Anthony Carter, age 51

Lost to gun violence on October 26, 2017 in Lexington, Kentucky.

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1457 candles have been lit for Anthony.
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  • Nickname:
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    42 sweet loving caring wounderfull heart great smile loving heart
    41 Outgoing, Sweet, Friendly
    41 very loving, and sweet
    43 loving caring a wonderful brother,
    166 Had a Joking Personallity,
    162 He helped and loved everyone
    155 He was a loving person, loved children and helped anyone who would ask
    39 He was very hard worker,loved motorcycles, enjoyed his friends and family
    153 a giver and hard worker who helped everyone and was loved by us all
    144 warm hearted ,great friend
    144 love to make you laugh
    33 I'm missing you and love you dearly
    32 COMMENTS are from the AGONY of LOSING A LOVED ONE
  • Occupation:
    132 owner of Carter's home inprovememt.
  • Workplace:
    65 Home Repair
    44 contractor
  • Schools attended:
    33 connersville Indiana
  • Comments:
    143 I love him DEARLY and MISS him EVERY moment of everyday
    136 you loved YOUR family and friend's,God created man In his image and that was YOU
    137 you are missed
    135 your smile was warming, a kind person
    138 you cared for your mom and loved her dearly and she loves you DEARLY and JEHOVAH has you now
    134 you are in our hearts and never forgotten
    134 This world lost a great person
    133 a loving son and brother you are missed every moment of everyday
    128 We love you and miss all the family times
    130 Your in our hearts and we will see you again.I miss your smile,your laughter and the hugs
    134 Your kindness had no end,your giving had no boundaries,your heart was always giving
    132 This world lost a person who made a difference,who was cherished by all
    127 missing your laughter and hugs
    129 you made a difference in everyone's life,we love you
    129 time passes but the pain of losing you lingers to no end,I love my SWEET DEAR BROTHER
    131 You are loved to no end,missed by everyone
    126 day comes and night passes but there's no end to our agony.Missing you!
    128 The grieving never ends,remembering all you did,the kindness, love you gave to us all
    124 You are admired for your kindness,loving heart,generosity and thoughtfulness YOU ARE DEARLY MISSED
    129 Such great senseless loss of a friend,brother and son
    115 loved sports ,UK,wrestled,martial arts and working out A GREAT GIVER OF LOVE
    126 My life is empty without you
    122 Our family is SUFFERING you were sweet,kind generous,loving,sensitive and giving WE MISS YOU
    125 What do we do without YOU
    120 You come to my thoughts everyday and you your your in my heart every moment,lost without you
    120 I miss your hugs your smiles your LOVE, I LOVE YOU
    114 The pain never goes away,the horrific loss of you is UNBEARABLE
    109 Grief is the pain of the heart beating but slows down,anguished by not seeing my brother
    117 I wake up EVERYDAY MISSING YOU
    115 I'm MISSING you
    113 I LOVE YOU ANTHONY our accepting your gone is UNBEARABLE
    97 You are missed
    88 not a day goes by that you are being missed and grieved for
    90 A killer took a loving, kind and generous person
    91 Grieving over your loss,missing your smile and hugs
    88 Anthony was a loving brother,he had a heart of gold help anyone,
    90 I can't believe your gone,the pain never goes away
    79 Anthony was a master's in home improvement and repairs,
    75 anthony would always hug u and kiss u on the cheek, he had a wonderful smile,
    83 Your life MATTERED
    78 Anthony i love u,
    75 Anthony was so sweet,a Wounderfull person,
    68 today and ever day is hard knowing that u are not with me,I love u Anthony
    67 Anthony there's isn't a minute that go by that I cry because someone taken you're life,I love u
    79 When I think of you I SMILE
    61 I am still in shock I can't believe this,
    72 Anthony was loved,
    59 to me passes but the pain of your murder is unbearable I'm missing YOU
    71 Anthony u will never be for gotten,
    69 thinking of u everyday
    49 Anthony would help u and no matter who u are and ask no question's
    50 anthony was my uncle,I loved him like brother,
    49 everyday is very difficult,
    44 love u Anthony,I Wil not gave up,I will flight to get justice FOR u
    41 there isn't a minute that go by that I am always thinking of Anthony,
    31 it very difficult for me I cry ever day I loved anthony so much,,
    38 every day is a bad day for me,because I no longer have my brother,
    34 the pain is still there ,feels the same the evening it happens,
    37 the pain is always with u,
    30 I am grateful to be able to write about my brother
    25 this site help u because of u are not the only one
    23 that's has lost a love one,
    25 as the days go by its is still very difficult for the lost's of my brother
    48 I love and miss you, everyday gets harder to be WITHOUT YOU
    20 anthony was shot on a thursday October 26-17 he passed away Friday october 27-17
    26 every day is very difficult,
    17 June 24-18 5:35 pm Sunday I try to write something every day,
    20 my heart is broken and i will never be the same,
    16 some times when I write this about Anthony I started crying,so it's hard to see,I loved him so much,
    15 and it's is very difficult for me,
    20 he was such a wonderful brother,
    15 This has been the hardest eight months,u never get over something like
    20 a wonderful person ,brother and friend we want JUSTICE
    18 time goes by BUT changes nothing the agonizing loss is unbearable
    15 it's has been very difficult for me,I think of Anthony every day,there
    14 isn't a minute or second 24/7 that I am always thinking
    16 of Anthony he was a loving and caring brother,
    17 he is always in my prayers,he was a great man kind and a gentleman,
    16 he will be with us again, I don't have to worry about him,because Jehovah has him,
    12 7-2-18 Monday 1:13 PM JUSTICE FOR ANTHONY
    10 7-2-18 1:17 PM Monday
    14 everyday it's get's harder because my brother isn't with us,
    9 october 26-17 thursday passed away october 27-17 friday morning,
    15 Anthony was a good person,he was a loveing son,
    18 Anthony was loved by his family, I loved him dearly,
    13 there's isn't a day that go by,he is always on my mind,
    15 as time goes by its getting ready hard,knowing that my brother is no longer with us,
    13 i am still having a difficult time with my brother death,
    11 and the only once's that knows how we feel,
    13 is the family that has lost's a love one,
    11 the pain is so bad that some day's it very difficult to try to deal with,
    13 I am thankful for this site's,
    16 I wanted justice for my brother,
    14 Anthony was LOVED by us all
    13 Missing a GREAT FRIEND
    11 be life is so precious,no one should ever take another person's life,
    11 anthony was a wonderful son,a loving and caring son,
    13 anthony was a wonderful brother and a loving and caring brother,
    11 this is so heartbreaking,I still can't believe that my brother was murders,
    12 anthony is always on my mind,I kept going over and over
    12 Justice For Anthony
    10 this is very difficult to have your brother killed / murders,
    16 anthony was very loved by his family,
    9 my brother was shot in Oct 26-17 on Jeffrey ct in Lexington,ky
    10 it will be nine months the 26 of July,
    11 but seems like it was just yesterday ,as the days go by,I always
    9 think of Anthony there isn't a minute or second go's by with
    11 out me thinking of Anthony,the pain is with u everyday,
    10 and ever minted 24/7 days a week nonstop,
    9 only one that know's how u feel is the onces,that has had someone
    11 in there family's has had someone killer murders,they are the,
    9 only one that understands,
    9 it's is 12:05 am thinking about my brother Anthony,it hard to go to sleep thinking about anthony ,
    9 July 11-18 Wednesday it is 12:07 am,
    10 get all the players,
    9 that was involved,
    11 u will never be forgotten u will always be will us,
    11 when my brother Anthony died,are life charges we the Carter's family will never be the same,
    14 Grieving NEVER ENDS
    10 it will be nine months on July 26-18 it was just like yesterday,the pain is
    9 is still with me,something that u Wil never get over,
    11 how much I loved my brother Anthony Carter
    11 when someone is taken away like this by being killed murder,is very devastating,
    9 July 16-18 monday having a hard time myself trying to deal with his death
    14 he was such a good brother Anthony was loved by me,
    11 after midnight July 16-18 thinking about my brother Anthony death,
    11 it is very difficult to try to deal with,
    9 7-16-18 monday evening 6:12 pm it will be nine months this coming date 7-26-18
    10 7-17-18 11:36 am Tuesday,I hope that anthony will get justice,
    10 and murder Anthony the people that was involved if not,
    11 than there isn't any justice for Anthony till all the players that was involved put behind bars,
    12 my brother Anthony shouldn't be dead he should be will us,
    12 my brother was a hard working person,he worked for a living???
    9 this person taken my brother Anthony life,
    16 I believe that this person life should be behind bars for the rest of his life,life without parole,
    11 for the killing murder of Anthony Carter
    12 that's go's for anyone that has murder or killed someone should be behind bars,
    11 for the rest of there's life's,
    11 killing these's people's that to good for them,let them suffer,
    11 let them prison's work for there kept in prison,
    10 so the taxpayers won't have to pay for there keep, like the old days,
    19 my brother Anthony Carter was a wonderful person a loving and caring person,
    11 please take a moment to say a prayer for these love ones that has
    11 lost there love one's by the hands of someone else,
    13 he had a good heart,not a bad bone in him,
    8 7-17-18 tuesday 2:10 pm today is not a good day for me,
    9 7-18-18 5:41 pm Wednesday Anthony I promise that we will make
    13 sure that all the players are charges in the
    10 the killer/ murder
    10 they do have the killer/ murder behind bars,but they are people
    10 because they will not be any justice,
    8 till they have all the players,
    15 I love my brother Anthony dearly,
    12 Anthony you are inspiration and a true man who was brave and stood fast
    7 7-20-18 Fri 1:58 pm
    8 because there isn't any justice till all the players are charges,
    8 7-20-18 Fri 9:03 pm my heart is broken,do to the lost of my brother Anthony Carter,
    8 7-21-18 Sat 8:29 pm I can't keep from crying,I keep thinking about my brother Anthony,
    10 this is something that u will never forget,the lost of a sibling,a brother
    9 that u love dearly,he was a wonderful person,
    10 it still very difficult to talk about,because it hurts,
    8 the only one that knows exactly how a person feel is the onces,
    8 that has a love one murder,other people don't understand,and some really don't care,
    8 but the onces does is the ones that knows exactly what anyone is going through,
    8 the same thing,
    8 it's something that u can't explain no one should ever go through this,
    9 my brother Anthony was a good person,he was a loving and caring person.
