Payton Mattson, age 20

Lost to gun violence on November 26, 2017 in Kent, Washington.

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251 candles have been lit for Payton.
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You can add to Payton's profile:

  • Nickname:
    3 "Pay"
    2 PayWay
    2 pete
    1 PayDay!
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    5 Kind, Loyal, Respectful, Loving, Funny, Charismatic
    3 The brightest biggest smile that lit up a room!
    3 Genuine ... a true friend who would do anything for those he loved
    4 Ambitious and driven.
    4 Anything he put his mind into; he would excel in.
    2 You couldn’t beat Payton in an argument, even if he was wrong
  • Occupation:
    3 Entrepreneur
    1 Boss
    3 Payton would’ve been an amazing lawyer
  • Workplace:
    1 construction
  • Schools attended:
    5 Hazen High School
    1 McKnight middle school
  • Comments:
    4 Can't believe it P. Straight up, got me twisted, love you Pay.
    5 We miss you, love you and you'll be in our hearts 4ever Payton❤⚘🕊
    2 Sebastian sends his love and purrs forever.
    2 ill find peace.
    5 Miss you P. Your ma is a strong woman
    6 Happy 21st Birthday Payton. We miss you. Sending all our love up to you 💖💖💖.
    2 Man rest up bro you were good people P always was about your💸💸gone to soon bro...
    1 It's been two years. We miss you and think of you often ❤
    1 Sebastian is with you now. <3
    1 Still thinking of you Pay!! 💖 We miss you ❤
    2 Happy Birthday in Heaven, Payton. 082122 ❤️❤️❤️
    2 Pay pay I miss u everyday bro. Imma make u proud

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