Dejon Andre Leon Williams, age 37

Lost to gun violence on May 27, 2018 in Aurora, Colorado.

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195 candles have been lit for Dejon.
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You can add to Dejon's profile:

  • Nickname:
  • Number of children:
    3 0 CHILDREN
  • Personality:
    5 AWESOME!!!
  • Occupation:
    2 Owner at Visalus
  • Workplace:
    6 entrepreneur coach and youth advisor
  • Schools attended:
    1 Central High
    1 Dejon I will never get over this!! Rip❤
    1 No words can truly describe the pain my heart feels from missing you Rip D
  • Comments:
    2 I'll miss you beyond mesure!!
    7 I love you and will miss you more than imaginable.
    1 Im going to miss you D! Gone but never forgotten King
    2 One luv D!!!!!!!! Love you bro
    2 Why did they have to take you away from us? Justice for Dejon
    10 Dejon, you were my love and my life. I will always cherish us!
    4 You will always be the warrior of my heart! I cry everyday and miss u so much!
    1 miss you so much
    1 You are loved you are one of a kind mourning you will last an eternity
    1 The reality if your death hit me again, and I lost it. Till we meet again.
    1 I miss you evryday Dejon my first boyfriend
    1 I love you and miss see you in heaven one day justice for dejon williams
    1 one love big bro I'll see you again when my time comes!!!

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