    8 Anthony was a master's in home improvement,he was very good what he did,
    10 Anthony was a hard working person,loved children and animals,he was very in good in a lot of things,
    8 he was vey particular what he did,
    8 it feels like I am writing about some one else this isn't anthony,
    8 I quess because I don't want to believe that it is,
    8 I keep asking myself a hold lot of questions,
    8 about the killing murder Anthony,I do know a lot more now than I did when this all happened,
    8 found out a lot who's was involved also know the names of the people,
    8 I hated this person that taken my brother life,
    11 aiding and abetting a fugitive from justice,
    9 accomplice / accessory
    9 I quess that the family members will have to make sure that anthony dose get justice
    8 because there's was more than the killer murder involved,
    8 and hopefully that's they will come forward,
    8 I pray that anyone knew's anything about the killing murder of anthony ,
    9 there are days when I just can't believe that my brother is,
    8 gone,the killer murder messed with the wrong family,
    10 because we will not give up till all
    8 the players are charges ,
    9 7-26-18 Thu, my brother was someone that was loved,
    8 there are so much killing going on in this,
    8 world's,and it's not getting any better,
    8 there have been to many lives that had been taken,
    8 I never in my life would every think that someone
    7 would take my brother life,
    9 these people that kills other people has no respect for human's,
    7 evil people, are the only one that lives,
    9 I light a candle almost every day and write something about anthony,
    9 something light two candle in a day,
    8 yes i loved my brother,
    9 Anthony was a people's person,he loved life,if u was Anthony friend,
    7 u was his friend for life,he would always be there for u,
    11 this person that taken my brother life had no idea who's life he has taken away,
    8 and hopefully that's this person will get what is coming to him,
    7 this evening around 5:20 pm or something around that time,
    8 my brother Anthony was shot and died, he was murder on Oct 26-17
    8 my brother passed away around 3:33 am,
    9 this was the hardest part that my brother is dead,
    7 that night I will never forget,
    8 this has been the hardest nine months of my life,
    8 with the losts of u,no one should ever go through this,
    8 there's isn't a day that go's by that I cry for my brother,
    8 because he is not with us, i loved him dearly,
    8 if I only knew that he was having problems with,
    8 this person,I would have got him the he'll out of there,
    7 was a cold blooded killer murder,he
    8 behind bars,and never have been let out of prison,
    8 the killer murder is a hard core gang bang,
    7 and is a dangerous to the public,because he is a killer,
    7 7-28-18 been nine months and I feel the same,
    8 as it happens the very first day,
    6 nothing has changed since my brother Anthony was murder,
    6 and still having a difficult time,u grieving process never stopped,
    6 we are all grieving of a losts love one,
    6 no one should ever have to go through ,
    6 losing a love one,do to being murder,
    6 the rest of your life
    6 and he passed away do to his injuries
    6 so always tell your love once's that u love them because u never know what could happen to uhh,
    7 I loved my brother Anthony,he was my baby brother,
    6 I am on here every day,I looked at his picture,
    6 has murder my brother.😭
    6 my heart aches,for the losts of Anthony,😭
    7 anthony was loved,he was a loving person,
    6 it's is very difficult to come on here,it broken your heart,
    6 to see my brother Anthony on here and so many others,
    6 no one life should be taken,by being killed murder by another person,
    6 today is 7-30-18 monday,
    6 still can't believe that my brother is gone,
    5 it's very difficult knowing that he no longer with us,
    5 I remember when his dog's died,
    5 he loved them,them two little dogs was the love of his life,
    6 anthony had a good heart,he was a loving and caring person,
    8 I could tell u so many wonderful stories about anthony,
    6 he loved to work on his truck/ car,I remember when,
    6 he worked on his motorcycle's he had a lot of them,
    6 there wasn't to much of anything that he didn't like,
    6 he loved to work with his hands,
    6 he also enjoyed working on homes,
    8 he was a master's in home improvement,
    8 I want to remember Anthony,all the happy times, he was so funny,he had a beautiful smile,he would
    8 always hug u and kiss u on the cheek,
    8 I miss him dearly,if only I could have helped him,
    7 if I had knew what was going on,
    6 I would have been there,
    6 I cry every day for the losts of Anthony,and I do cry for the victims on here also,
    6 I hope and pray that his helpers will come forward,
    6 because there's will not be any justice till they do,
    6 anthony we will make sure that all the players that's was involved be changed,
    7 the Carter's will make sure of that,
    7 we the Carter's will stick together,
    6 anthony we are here going to get justice for u,
    8 I love u Anthony,I pray for justice,
    5 7-31-18 not happy today,can't say why,
    6 8-2-18 Thu, I love u Anthony,
    6 8-2-18 Thu,3:56 pm my brother is in a better place for (now) Jehovah is watching over him,
    6 listen we the one's that have wented through losing a love one knows exactly how we feel,
    6 we have the right to grieve any way we wanted to,each person is different,
    6 but let me say this it's very difficult,because u are in pain,
    5 u hurt so bad that it hard sometimes to cope with the pain,
    6 your heart hurts because u have losts a love one,
    8 I think about anthony the pain that he went through,
    5 I wented back in time,closeing my eyes remembering thing that anthony did,
    5 I laughed because he was so funny,
    5 it's is very difficult to lose your family member,one of your sibling,
    5 I grieving every day,every minute 24/7 for the losts of my brother Anthony Carter,
    5 walking around my home today,thinking about anthony still can't believe that my brother is gone,
    6 I having a difficult time with my brother death,
    5 anthony is my uncle he was a loving / careing person, I miss him,he was always there for me,
    5 anthony was my uncle also,he was a loving/ careing person,he was a wonderful uncle,my favorite,
    7 anthony was loved by his family,
    5 we the Carter's family has losts a sibling,
    5 we are all grieving over the losts of Anthony,
    5 the losts of my brother Anthony has taken a toll on me,because I loved anthony dearly,
