Ross Romero, age 28

Lost to gun violence on May 26, 2018 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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8350 candles have been lit for Ross.
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You can add to Ross's profile:

  • Nickname:
    8 LeRoy
    6 Guardian Angel 😇
  • Number of children:
    7 Anavea 8
    6 Castiel 5
  • Personality:
    6 Joker
    6 amazing
    8 Fearless
    3 Truthful
    6 Honest
    3 Dedicated
    7 Caring
    4 Loving
    7 Awesome dad
    4 exceptional smile
    3 Great Friend
    4 Brave
  • Occupation:
    3 Correctional Officer
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    6 Mountainair High School
  • Comments:
    6 our family needs closure. miss you nephew!
    4 Hometown
    3 I am so very sorry for your loss
    2 known missed loved by so many continued prayers for your family Leroy from an Angel Mama
    2 Sorry for your loss. I'm praying for his family and friends.
    2 brother in corrections, you will always be missed...
    3 Lov n miss you my nephew!! Always in our hearts!!!!
    2 love and miss you cuz! r.i.p!

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