Joshua Tye

Lost to gun violence on March 2, 2018 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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591 candles have been lit for Joshua.
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  • Nickname:
    3 TyeBoy
    1 bubba
    1 Joshy
    2 big bro πŸ’™
    3 mamas boy always in forever in my heart
    1 grandma's little man
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    2 Josh was a fun loving and kind person. he was loved by all around him.
    4 Joshua had a heart of gold. He not only loved his family, but was loved by his family.
    2 Josh was a little guy but 10 foot tall and bulletproof
    2 always had the biggest smile
    1 loved my potatoe soup and uncle Money
    1 we miss your smiling face so much nephew love you fly high
    1 josh was such an amazing friend. He was funny, kind, caring!
    1 Josh and Uncle Bub was very close Josh often referred to him as the dad he never had
    1 I love u Josh aunt Nikki misses you terrible.
  • Occupation:
    1 Remodeling with Myra done good work
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    1 Ben Davis Graduate
  • Comments:
    1 I wish I could take it all away I miss u Josh
    1 I'm sorry to hear about this much love to the family you guys get a hold of me sis got my number
    1 ray ray
    1 I love you and miss you Josh! i miss the fun times we had!!
    2 i miss you more then anything big bro watch over us πŸ’™ ur big lil sister 🀞🏼
    2 i miss yu joshua Tye baby daddy fly high... always in my heart I'll love yu forever
    1 we all loved Josh even the pillow fights Josh was a great kid we love and miss u alot kiddo
    1 I love and miss you so much little man always in mammals heart
    1 Mia and Jr. love and miss you so much Josh
    1 your brother little Ronnie loves and miss you so much
    2 love you bubby
    1 love and miss you cuz give my dad a hug and kiss for me
    1 mommy loves you joshy
    1 aye boy I love you so much. I miss you. until heaven. βœŒοΈπŸ€žβ€οΈπŸ’”

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