Andre Junior, age 43

Lost to gun violence on March 15, 2018 in Washington, District of Columbia.

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310 candles have been lit for Andre.
Light a candle for Andre.

You can add to Andre's profile:

  • Nickname:
    2 Cub or Cubby
    2 muskateer
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    4 Man of intergerity
    3 Dedicated, helpful, and never a stranger to anyone.
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    6 Allendale Fairfax High
    4 Dartmouth
    3 Dartmouth College
  • Comments:
    9 Andre..R.I.P. As your class of 92 classmate and friend, you will be missed.
    6 love you cuz. will be missed in Allendale sc
    6 Rest In Peace "Dre" Gone but not forgotten.
    4 1rst4life!
    4 you will always be miss BRO R.I.P. 1st ST. 4LIFE
    5 Always will remember you class’92 will never forget you
    3 R.I.H. I thought about you this early morning.
    3 Foxxy loves and misses you so much
    3 I think about you every day , I miss you 😪 so much wishing you were still here
    3 You are always on my mind and I will forever love you 1st St 4life

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