    5 because we was very close,he was more like a son than a brother,
    5 it's hard to explain the pain that u are going through,
    5 the only one's that knows exactly what anyone is going through
    5 is the one's that's has a love one
    5 murder,this is something that u will never forget,
    8 I loved my brother Anthony more than u will ever know,he was a wonderful person,
    5 he was a careing and loving person,
    5 8-6-18 monday the pain never ends,as the days and months are passing by,
    5 the pain is still with u,
    5 I think about my brother Anthony every day there isn't a day that go's by
    5 that I am always thinking about my brother Anthony,I miss him,
    5 we will never be the same,because you're loved one
    5 has been murder,I cry every day,
    6 I go through that evening that my brother was shot,
    5 going to the hospital,and than the worst thing of my life,
    5 was told that are brother passed away,that morning my life changed
    5 it's hard to put in words how a person feel,
    5 because people don't understand or care,
    5 u have losts a sibling they are a part of u,
    5 a pices of u is gone,anthony family and friends miss him dearly,
    6 MISSING A GREAT PERSON,BROTHER,FRIEND always missed never forgotten ,
    5 I come on here to see my brother's face again And again it doesn't seem real
    5 If you intentionally take a life yours should be taken!!!
    5 we the Carter's family comes on here only to see are brother face,
    5 no it's doesn't feel real,
    5 his mother are his siblings will never seen him touch or hug or kiss or talk or
    5 or tell him how much we love him,because we would always tell one another that I love u,
    5 but the saddest part he was murder,
    6 Anthony was a hard working person loved to work,
    5 enjoy life,he was a master's in home improvement,
    5 today is 8-12-18 2:08 pm Sunday going on ten months
    5 since my brother Anthony Carter was killed/ murder,
    5 Anthony was a lovable person,he had a good soul,I miss him,
    5 anthony if u only knew,
    5 I MISS MY BROTHER--We will get JUSTICE
    5 my life charges from the first day that my brother was murder,
    6 you're life will never be the same ,
    5 it still feel the same nothing has changed,
    5 I think about anthony all the things he done,
    5 all the homes that he worked on,
    5 it's hard because I see things that he did,
    5 it very difficult because I go back to that
    5 everving he was shot,he passed away
    5 there isn't any word's that can tell u how,
    5 a person feel's it hard to put into words,
    5 August 20-18 12-56 am Monday
    5 I haven't wrote anything in a few days,sorry. Anthony,
    6 it so hard to come on here to write about u,
    5 and u should be here,I love u Anthony,I so sorry that someone has murder u,
    5 I have a difficult time writing about u,some days are worse than others,
    5 I hope that the killer will get life behind bars without any parole,
    5 let him died in prison,he will get to live,
    5 the killer deserve to died,for what he did that's the killing of Anthony,
    5 8-27-17 tuesday 9:46 pm
    5 I love u Anthony i missed him so much,it's been ten months
    5 and it still feel the same way the morning he passed away,
    5 nothing has changed since my brother was shot killed murder
    5 on october 26-17 thursday between 5:30 pm or so,
    5 Anthony passed away October 27-17 Fri morning around 3:33am
    5 he fought for his life,but he losts,because of the injuries,
    5 I would have got him out of there,but Anthony had a right to be anywhere he wanted,
    5 Carter's are foughter,
    5 for what is right,
    5 we the Carter's will make damn sure that anthony does get JUSTICE
    5 Aug-30-18 11:21 pm Thu I hated Thursday
    5 Anthony was my uncle he was a good uncle,
    5 we grow up together he was more like a brother,
    5 he was a careing person,he was always there for us,
    5 he was loved by all of us,
    5 Aug 31-18 8:04 pm fri,
    5 I wish that anthony was here,
    6 the killer is living,eating,driving,sleeping,watching tv, living a good life,
    5 and the taxpayers are keeping him in jail,
    5 my brother isn't enjoying his self,he can't sleep,watching tv,laying around going to work,
    5 he can't do anything because he dead,
    5 my brother had a life,he worked,didn't life off of the taxpayers,
    5 but he not here to enjoying his self, this person that killed murder Anthony,
    5 gets to live,more than he gave my brother, he gave Anthony death,
    7 my brother was very important to us,he was a Carter's,
    6 anthony was a great person, loving and caring brother and son,
    5 September 2-18 5:05 pm sunday,
    6 so sad that anthony isn't with us,he should be here enjoying his life,
    5 today with his family and friends,
    5 September 5-18 9:10 PM
    6 thinking about u today going back when u was a baby,
    5 how's sweet little baby u was,
    5 watching as u grow up into a teenager u was a good kid,
    5 even as to grow up in to a man u still stay the same Anthony u was always there,for your siblings,
    5 u was a careing person who love every one,
    5 anthony was loved by me,he was a loving and caring brother,
    5 I still think of him every minute of the day / 24/7 I still,
    4 can't believe this has happened,it is still like,
    4 a dream and I haven't wake-up from this nightmare,
    4 it's been ten months August 26-18
    4 but it feels like just yesterday,I cry every day
    4 I can't sleep at night is the worst,because I close my eyes,
    4 and see Anthony there laying on the ground dieding,
    4 and I can't do anything to help him,I am at home when he was shot killed murder,
    4 but I was at the hospital with my sister,we wouldn't stay right there and didn't move,
    4 because we was afraid that we miss something about anthony,if only
    4 by his self,that the worsted PART,
    5 I love anthony very dearly,I wouldn't have gave anything to keep him from getting hurt or killed,
    4 9-6-18 2:38 pm thursday I hated Thu because that the evening that anthony,
    4 was shot,and passed away nine hrs later,
    4 on october26-17 Thu Anthony was shot ,died Oct 27-17 Fri morning around 3:33 am,
    4 anthony was loved by me,
    4 it been ten months and I still think,,
    4 of him every minute of the day 24/7
    6 I still can't believe that he no longer with us,
    4 and he should be,my heart hurts,I cry every day,
    4 the pain never go's away,
    4 9-8-18 3:25 pm sat, dreaming about anthony i still can't believe that he on here,
    4 he was a careing and loving person,a wounferfull
    4 brother/son/ uncle,
    4 9-11-18 6:17 pm bad day started crying can't still believe that someone killed my brother,
    4 we can't huge kiss talk seem hear his voice,there nothing
    5 all we have is the memories,
    4 it's really hard to explain how a person really feels,
    4 the pain never will go away,it with u for the rest of your life,
    4 I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemies
    4 if anyone knew Anthony they know that anthony was a great person,
    4 a good friend,he would go out of his way to help u,
    4 Sept,12-18 3:28 pm Wednesday
    3 going on 11 months this coming 26 of September,it really feels like it's
    4 no matter of time u will always remember you're brother no matter how much times go's by,
    4 the pain is with u always,u grieve every day 24/7 every minute and second of the day,
    4 Anthony was my baby brother I loved him,
    4 I will never forget the wounderfull time we had taking about old time,
    4 when he was born up till he was a teenager,
    4 and a adult,
    4 he grew into to be a man,
    4 and was a great person that loved life,
    4 he like working with his hands,that why he started be interested in doing home inrovement
    4 building,so that how he got started in home improvement,and he was very good at what he did,
    4 and loved it,he also love working on car's truck,and motocrycles
    4 I loved my brother,
    4 Sept 13-18 Thu 11:42 Am I go to bed thinking about my brother Anthony,and wake-up doing the night,
    4 what had happened to him,
    4 no matter where I am I am always thinking of him,
    4 every truck that I seem that looks like anthony I broken down,
    4 my life charged the first minute that my brother was shot,
    4 than a prices of me died with Anthony,I loved anthony dearly,
    4 I remember like it was yesterday,something that u Will never forget,
    4 because of the way he died by someone else killed him
    4 people don't care about u half u are gone,friends and family,some but very little,
    4 I grieve every day for the lost of my brother Anthony,
    4 I love Anthony I still can't believe this,
    4 September 14-18 11:56 am Fri,
    4 8-12 pm Friday night
    4 Anthony is my uncle it's very difficult for me because he was like a brother than
    4 a uncle,he was a loving person,
    6 it's been a very difficult time for me,
    4 because Anthony and I was very close,
    4 anthony was a loving and caring persons,
    5 I love you DEARLY,LOVE SERENA
    4 Sept.16-18 2:00 pm sunday it doesn't get any better,11months
    4 and the pain it like the first time that,
    4 was told that anthony passed away,
    4 something that u will never get over,
    4 when u have had a love one murder,
    4 there is no way that anyone can tell u in words how u really feel,
    4 everything runs through my mind remembering him how sweet he was,
    6 he loved his mother and his mother loved him,
    4 she talks about him every day wanted to know where he is,
    4 and why he hasn't been over,that hard,
    4 not to tell her,she doesn't know that he was murder,
    4 but that's a lied,because he seems his mother every day
    4 but she would grieve her self to death,
    4 he was moving back in with his sister,
    4 to help take care of his mother,
    5 his mother is 95 years old,and not in good health,
    5 KNOWING that I'll neveevtalk or see you or laugh with you again is UNBEARABLE
    4 September 18-18 1:09 pm tuesday,I pray to Jehovah every night to help me
    4 because I just can't take it anymore,the losts of
    5 of my brother Anthony,it's hard because he was murder killed,
    4 I go back the evening that he was shot killed murder and died nine hrs,
    4 later october 37-17 Fri morning around 3:33 am
    4 I can still hear the word's that the doctor said,
    4 my life changed the second,I haven't been the same,
    4 anthony stuff because of this killer,but he will get what is,
    4 coming to him the (killer)
    4 Jehovah will take care of him,
    4 anthony was a loving and caring person he loved Jehovah,and his mother and family
    4 September 18-17 3:30 pm tuesday
    4 anthony was my uncle he was a good person he really was more like
    4 a brother than a uncle my name is Ron the lost,'s is unbearable he had a heart of gold,
    4 it doesn't feel like he's gone but I know that
    4 he is,this has been very difficult on his family,
    5 I will always remember how loving Anthony was,
    4 I miss your presence, i'm knumb it's a pain that goes deep down in your every essence of being
    4 September 22-18 Saturday afternoon 1:43 pm,
    4 I miss my baby brother,anthony was a good person he was a loving and caring person,
    4 it's been very difficult for me because anthony and I was close,
    4 there are so many things that I can say
    4 about anthony my heart is broken,he was such a great person,
    4 it's going on 11months the 26-of this month September
    4 but it's feels just like yesterday,time has stopped for me,
    4 the evering that my brother was shots killed murder,
    4 the worse day of my life,
    4 it hard to believe,I have a hard time looking at his pictures,and thinking of all the
    4 wonderful thing that's he did,
    4 he was a master's in home inroverements,
    5 anthony was a likely person,
    4 it doesn't stop hurting,the losts of a loved one,
    4 the pain with with no matter where u are,
    4 September 29-18 12:58 pm saturday
    5 Anthony was a great person,he care about people,by that he losts his life,
    4 it's is still very difficult,to look at his pictures or talk
    4 about anthony,it will always be this way till I passed away,
    4 I loved Anthony dearly and the pain with u every day every,
    4 second/ min of the day,24/7
    4 it hard to believe that he no longer with us,
    4 Anthony was such a wonderful person,
    4 by Anthony being a person that cared about people
    4 and trying to make something better for them,
    4 that's what got him killed,
    4 but u can't help people ,and in this day and time,
    4 the people that u are helping don't really care,
    4 that's how anthony was he would help anyone,
    4 no matter who they was,
    4 he was a man,a real man,
    4 by bringing nice and caring that's what got him killed murder,
    5 I hope and pray that all the players are caught,
    5 because there won't be any justice till all the players are caught,
    4 I still can't believe that's someone has killed him,
    4 he was a good person,I remember the last time I seem him,at my grandmothers home,he loved
    4 his mother,it has been hard on the family,
    3 Anthony didn't deserve to be killed murder,I hope that
    4 the killer murder will get what is coming to him,
    4 I miss Anthony,we where very close's growing up together,he really was my big brother
    4 Anthony was a great person,a loving person,a careing person,
    4 wonderful person,heart of gold,and a good souls
    3 we are a close family and we losts one of are familiar members,
    5 we the Carter's will get justice for are brother anthony Carter
    4 and make damn sure that this person,
    4 that killed murder are brother Wil get what is coming to him,and find the people that helped
    5 the killer murder,the killer and his accomplice's.
    4 all we ask that are brother will get justice and bring all the players that was involved to justice.
