Nicole Haliaaloh Gututala-Hoff, age 25

Lost to gun violence on May 12, 2018 in Jamestown, North Dakota.

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129 candles have been lit for Nicole.
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  • Nickname:
    6 Nikki
    4 Halia
    2 booger
    5 coach
    4 Sister
    2 Nicolata
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    5 soft spoken
    4 kind
    3 caring
    3 A Smile That Would Lite Up Your World
    6 Always Thought About Others Before Herself
    5 💗A Heart Of Pure Love💗
    3 Saw Good In Everyone
    2 A Ray Of Sunshine
    3 Forgiveness Was Easy For Nikki
    4 There wasn't a moment you wouldn't be smiling or laughing while in her presence
    3 She ALWAYS knew how to make someone else's day better even if she was having a terrible one
    4 A blessing to everyone who met her
    3 Such a beautiful soul
    3 She gave with her heart with no expectations
    4 Showed the Aloha spirit no matter where she was
    3 my first real Best Friend, she knew the way to anyones heart.
    5 loving mom
    3 She was my best friend and always put others before herself💖
    3 the truest and most honest soul ive met to this day
    3 Courageous! Took on any challenge and succeeded!
    3 She was an inspiration to a single Mom like me!
    3 Softspoken, but stood firm in what she believed was right.
    3 She was devioted
    3 She was devoted to those she loved!
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
    2 Nanakuli High School
    1 Walmart
    1 Hugo's
  • Schools attended:
    1 Nanakuli High
    2 Leeward Community College
  • Comments:
    3 Love and miss you Nikki! see you in Heaven some day ❤️
    5 I light a candle for you for you have been the light to everyone elses candle all along
    3 You will truly be missed, but i thank God for have known you
    2 You will truly be missed Nikki! Heaven gained the best angel ever. See you whenever I get there

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