school and computer business in Sanford FL
  • Comments:
    4 My deepest condolences for your loss, God promises us hope for the future. Acts 24:15
    1 No matter how many days pass, your missed no less. our angel
    2 R.I.P. For your Angel, πŸ•―πŸ•―πŸ•―on behalf of Sebastain's wifeπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    1 As we're coming up on 6 years I want to make sure you know your fam. in FL misses you so much xx

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