    4 September 30- 18
    4 Anthony i will always remember the good times I love u,from Ron
    4 it's has been a difficult time for all of your family,
    4 we all love u,your family and friends,
    5 Anthony was such a wonderful person that cared about his family and friends,
    4 Anthony was a real man,
    3 October 1-18 4:19 pm Monday it's coming on a year the 26-of october,
    4 that anthony life was taken away,
    4 I remember the evening that I got a call,
    4 on october 26-17 around 6:00 or 6:30 don't really
    4 remember the exact time,my sister told me that anthony had been shot,
    4 and what's hospital he was at,
    4 I drove by myself to UK hoping that he would be OK
    4 for nine hrs he was in surgery ,but the the doctor did everything to save his life
    4 but couldn't,my brother stuffer ,but he fought for his life,but nothing could have saved him
    4 I have that memories of that evening to the end something that
    4 u will never forget,I love my brother anthony Carter,it's still very difficult for me
    4 I wish that I could go back in time and charged that evening,
    4 my son's loved Anthony they was more like brother's growing up together,it's been hard on them,
    4 because they was so close's,
    4 Anthony worked with two of them for years,been hard on them,
    4 Anthony was there uncle,but they was brother's
    4 because being so close,Anthony teach them how to do home improvement,
    5 Anthony was good at what he did, they had a great teacher
    4 10-3-18 Thu 3:41 pm
    4 I keep thinking about anthony ,the evening he was shot,
    4 from the beginning to the time he passed away,
    4 October 27-17 Friday morning around 3:33 AM that's when my life
    4 changed,a pices of my heart gone,the losts of a sibling,
    6 This pain is with u for the rest of your life,
    5 I loved my brother anthony Carter dearly,
    3 he was my brother,it's going on a year this month october 26-18
    4 I try not to get upset because I want to hurt this person,
    4 for taking my brother life,
    4 10-5-18 7:42 am Fri morning seating in bed thinking about Anthony,it sad
    4 that someone take his life,
    4 10-6-18 4-56 pm Saturday,
    4 almost a year this october 26-18
    4 but it feels just like yesterday time has stood still
    5 I miss Anthony I still is hard to believe,
    5 that he gone, I think of him every day,
    4 nothing has changed for me I feel exactly the same,
    4 the day that Anthony was shot
    4 and passed away,that something that no one
    4 Will every forget,it's still feel not real
    4 anthony was so sweet,he had this way about his,
    4 self,he was a likable person ,
    4 october 7-18- 3:20 pm sunday,
    4 october 8-18 4:12 pm monday,
    3 only ones know how someone feels it the
    4 ones that really knows how someone feels
    4 is the onces that had a love one killed or murder,
    3 it's going on a year,this coming month,october 26-18 anthony was shot,
    4 he passed away october 27-17 ,
    4 The worst day of my life,
    3 I remember that day on October 26-17 sometime after 5:00 pm
    4 I got a call saying that anthony was shot,I pray all the way to the hospital,
    3 hoping that he be ok,
    3 but didn't know how bad he was,than we found out,
    3 he was in surgery over nine hrs,but couldn't be saved,
    3 he passed away october 27-17 Fri morning around 3:33 am,
    3 at the time all we care about was are brother pulling through this,nothing else matters at this,
    3 time only anthony,when I hear that my brother had died,
    3 I could believe what I was heading,
    3 than he'll broke loose,
    4 I wanted this person,for the killing/ murder of my brother,
    3 I hope and pray that he the killing/ murder will getting what is coming to him,
    3 that's is life in prison without any possible of parole,
    3 october 9-18 1:46 pm Wednesday,
    3 I pray for my brother anthony every day,the hardest thing it he no,
    3 longer with us,but I know that he in a better,
    3 places,he in Jehovah hands,I hope I will seen
    3 he loved Jehovah,believe in the truth,
    3 it's been very difficult for me,because I truly love Anthony,
    3 anthony was loved by his two nephew,Anthony was a loving and caring person,
    3 it also has been a very difficult time for us,
    3 because we grow up together,he was more,
    3 like a brother,someone that we looked up to,
    3 u couldn't ask for a better person than anthony,
    3 he teaches us how to do home ,
    3 improvement,Anthony was very good at what he did,
    3 we losts a wonderful uncle,
    3 we are heartbroken,
    3 anthony was my baby brother,but really like a son,
    3 october 13-18 11:57 am Fri, every day I go back in time remembering,
    3 Anthony how he talked / walk
    3 so many things,smile / kiss u on the cheek / hug u/
    3 I miss my brother,it so sad that someone would take,
    3 his life,if only u have known anthony,
    5 he was a loving and caring person,
    3 october 13-18 12:57 pm saturday,I know that it's almost going on a year,
    3 but time doesn't matter,because someone that u loved dearly
    3 is no longer with us,are sibling there is a
    3 part of u that's gone,Anthony
    4 was a wonderful person if u only knew him,
    3 he had this way about his self,
    4 that people like him,he was a great brother,
    3 I miss Anthony every day 24/7 every minute of the day,
    3 it still doesn't feel real,I don't know why,
    3 but I do know that no matter what I will always,
    4 have a hold in my heart,Anthony was so much like his father,
    3 it's hard to believe that someone has taken his life,
    3 october 13-18 1:08 pm saturday
    3 october 14-18 1:42 pm sunday
    3 my heart is broken because the loss of my brother,
    3 anthony was shot,died murder,I will never forget him,because
    3 I truly love Anthony he was a wonderful person a
    3 loving and caring person,he was my best friend,
    3 no matter what I could always go to him,
    3 if I had a problem,he was always there when I needed him
    3 this person that killed my brother,has no idea what he has taken away from me,
    4 I haven't been the same since my brother anthony Carter was murder,
    3 my brother knew that i truly loved him,
    3 October 14-18 1:51 pm sunday
    3 october 18-18 8:48 pm Thursday I miss posting for three days,I just haven't been myself ,
    3 and I felt bad about not posting anything about Anthony,
    3 it coming next week october 26-18 one year,
    3 since my brother was shot killed murder, this has been the hardest time of my life,
    3 because of losing my brother
    3 there isn't a minute or second go's by
    3 it's 24/7 something that u will never forget,
    3 it's always with u,it harder when u have someone of your,
    3 sibling that was shot killed murder,I loved my brother anthony Carter,
    3 october 18-18 Thu,
    3 october 19-18 5:42 pm Friday;it has been a long almost one year,
    3 next week october 26-18 on a Friday that my
    3 brother was shot killed murder it's has been a very difficult time for are family,
    3 anthony was are baby brother number seven,
    3 anthony was a wonderful loving and caring brother son uncle nephew,
    3 a person that was very thankful to have,
    3 because anthony was different he had a heart of gold,if only if u knew him
    3 he had a sweetness smile,and was a kind loving and caring person
    3 it's really hard to describe how u feel, it's a feeling that no one should have to go through,
    3 it's is still difficult for his family,
    3 it's been a difficulty time
    3 for the family,still in shock,can't believe that
    3 someone taken his life,this person has no idea what he has done,
    3 he taken a son/ brother/ uncle/ nephew/ sister law / brother law /
    3 aunt ,we have so many wonderfull memoirs.
    3 october 20-18 11:49 am Saturday,
    3 in six days it will be one year since my brother was shot killed murder,
    3 it's hard to write something about a person that no,
    3 longer with us,some days are worst than others,
    2 grieving process never ends,no matter who tells u it does
    3 because no matter what u do it will be with u,
    3 all your life,it never go's away,
    3 u are always in pain,your heart is broken,
    3 it never will be the same,
    3 I loved my brother anthony Carter,I am so hurt,the lost of my brother anthony,
    3 it going on a year next week end,but not,
    3 for me,because time stopped the day that my brother was shot killed murder,
    3 october 20-18 5:48 pm
    3 october 22-18 4:25 pm this Friday evening will be one year,
    3 since my brother was shot killed murder,but it really does feel
    3 like a year,because time stopped that very
    3 moment,every day been a very difficult time for me,
    3 I losted my brother,it been a very difficult time because it something
    3 that's u will never get over,
    3 I can't believe that someone would wanted to killed my brother,
    3 I grieve every day wishing he was here,
    3 october 22-18 4:15 Monday,
    3 October 25-18 5:44 pm thursday tomorrow is one year since my brother was murder,
    2 anthony was shot,passed away october 27-17 Fri morning,nine hrs later,it been
    3 a very difficult time for me,and my son's,
    3 they grew up together,anthony
    3 was a wonderful brother and uncle,u
    3 couldn't ask for a better brother and uncle,
    4 we loved Anthony very much,
    3 has been very difficult,because u couldn't ask for a better person than anthony,
    3 It's been 1 YEAR and the lingering anguish NEVER ends RIP JUSTICE FOR ANTHONY
    3 october 27-18 8:10 pm saturday,
    3 today been a very sad day for us,
    3 been one year today that anthony was murder,
    4 october 27-18 Sat we let off balloons for the honor of him
    3 it had been one year today;he favorite color was purple,
    3 I didn't write anything yesterday,
    3 but I felt bad by not writing something,
    3 sad day we was letting them off right where
    3 he was shot,it been a very difficult time through the year,
    3 but it feels the the same just like it just happened,time stopped for me,
    3 it's doesn't feel right it's very different from someone dyeing do to be murder.
