Alistair C. Smith, age 24

Lost to gun violence on February 13, 2018 in Locust Grove, Virginia.

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477 candles have been lit for Alistair.
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You can add to Alistair's profile:

  • Nickname:
    9 Alibaba, Alie, Allstar
  • Number of children:
    6 1 Daughter (3 years old)
  • Personality:
    22 Biggest heart, must unselfish person you would ever met, and a wonderful, loving Dad.
  • Occupation:
    2 Shift Manager at Sheetz
  • Workplace:
    2 Locust Grove Sheetz
  • Schools attended:
    2 William Monroe High School, ECPI University, and Germanna University
  • Comments:
    3 my name is ian smith
    2 But what's yours
    6 I am a loving friend. How do you know Alistair?
    4 I knew him as a little boy in the UK and his mother is still my friend
    3 It was very sweet of you to start this page for him.
    20 He was a truly wonderful person and loved by many.
    20 He is missed more and more each and everyday that passes.
    11 Thinking of you today brother. You'll never know how much you are missed.
    15 I hope you know how much I truly love you
    9 I love you!

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