Eddie Wanamaker, age 30

Lost to gun violence on October 26, 2017 in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

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329 candles have been lit for Eddie.
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You can add to Eddie's profile:

  • Nickname:
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    3 very funny
    3 passionate
    3 outgoing
    3 strong
    3 loyal
    2 selfless
    3 giving
    3 always smiling; brightest in da room
  • Occupation:
    2 loved
  • Workplace:
    2 family first
  • Schools attended:
    2 ps.67
  • Comments:
    5 love and loyalty ... very loving uncle brother friend
    3 you should know that you are loved. watch over us down here
    2 "REAL"..is another word to describe you hommie!!
    2 your kind actions and your bright spirit will be remembered forever
    2 you are loved
    2 you are missed
    2 nobody can ever take your place
    4 what he wanted was a chance. the violence has got to stop.
    5 gone to soon, but remembered ALWAYS.😙
    3 funny,loving,silly,DIMPLES❤️
    3 always kept me smiling such a good soul I'll love you always
    6 Heart of gold Family first always
    2 whos going to tell me, the foid was sooo good. miss you my friend
    2 Miss u son in law!!❤❤
    3 thinking about you more and more as the sun shines. you are truly missed💓💓
    2 missing you my nephew, Johnstown family will never be the same
    2 words cant describe the pain that we all have endured.
    3 weither you've known edd for years or know him for days.
    3 real recognizes real. i will forever pray over your soul and your families as well.
    3 You've givin us, taught us, and showed us way more then you know.
    2 And for that i honestly thankyou.
    3 you will always be alive to the ones that really care.
    2 Didn’t even know you, but I knew you was a good dude!
    2 crazy how you was on my radar heavy for a whole week straight and i couldnt figure out why!!
    2 was hard to get in contact with
    2 you and man was i ever so hurt after finding out why
    2 thankyou soo much for being apart of my world hommie!!
    2 one day we will be able to bust it up again
    3 in the meantime and between time ill keep your memories close within.
    2 R.I.P...check-in of 2019
    3 Checking in and showing some love 2-15-2023💯🙏🏾❤️
    2 rest in peace 🙏 knowing what went down now im hurt sleep peacefully my guy

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