    3 it a different feeling,but death is all the same,
    3 but murder someone being a human,taking a human life,
    3 I miss my brother,I sure loved him, and he loved me,
    3 he was my baby brother,
    3 Anthony is no longer with us but he is in a place for just a little awhile,
    4 Jehovah is taking care of him,till the day he will be back,
    3 it was really hard to go back there where he was shot,
    3 killed/ murder,than that causes pain,remembering what had been done,
    3 to brother stuff and that's the saddest part because he didn't deserve to be murder,
    3 october 28-18 11:57 am Sunday,
    3 If you take a life yours should be taken •DEATH PENALTY•
    3 November 2-18 1:44 pm Fri,it been a year Sat october 27-18
    3 that my brother Anthony was shot,
    3 and passed away,due to his inquiries,
    3 was very difficult to go there where he was shot,
    3 and died in front of his own residents,
    3 I miss Anthony and I truly loved him,
    3 it still hard to put in words how a person really feels,
    3 we where close,he was a wonderful brother,
    3 November 2-18 1:51 pm Fri,
    3 November 4-18 4:53 pm Sunday I know that it's has been a year since my brother was shot,
    3 on october 26-1
    3 it very painful,knowing that my brother is gone,
    3 I loved my brother anthony,
    3 u can't really put into words how u feel,
    3 this pain will always be with u,
    3 i am still having a difficult time believe that he gone,
    3 November 4-18 5:00 pm Sunday
    3 November 5-18 12:50 pm monday,
    3 everyday I think of my brother,he was so sweet,in everything that he did had to be,
    3 a certain way,he was very particular what he did,
    3 he was a loving brother,he was my best friend,
    3 always there for me are anyone else,
    3 November 5-18 12-55 pm
    3 November 6-18 11:01 pm tuesday
    3 I go over and over in my mind,remembering the evening that he was shot,
    3 it feels like I am in a dream,
    2 November 6-18 11:05 pm tuesday
    3 November 7-18 12-57 pm Wednesday,
    3 I have been going back in time,
    3 remembering Anthony when he was born he was so sweet,
    3 watching he grow up,into a teenager,
    3 and into a adult than into a man,
    3 I take care of him through the years from a baby,
    3 till around 12 or 14,my siblings was never left alone,someone
    3 was always with them,
    3 November 7-18 1-07 pm Wednesday,
    3 November 8-18 2:45 pm thursday the hardest part is he not here,
    3 November 9-18 9:45 pm Friday night,
    3 I can't help thinking about my brother,it so unbelievable that he isn't with us,
    3 it's not right that he not here,
    3 he didn't deserve this and no one else should enough,
    3 there something about a person that been murdered,I can't explain,
    3 but the only one that know's is the people that has,
    3 that has a love one murdered,I respect all death,
    3 but no one should be killed or murdered,
    3 by another person,people don't care about another person life,
    3 November 10-18 11: 48 PM Friday night
    3 November 11-18 6:45 pm Saturday
    3 thinking about my brother anthony Carter,I feel the same way as it just happened,
    3 time has stopped,
    3 November 12-18 9:45 pm sunday
    3 feeling the same nothing has changed
    3 my heart is broken the lost of my brother anthony Carter
    3 November 13-18 11-15 pm Monday
    3 I remember the evening that anthony was shot nine hrs later he passed away
    3 something that I will never forget,
    3 if this happens to one of us he would be here for us
    3 Anthony was a loving and caring brother
    3 November 17-18 saturday 4:19 don't think that i have forgotten my brother,
    3 by not writing anything in a few days,
    3 it so hard to write about your brother because he was murdered,
    3 the pain it like the same when my brother was shot,
    3 nothing has changed since that evening,
    3 that he was shot killed murdered,
    3 it's still feels the same as the evening that it happened,
    4 my love for my brother will always be there,no matter what,
    3 he was a good person,he had so much to gave,
    3 he was a woundetfull uncle and a brother,
    3 he was always there for u,
    3 November 18-18 sunday 1:25 PM,
    3 I still feel lost without my brother,I feel the same nothing has changed since the murdered,
    3 of my brother anthony Carter,it's still very difficult for me,
    3 when my brother was murdered a part of me was gone,
    3 I loved my brother anthony dearly,
    3 it's a feeling that u can't explain,
    3 November 19-18 Monday 10:48 pm
    3 I love my brother anthony,I still feel the same nothing has changed,
    3 since the evening that he was shot,killed murdered,
    4 the pain is still there ,
    3 November 20-18 9:14 pm tuesday,
    3 it has been thirteen months since my brother was shot killer murdered,
    3 November 26-17 thursday evening nine hrs later he passed away,
    3 November 27-17 friday morning around 3:33 am,
    3 November 21-18 Wednesday 6:56 pm
    3 every day is a very difficult time,it's
    3 hard to know that one of your siblings was killed murdered,this is something that
    4 u will never forget as long as u lived,
    3 anthony and I was very close,from the time
    3 he was born till into a teenager
    3 and into a man,we always stay close,he was my favorite,because he was different,
    3 November 22-18 Thursday 6:49 pm
    3 anthony had a different from the rest the siblings ,
    3 I question why it's has been so hard on me because I truly loved anthony,
    3 anthony can by to check on me and he would always call
    3 me,he kiss me on the cheek and gave me a bigger hug ,
    3 I keep going over and over again and again,
    3 why? he was in a good person,a loving brother and a son,
    3 November 25-18 2:35 pm Sunday,
    3 I miss my brother it's is very difficult for me,
    3 I know that it's has been thirteen months and I feel,
    2 the same as it just happened,I loved anthony and still having a hard time dealing with his death,
    3 I shouldn't have to go through this,
    3 because of this person wanted to killed my brother anthony
    3 this person take anthony life,and we are suffering,
    3 because of the of the lost,
    3 I can't imagine how much my brother stuffer, I know that he did,
    3 if only I could take that day away,
    3 my heart has a prices that's is missing
    3 I remember so much about anthony all the happiest days
    3 when he was born he was the sweetest is baby. he never cryed
    3 she was the best little guy,as he
    3 up into a teenager he never did changed,
    3 and into adult he still stays the same
    3 anthony was a loving and caring person,he had a heart of gold
    3 I cry every day there's isn't a minute that go by that's i am
    3 always thinking about my brother, and his death,
    3 anthony was very intelligent and particular,what he did,
    3 he was good at home improvement,
    3 and working on his vehicles and motorcycle,
    3 he loved his little dogs,both passed away,he loved them dearly,
    3 he had the from around six weeks old,
    3 they was his baby's,he never did get overwhelmed them passing away,but someone poisons one
    3 that the other one passed away not long after that,he called me the day the she died, crying,
    3 theses little dog's wented with he everywhere,did matter,his baby's was always with him
    3 anthony was very smart in what he did,he was very likable person, ever one
    3 that I have talked to told me that,
    3 he was a good person and had a great personality,
    3 would go out of his way to help u,
    3 to help u no matter( who) u was,
    3 he treated all people the same,
    3 that's how anthony was,because this how he,
    3 was brought up that way,he had a good heart,
    4 The loss of my brother has brought the hardest anguish upon us all JUSTICE FOR ANTHONY CARTER
    3 November 30-18 Fri 1:11pm
    3 people out there that was involved,
    3 and haven't been picked up or charged yet,
    3 justice for anthony when all the players are charged,
    3 till all the players are behind bars, just not the killer,
    3 there's isn't any justice right now because the players haven't been charged,
    3 and still out running free,
    4 when all the players are charged,are charged than there will be justice,
    3 but not till all are,
    3 November 30-18 Fri 11:52 pm
    3 Anthony is sleeping till Jehovah resurrect him,
    3 he killed a mother son that was a Jehovah witness ,
    3 December 2-18 sunday 10:53 am
    3 I know that it's has been thirteen months but
    3 I still feel the same nothing has changed,
    3 it's doesn't get any better,
    3 I know that I will always remember Anthony,
    3 because I loved him, I want the rest of the people that was responsible,
    3 for helping the killer,justice for Anthony,
    3 Anthony would do the same for me,
    4 he was such a good person,loving,
    3 a part of me is gone,my heart hurts for the loss of Anthony
    3 the killer has no idea what he take away from us,
    4 I never in a million years think that my brother would be shot and killed
    3 December 3-18 Monday 12:04 am
    4 Missing my brother this is the worse pain to suffer from Justice for ANTHONY I LOVE YOU
    3 December 6-18 thursday 4:17 pm I hate this day, and when if get close to the time that anthony,
    3 was shot around 5:20 pm are so I get sick,
    3 at my stomach,I get upset,because. I lost my brother in death by someone killing him,
    4 it still very difficult,I still have a hard time believing that he gone,
    3 if it was not for the truth I really don't know what I would do,
    4 one day I will be will my brother again,it's has been a hard ,
    3 thirteen months,it different if had passed away,due to a sickness,
    3 are some kind of accident,but the hardest part,
    3 someone take his life,I know that this person that murder my brother,
    3 it really hard to believe that this person take his life,
    3 he is a evil person,and very dangerous person,
    3 it's hard for me to write about my brother,
    3 I loved him dearly,
    3 December 11-18 tuesday 12:41 pm,
    3 I know that I have missed a few days,and I feel bad,
    3 about not writing ,it's very difficult to write about someone that u loved,and he now dead,
    3 because of someone take his life,it's hard knowing that he no longer with us,
    3 I loved Anthony,I am lost for words,no one knows how another person feels,
    3 every one person is different in grieving,but no matter it all the same,
    3 I still can't believe it,it a feeling that it a dream,when u lose a love one,
    3 it's hard to lose your sibling,
    3 I cry every day,because this person take are brother
    3 for no reason,he has no idea what he has caused,
    3 because he take a person that was a loving and caring
    3 never caused any trouble,a working man
    3 the killer will in fact will get what is coming to him,👹
    2 anthony is always in my heart,that's something that will always be with me💜
    4 mck,braylee,chay loves you and misses you ALWAYS
    3 December 27-18 Monday 1:44 pm I love u 💜
    3 Anthony my heart aches for u Anthony for what has happened tou;
    3 I am so sorry that u went through this it shouldn't have never happened to u,
    3 I miss u and I really loved u 💜
    3 my heart aches for the loss of my brother,
    4 he was such a wonderful person that love
    3 life he was a loving and caring brother and son,
    3 the pain of losing a love one,
    3 the pain excruciating,
    3 anyone that would take a life,is evil person,no respect for human life,
    4 Anthony was different person he had a heart of gold,a caring person,
    3 u don't know how hard to write about someone that u have lost by being murder,
    3 the only one knows how I feel is the once's that has been through it by having a
    3 love one killed murder,because they are the only one that understands how I feel,
    3 I am thankful for this site,
    3 December 24-18 monday morning 1:15 am I haven't wrote anything for a few days
    3 because I been sick,but I feel bad about not writing about Anthony,
    3 I have a broken heart,I miss my brother
    3 every time I write about him it hurts,very difficult,
    3 I haven't gave up,I still feel the same,
    3 it been a very difficult time for me because a part of me is gone,
    3 he was my sibling,that hurts pain of losing a love one,
    3 December 24-18 monday morning 1:22 am
    3 December 28-18 Fri 3:13 pm haven't wrote anything since Monday why is so difficult,
    3 to write about your own brother Anthony,
    3 than have to see him on here is heartbreaking,
    4 I loved Anthony dearly and I miss him,
    3 knowing that sometimes I don't write about Anthony don't mean that I don't care,
    3 I do it's very painful,because I loved Anthony dearly
    3 but I never miss lighting a candle,I light one every day no matter what,
    3 some days I light two,
    3 ever time I go to this site it breaks my heart to know that anthony not we me,
    3 anthony was loved,since his passing it's been hard for me,
    3 sometimes I think it a dream,the pain is so bad at times,
    3 I break down,if only I knew,
    3 what was going on,I would have helped him
    3 to get the he'll out of there,
    3 December 29-18 Sat 1:22 pm,
    3 this is the most heart breaking thing to go on here,
    3 and see your love one,
    3 December 30-18 Sun 3:10 pm Anthony is miss by me,he was my favorite brother because he no matter,
    3 the time if u needed him he would be there,
    3 he was very different from the rest,he cared,
    3 every day is difficult,because he not here, the pain is the same hasn't changed ,
    3 grieving never stopped,and it doesn't get any easier,
    3 I go back in time,remembering him,I close my eyes and can see anthony,
    3 From a little baby up to a teenager into a man ,
    3 I had so many things that I remember,
    3 of anthony,to this day is been a rough road for me,
    4 it still hard to believe,every day I cry for my brother because he lost his life,
