Jack Rosema, age 63

Lost to gun violence on June 4, 2018 in Rosamond, California.

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60 candles have been lit for Jack.
Light a candle for Jack.

You can add to Jack's profile:

  • Nickname:
    2 Jack Flash
    2 Fack Foesma
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    4 comical, witty
    2 Loved Jesus
  • Occupation:
    2 mechanic
  • Workplace:
    3 Jacks asian auto
    1 Hondamotion
    2 Pioneer honda Pasdena Honda
  • Schools attended:
    1 pasadena high school
  • Comments:
    3 good brother. We had our tifts
    2 but he was always there when i needed to talk
    2 amazing dad, committed to his daughts
    2 Jack got us tickets to see Van Halen from Eddie that he went to high school with.
    1 Now both Eddie and Jack are gone. Both men were amazing at their craft. -RIP...

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