Aristedes Statiroudis, age 43

Lost to gun violence on March 12, 2018 in Bloomfield, New Jersey.

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  • Nickname:
    7 Macklemore
    2 ted
    3 Uncle Ted
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    11 Very Giving.
    4 Loving
    4 Caring
    4 Exceptional Personality
    6 Loved his family
    8 Protective
    2 Would run to help anybody who needed him
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
  • Comments:
    17 Lost a great man this week.
    9 Will be missed. teddy, you were a kind person. RIP
    7 I will miss my brother who always looked out for me rest easy and be home now, love you.
    10 love you my friend, may the corona be cold, and the cards run good
    4 gonna miss you "pal"
    4 Going to miss seeing you on your porch, love you.
    9 Gonna miss you telling me "I'm Telling Vinny on You" Love you Teddy
    2 haven't seen him in years he was such nice kid he was so funny
    3 I miss you my friend, miss our ball breaking, our funny u cuz
    1 I still miss you everyday, I pass your house
    1 shine on you crazy diamond

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