    3 Love and Miss you Anthony! Always thinking of you!
    3 January 1-18.Tuesday 10:49 pm I miss my brother no matter how long it's has been,
    3 u will always be in my heart,I all always keep writing about u,
    3 because I truly loved u,
    3 January 3-19 Thursday 12:44 am
    3 I wrote something a little while ago but it never show up,
    3 I want people to know about my brother Anthony Carter,he was murder in october
    3 26-17 shot died nine hrs later october 27-17
    3 There ( isn't) a day that goe's by with out me thinking of anthony
    3 every minute of the day 24/7
    3 January 3-19 thursday afternoon 1:29 pm I can't believe that I am seeing my brother on here,
    3 a person never knows from one minute to another.what could happen,
    3 it's a pain that I wouldn't wanted anymore to ho through,
    3 when you're love one was murder,
    3 I sure loved my brother,and it been a little over year,
    3 fourteen months but u still feel the same as it has just happened,
    3 I will never stop writing about anthony,he is always in my heart
    3 but I know that one day I will see him again,
    3 this is so sad that my brother lost his life,but I know he ok because he is in Jehovah hands,
    3 January 4-19 Fri night. 10:05 I love my brother and still missing him,he will
    3 always be with me,because he a part of me,
    3 January 7-19 monday morning 10:20 am every day is very difficult the lost of my brother Anthony,
    4 nothing has been the same since his death,
    3 This pain will be with me for the rest of my life,
    3 I miss my brother,I truly loved my brother,
    3 Anthony was a real man,different from what u would think about him,
    3 and that what got him killed,
    3 February 8-19 Sat 13:33 am
    3 it's been around three weeks since I have posted anything,
    3 because my phone wouldn't do nothing,
    3 through I had to buy a new one but take it to cricket
    3 they fixed it,I felt bad because I couldn't posted anything about anthony,
    3 February 9-19 Sat it's been a hard time trying to put all the pieces together,
    3 but now we know pretty much of what happened,
    3 the day that my brother was shot down,murdered,
    3 it was very difficult to go through what really happened to anthony,
    3 we the siblings of are brother wanted justice for are brother,
    3 bringing all the people that was involved,just not the killer,
    3 there was people that helped him get away from the crime scene,
    3 with be no justice till all the players are changed,
    3 february 16-19 5:07 pm
    3 I love u Anthony,there isn't a day that go's by
    3 that i am always thinking of u,
    3 it's been a hard time,
    3 trying to be without u,u was loved by me,
    3 it's going on sixteen months but it feels like it's
    3 just happened yesterday,time doesn't mean a thing,I will always remember
    3 no matter what,time doesn't heal,the pain will always be with u,
    3 I hope that they will find who is responsible,
    3 Feb 21-19 11:14 pm Thu
    4 Anthony gone but never will be forgotten
    3 he always in my heart,I miss him,
    3 and loved him dearly,I still feel like a nightmare,
    3 it been hard because he life was taken away,
    3 I am very grateful for this site,
    3 Feb 22-19 11:51am Friday,
    3 Feb 23-19 2:16 pm Sat I think about anthony every day 24/7
    3 I go over everything that happened from the beginning to the end,nine hrs,
    3 than as days passed we found out more,
    3 and more about anthony death,the more we ask questions the more information we got
    3 and who was responsible for his death,
    3 and all the players that was involved,
    3 we the CARTER'S family's wants justice for Anthony,
    3 getting all the players that was involved in his death,
    3 the killer isn't the only one he had help
    3 😈 the killer is a evil person
    3 February 24-19 12:52 pm sunday,
    3 so sorry to the families that have lost a love one,
    3 we are the only one's that understand how a person feels,
    3 to have a love one murdered,your heart hurts every day,
    3 he was a son/ brother/ uncle/brother-law / he was a wonderful person,
    3 anthony was my uncle he taught us a lot of things,
    3 it been very difficult for us because we grow up together he was more like
    3 3-2-19 9:04 Sat I wrote Thu/ Fri but never show up,
    3 don't know what happened,
    3 maybe someone had deleted them???
    3 my heart is still in pain because of the death of my brother anthony carter,
    3 because I loved my brother,
    3 I still think of him every day,and what he went through,
    3 knowing what happened to him,that is the saddest part,
    3 how he was shot murdered,
    3 March 6-19 2:37 pm tuesday,
    3 all I have is memory,I miss my brother anthony,
    3 I think about him all the time,
    3 it's still very difficult to believe that he is not with us,
    3 some days I just can't believe he gone,
    3 so sad, ,he was such a sweet person,a loving and caring brother,
    3 always looking out for others,because that's is how anthony was
    3 every one else came first,
    3 before his self,it's had been sixteen months since he was murdered,
    2 but to me it was just like yesterday,the through are still there,
    3 I remember the first call I got,
    3 that evening,anthony has been shot,
    3 up till he passed away,that when my hold life changed
    3 because someone has killed my brother
    3 today March 7-19 Thu are brother Ted Geary passed away today,this is a difficult time for us,now we
    3 have lost to brother's,
    3 he was the oldest brother
    3 another brother is gone,he was a loving and caring brother just like anthony was,
    3 March 11-19 11:41 am Mon,it been a very difficult time I am still grieving the loss of anthony,
    3 I miss Anthony time doesn't heal,
    3 Anthony birthday was March 9- Sat
    3 I can close my eyes and see him walking up are driveway,
    3 and hear his truck pull up,
    3 ok my brother was a maintenance man at this apartment complex
    3 over these buildings,he worked there also hadn't lived there only
    3 in weeks,he was a working man,
    3 he was someone,l he was murdered,
    3 like man shot on Jeffrey ct,it could have been wrote a hold lot better,he was a employee,
    3 Anthony should have been kept safe,
    3 protect because the manger knew that the killer was stalking him,
    3 the killer was stalking anthony,
    3 today date March 20-18 Wednesday,
    3 we miss Anthony my son's and i,
    3 it hasn't been the same,
    3 3-21-19 Thu I haven't gave up, I love my brother anthony carter,
    3 Today is Fri March 22-19
    3 it's going on seventeen months this month
    3 March 26-19 anthony was shot/ murdered,
    3 the killer is a cold blooded killer,
    3 I pray that these people that helped the killer will get,
    3 pick up,and the person's that held the killer get away,
    3 because the killer isn't the only one that was involved,
    4 there will not be any justice until all the people are charged,
    3 March 23-19 11:13am Saturday,
    3 March 24-19 20:50 am Sunday
    3 this broken's my heart to have to come on here
    3 and write about my brother,
    3 he shouldn't have never been killed,
    3 because he had done nothing,
    4 anthony didn't deserve to be killed,
    3 he was a working man,at the time of his death,
    3 he was a maintenance man at this apartment complex on Jeffrey ct,
    3 shot in front of his own residents,was bothering anyone,
    3 cane home from work was murdered,
    3 march 30-19 1:25 pm Sat,just because I haven't wrote anything in the last few days,
    3 doesn't mean that I have forgotten my brother anthony,
    3 he was such a sweet person he was a caring person,
    3 this has been the hardest time of my life,
    3 it has been seventeen months since my brother anthony carter was murdered,
    3 but it's feels like it just happened yesterday,
    3 time has stopped,he was a CARTER'S,and someone take his life,
    3 it been heartbreaking the loss of my brother,
    3 march 31-19 3:18 pm Sun anthony was my uncle it's been very difficult for my brother and I
    3 because we grow up together he was more like a brother,
    3 he was a kind person
    3 so sad that someone take his life
    3 we miss him,he was always there for us
    3 no matter what,I can't say enough about anthony,
    3 he taught us a lot of things,
    3 April 3-19 12:05 pm there isn't any word's u can say,
    3 how anyone feels do to being murdered,a single a part of u,
    3 it hurts to know that someone has murdered your brother,
    3 I truly love my brother anthony carter dearly,
    3 a life is very precious,
    3 April 8-19 4:58 pm monday
    3 it still doesn't feel real,
    3 it's going on eighteen months the 26 of april he was shot
    3 there are so many things I could tell u about Anthony,
    4 I still have a hard believing that he no longer with us,
    3 April 11-19 1:52 pm Thu
    3 u know that we will make sure that the people that are
    3 responsible for helping are was involved will be charged,
    3 and u will get justice,
    3 my heart is broken,it's still very difficult because I truly loved my brother,
    3 April 14-19 1:12 pm sunday,😭
    3 it very hard knowing that I will never see my brother here on earth,
    3 but I know that one day I will see him again in the new order;
    3 Anthony was a loving and caring person anyone knows that's,
    3 he was very sweet person,
    3 he was different from the rest of his siblings
    3 he had a heart of gold,anthony wasn't a bad person,
    3 I miss he it's hard because I truly loved my brother Anthony,
    3 April 21-19 4:16 pm sunday,
    3 don't ever think that u have forgotten about my brother Anthony,it's very difficult to get on here,
    3 because this is where my brother Anthony,story is
    3 about him being killed murder,it hard,
    3 there was another person killed april ,13-19
    3 he also was murder,it's hard to really put into words how u really feel,
    3 because the love a person that was shot down,
    3 and murder,that's is hard to talk about,
    3 I am glad for this site because u can tell people,
    3 how your love one was killed,and
    3 people do understand because that
    3 are going through the same thing,they don't understand how we feel,only the onces that knows is
    3 the onces that have had a family member murder,
    3 I loved my brother Anthony Carter dearly,and still having a hard time,dealing with his death,
    3 my son's was closed to anthony more like brother's,than a uncle,
    3 they loved him,it's been hard on them to,
    3 April 23-19 01 pm tuesday,I am Anthony sister really more like his mother,
    3 because we all grew up together,
    3 close family,and I take care of my siblings while my mother worked,
    3 so Anthony was my brother,but more like he was my own son,
    3 he was loved my me,I miss him,
    3 April 26-19 10:12 pm Friday
    3 I am still grieving,time doesn't heal,
    3 I still am haveing a hard time,the lost of my brother,
    3 because of how he was shot,killed,murder,
    3 I am going to flight for his justice,
    3 April 27-19 Sat 3:52 pm I love my brother dearly,
    3 I will not stop till the CARTER's family get JUSTICE for are brother,
    3 anthony Carter,
    3 April 30-19 tuesday 12:58 pm I miss u anthony,
    3 I still can't believe that this has happened to u,
    3 I love my brother dearly,and having a hard time,
    3 this is something that u will never get over,
    3 no matter how long it's been,
    3 time doesn't mean anything
    3 May 1-19 1:02 pm Wed,it's has been eighteen long months,
    3 since my brother was shot killed murder,in cold blood
    4 they only have the killer,not his helpers,
    3 May 3-19 Fri Feb20:18 pm I love my brother
    3 to see your love one on here,it breaks my heart,
    3 it's been a very difficult time for me,I still can't believe
    3 that my brother has been shot,killed,murder,
    3 I can't explain it but it's doesn't feel real,
    3 May 8-19 Wed 1:45 am I love u Anthony,
    3 may 10-19 Friday 3:42 pm. can't stop thinking about my brother,
    3 anthony it has taken a toll on me,
    3 because I loved my brother dearly,and still
    3 can't believe that he is gone,but not for long,
    3 I will see him in the new order,
    4 he was a wonderful person a loving brother and son,
    3 it just hard no to see in person,
    3 May 11-19 Sat 10:58 am
    3 it still very difficult,because I truly loved my brother dearly,
    3 May 12-19 Sun 7:53 pm
    3 it's has been eighteen long months,
    3 since my brother was shot killed murder,
    3 I miss him coming around,he was such a loving and caring brother,I miss him so much,it's still hard,
    3 not seeing him,my life pretty much has changed since,
    3 he was murder,the killer has no idea,
    3 who he has murder,he take my brother life,
    3 someone that was very special
    3 May 13-19 Monday 8:11 pm
    3 Anthony was a special person,he was a kind person,
    3 we the families are the ones that stuffers,
    3 because someone has murder there's love onces,
    3 all life's are precious,
    3 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
    2 May 14-19 tuesday 11:56 am I miss my brother anthony,
    2 I miss his laugh his smile kisses hugs,
    2 anthony would always hug u and kiss u on the cheek,
    2 and after he talk to they on the phone he would always tell u before
    2 before u hung up he always tell u that he loved u,
    2 may 15-19 Wednesday 3:44pm
    2 it's has been a very difficult time,
    2 in the last eighteen months,
    2 nothing has changed since my brother was shot killed murder in october2017
    2 time has passed but time doesn't heal no matter what,
    2 I loved my brother dearly,a pices of me is gone,he was my siblings
    2 😳😢💋💏💕💘💞💝💔💜
    2 May 18-19 Sat 2:29 pm
    2 something has happened what I wrote about my brother,
    2 not here's,someone removed it or something happens doing or after I wrote about anthony,
    2 no one has the right to remove any thing unless it something that shouldn't be posted,
    2 I wanted JUSTICE for my brother anthony Carter,
    2 May 19-19 Sunday 11:15 am
    2 I still hope and pray that's the people will come forward
    2 and tell the truth about exactly what happened,
    2 the evening that anthony was shot,
    2 my brother will not get JUSTICE until u come forward,
    3 it very important to this case,
    2 May 20-19 Monday 11:57 am
    2 there's isn't really any word's
    2 to can say,to help u ease the pain,
    2 u wake up every morning and all doing the day
    2 and before u go to bed Anthony is always on my mind,
    2 because u had a family members murder,
    2 a brother a sibling shot killed murder,
    2 I still can't believe that someone would kill my brother,
    2 but this day in time u don't have to have a reason,
    2 my brother life was taken away,
    2 it's been eighteen months April 27-19
    2 that's he passed away
    2 Anthony was shot on october 26-17 passed away october 27-17
    2 I miss him,I cry every day,for what this
    2 person did to my brother,my brother anthony suffer dearly,
    2 May 20-19 monday 9:09 pm
    2 I am still grieving from the lost of my brother anthony,
    2 I feel the same as the first minutes I was told ,
    2 that my brother passed away,nothing has changed since then,
    2 I have a hard time,believe that he not with us.
    3 Justice will be served I love you and I will never stop until it is! Love
    4 Love you Anthony-
    3 May 21-19 tuesday 2:45pm Anthony was loved by his family,
    2 May 22-19 Wed 5:48 pm we as a family,of Anthony Carter will get JUSTICE for
    2 are brother,because right now.Anthony isn't getting (JUSTICE)
    3 anyone that that would hide and wait on there victim,
    5 I loved my brother dearly,and wanted JUSTICE ,
    2 May 25-19 Sat 2:17 pm it broke my heart to see my brother on here,
    2 may 27-19 Sun 12:13 pm sometimes I have been missing writing about my brother,it's very painful
    2 to have to write about anthony here,
    2 the pain will always be with me,
    2 some days are worse than other's,
    2 someone it murder that's is very difficult to handle,because
    2 a love one was killed,
    2 I have a hard time dealing with anthony death,
    2 u keep thinking why?death is something that u never get over,
    2 I know no matter what happens to the killer,it's will never
    3 bring my brother back,and when the killer get JUSTICE,it will never be over,
    2 because there isn't any closer,
    3 Sunday 4:12 pm no matter how long it's been u will always remember the loss of my brother anthony,
    2 may 29-19 Wednesday 6:41 pm,my life's has
    2 changed since you're death,
    2 of my brother anthony,
    2 May 30-19 Thu I hated thus and friday,
    2 l loved anthony i.miss him,
    2 May 31-19 Fri, it's has been nineteen months,
    2 and it was just like yesterday to me,
    2 because time stoped at that very moment,
    2 no one has any idea how much pain u are in,
    2 the only ones knows how u feel it the once that have been
    2 through losing a love murder,
    2 it's very difficult when u have had someone murder,a family members,
    2 are a friend or friends,murder is very difficult to deal with
    2 because (someone has taken there life)
    2 Anthony was a master's degree in home improvement repairs,
    2 he was a lovable person careing, for others,
    2 June 4-19 tuesday something happens because I wrote
    2 about anthony in the last few days,
    2 but didn't show up,
    2 I think of anthony every day,I know that he was a good person kind and loving
    2 June 5-19 Wed 3:16 pm what I have wrote,
    2 about anthony didn't show up,
    2 Someone had to delete it,this isn't the first time
    2 that it's been either been removed are deteled,
    2 June 6-19 thursday 5:26 pm.
    2 we will keep flighting for u.
    2 till all the players are charged,
    2 that's was involved helping the killer get away😠
    2 if we knew how the justice system worked
    2 here's we would have been long gone from here.
    2 it is sad that's these killer get to sleep/eat/
    2 watch tv and the taxpayers are the ones that are keeping these people.
    2 that's has killed a family members,are a friend,are anyone tha I been
    2 murder are keeping these rotten ads killer,
    2 everything that these killer users are paid by the taxpayers,
    2 that's isn't right here they have killed someone,and
    2 the taxpayers are paying the bills,
    2 and there family members can come to see the.
    3 but we can't see are family members because they have been murder,
    2 June 9-19 Sun 2:11 pm I can't understand what I posted didn't show up,
    2 June 10-19 Monday 1:26 pm
    2 nothing has changed since the murder of my brother anthony Carter
    2 I feel the same as the very moment
    2 that my passed away,a part of me died that very moment,
    2 because he was my brother,blood brother,
    2 I miss him and always will,
    2 it's been a very difficult nineteen months,
    2 Anthony was a lovable person he loved his family,
    2 anthony and my son's grow up together,
    2 there was more like brother,because they was always together,
    2 the oldest ones would watch the younger ones,
    2 it been difficult on them ,because they also had worked for him,when he needed,
    2 them to help him,he is the one that teaches them home improvement,
    2 they was close,anthony loved them,and so did my son's,
    2 we was close to Anthony,he had a good heart,
    2 time 6:19 pm sometimes it very hard for me to write about anthony,and I miss spell words,
    2 or left out a word because some
    2 times I can't see,because it hurts so much to have to write about,
    2 about my brother on here,
    2 his siblings where all very close,
    2 June 11-19 tuesday I try to write something everyday,about anthony.
    2 June 12-19 Wednesday 1:32 pm anthony u will have you're day,
    2 when all the helpers will rotten in he'll,
    2 these people are evil,and u will have you're day.
    2 when they will be destroyed,
    2 I know one day I will see u again,in the New order,
    2 I love u Anthony,💜
    2 Ted now with u and kable watching over u both till the end of time,we will see u all again,
    2 June 13-19 Thu 12:35 pm
    2 I want people to know how much I loved u,
    2 your life was taken away from u,
    2 the lost of lossing u has been very painful,
    2 this is something that will always be with me,
    2 it's is still very difficult,it's hard trying to deal with you're death,
    2 it still doesn't feel real,it like a dream u are living in,
    2 Anthony was a lovable/caring/kind/ person,
    2 June 15-19 Sat 12-57 pm
    2 I am hoping that my brother will get JUSTICE,
    2 only if all the players are charged with the helping of the killer,
    2 to get away from the crime scene,
    2 and the people that was involved,
    2 the people knowing ,not knowing and knowing
    2 I still miss him,very difficult to try to understand why,
    2 victoria carter sister
    2 haven't been able to get back on here in five weeks or so,
    2 feel the same nothing has changed,
    2 i feel the same as the first second my brother died,
    2 something that a person will never forget or get over,
    2 having a loved one murdered is heartbreaking,
    2 l loved my brother dearly, he was a wonderful person,
    2 a loving and caring brother,
    2 it's has been 21 months since Anthony death
    2 but time stopped for me the second my brother died,
    2 time does heal the pain always with u no matter what,
    2 i am happy to have a brother like Anthony,
    2 he really was a good person,
    2 l remember all the happy times
    2 he was a good friend he helped people,
    2 by giving than a job,some had no vehicle
    2 to get to work,but he would always pick them up,
    2 he was a taxi to them.some used him.
    2 he helped his workers,
    1 he always buy there breakfast and lunch everday,
    2 till one day my son added up how much,
    2 that he was spending aweek,and not counting,
    2 the weekends because he pretty much worked a the time,
    2 Anthony was surprised how much he was spending?
    2 not counting picking his workers up and taking them home,
    2 if they wanted breakfast or lunch they paid for there selfs,
    2 he never changed them for picking up, free.
    1 who would get there breakfast and lunch and be pick up from home and be taken home
    2 for free,but Anthony was that was,
    2 i love u Anthony, and u know how i am?
    2 u was a maintenance man there at these apartments complexes,
    2 a working man,making a living.
    2 my brother was a good person, he had a wonderful personality,
    2 Anthony was a good person, had a good souls, and a good heart,
    2 i miss him every day,there isn't aday or seconds or minutes go by,
    2 and anyone that knew Anthony would tell u the same,
    2 that he was a good person,
    2 anyone that we talk to at this apartment complex,
    2 told us how Anthony would go out of his way
    2 to make sure that what ever the problem was,
    2 he would make sure it was fixed,
    2 he was on a 24/7 work day,always on call,
    2 he like nice thing and was a very clean person,
    2 he actually was planning on putting flowers all around the apartment building
    2 making it nice around the apartments,inside and out,
    2 but his life ended.
    2 he wanted to help the tenant to have a nice place's to live,
    2 because he care about people,
    2 and the saddest thing no one really care's
    2 August 31-19 sat afternoon 12:48 pm
    2 i still miss my brother Anthony carter,i loved him,
    2 it has been 22 months since he was shot killed murdered in,
    2 i remember the evening when i got a call, saying that Anthony has been shot,
    2 no one wants to heard that u love one been shot,
    2 but in nine hr's later my brother passed away,
    2 it's hard to believe that he gone, but never will be forgotten,
    2 because his is my sibling,he a parts of me
    2 he was so much like his father,
    2 it will be two years this coming October 26-19
    2 September 3-19 Tuesday,
    2 i wakeup everyday and still can't believe that my brother was shot killed murdered,
    2 i miss my brother, it still very difficult,
    2 for me,my heart is broken,it still hurts,
    2 he was a good person a loving and caring person,
    2 he was always there if u needed him
    2 no matter the time of day or night,
    2 it very hard for me to write about him,
    2 because he no longer with us,
    2 but no matter what we will never forget are brother,
    2 and what happened to Anthony,
    2 he was a good uncle, to my son's
    2 he was more like a brother to them,
    2 because they grow up together,
    2 they are having a difficult time also
    2 September 7-19 Saturday afternoon 2 :24 pm
    2 just because I haven't been writing anything about my brother,
    2 doesn't mean I have forgotten about him,
    2 because I haven't, u will never forget him,and what has happened to him
    2 and i will never give up,
    2 to make sure that the person that killed my brother,
    2 will get life in prison without any possibility of getting parole,
    2 make sure that the person that killed my brother,
    2 gets life behind bars till he died,
    3 let his address be prison,
    2 that's is more than he gave my brother Anthony carter,
    2 JUSTICE for Anthony carter
    2 September 9-19 Monday its stiil hard to see my brother on here,
    2 everytime i come on here i break down,i loved Anthony dearly,
    2 he was my brother, he loved me as i loved him
    2 we was a lot alike,
    2 no matter how long it has been it never go's away, the losts of a love one
    2 we was very close, time doesn't heal,
    2 no matter how long it has been, because that how truth love is whem it come to death,
    2 and the worst thing a love one has been murdered,
    2 love something that some people don't have,
    2 in the day in time no one cares, maybe a few that where love cone in,
    2 l losts my brother, due to him being shot killed murdered, in Lexington, ky
    2 September 12-19 Thursday morning 10:35am
    2 i wrote something a few days ago, but some how they didn't show up?
    2 so they was removed,
    2 that isn't going to stop me from writing about my brother Anthony carter,
    3 he was loved by me,and all i want is JUSTICE for Anthony carter,
    2 September 14-19 Saturday night 7:41pm
    2 it will be two years this month the 26,that my brother was shot killed murdered in,
    2 September 14-19 Saturday night 7:44 pm
    2 going on two year's next month, October 26,
    1 time stopped the morning that my brother passed away,
    2 nothing has changed since my brother death, o feel the same way as i did
    2 the movement that i received a call,
    2 that my brother was shot,
    2 September 15-19 Sunday,
    2 it been a very hard time doing the passing of my brother,
    2 i haven't been the same since my brother was murdered,
    2 and i pretty sure that people
    2 feels the same way,
    2 to have a love one murdered,
    2 September 18-19 Wednesday morning 10:11am
    2 i still think about my brother Anthony,
    2 his laugh his smile his voice his hugs and kisses,
    2 the losts of a love one murdered, that's is more difficult,
    2 u will never forget what happened to your love one as long
    2 September 20-19 Friday nigh 11:11pm
    2 the 26 of September will be 23 months
    2 that my brother was murdered,
    2 i think about my brother everyday, every second/ minute of the day,
    2 remembering the the good times,
    2 as long as i live,
    2 Anthony was a good brother, he was a ulcer to my son's,
    2 but more like brothers,
    2 they was very close, actually we all was,loving family,
    2 September 21-19 Saturday morning 11:28 am
    2 it still feels like a NIGHTMARE, but i quess it's because
    2 the way he was murdered,
    2 i miss him, i loved Anthony
    2 September 24-19 Tuesday morning 11:21 am
    2 my feelings hasn't changed i feel the same,
    2 i miss my brother Anthony everyday,
    2 i still can't believe that he was murdered,
    2 everytime i get on here i get sick at my stomach,
    2 because all i can see now is his picture,
    2 10-2-19 Wednesday, nothing has changed since my brother death,
    2 i feel the same as it just had happened,
    2 i miss my brother dearly, i loved him,
    2 missing you - time changes nothing
    2 9-7-19 Monday when u lose a
    2 loved one do to being murdered
    2 that's is very difficult,
    2 because someone has taken a life,
    2 of your love one,i miss my
    2 brother Anthony, and always will,no matter how long
    2 it has been, time does heal no matter how long it been,
    2 i have had dreams about Anthony.
    2 family's that had there love once. murdered feel the same as i,
    2 my brother was murdered in Oct 26, 2017 on a Thursday shot
    2 and died nine hr's later Oct 27 2017
    2 Friday morning,from there my life changed
    2 i have a hard time dealing with his death, because he was murdered,
    2 10-11-19 Friday,coming up two years
    2 oct 26,shot died nine hr's later Oct 27,
    2 i mis my brother Anthony dearly, time does heal,
    2 Oct 12-19 sat i am in pain every day the losts of my brother Anthony,
    2 the pain will never go away,
    2 it's still hard when u have lost a love one by being murdered,
    2 10-14-19 will always remember my brother Anthony carter,
    2 and the evening he was shot,
    2 on oct 26,17 and passed away nine hr's later Oct 27-17 Friday morning
    2 this pain it so understandable,something that u will always have
    2 and will never forget,
    2 I loved my brother Anthony carter dearly,
    2 10-16-19 Wednesday, i have a broken heart,a part of me died when my brother was murdered,
    2 10-17-19 Thursday, i don't like Thursday evening or Friday morning,
    2 i wish these days was cut of out the week,
    2 because my brother was shot on a Thursday evening,
    2 and on Friday morning nine hr's later died,
    2 i miss him,i truly loved my brother Anthony carter dearly,
    2 it don't feel real,i quess that's is the way i am supposed to feel,
    2 i cry everytime I come on here,
    2 seeing my brother picture here
    2 knowing that he no longer with us,
    2 that is the worst pain that a person can have,
    2 knowing that he was shot killed murdered,
    2 oct 19-19 Saturday 1:06 pm
    2 it so sad when u read about how these people love one was murdered,
    2 how they feel, it been very difficult for all of us
    2 because we had a love one murdered,
    2 and believe me the only one that really cares, if the people that has lost,
    2 a love one by being murdered, it's a feeling a pain that is very
    2 different, because your love one was murdered,
    2 death is very difficult
    2 oct 22-19 Tuesday, it will be two years this coming sat,
    2 that my brother was murdered, in lexington. ky
    2 it be a hard road since his murder.
    2 everything has changed since than,
    2 i miss my brother Anthony carter,
    2 i know that he not with us,
    2 right now but one day I will see Anthony and ted,
    2 10-25-19 Friday 2:53 pm
    2 i wrote something on here but,didn't show up,
    2 tomorrow will be two years that my brother Anthony carter was murdered,
    2 been very difficult this pain will never go away,
    2 October 26-19 will be two years since my brother Anthony carter was shot killed murdered,
    2 Oct 27-19 Sunday morning 9:17 am
    2 Anthony will always be remembered,
    2 because he was loved,
    2 sometimes i try not to think about what ,
    2 happened to him,
    2 but u can't, u will always remember that day,
    2 i think about him,all the time,
    2 i miss him,hard time believing that he gone,
    2 his life was taken away,
    2 but i will see him again in the new order,jehovah has him till than,
    2 10-9-19 Tuesday i didn't write anything for a couple of days,
    2 actually Sunday was the last time I wroten,
    2 because sat had been two years,
    2 since my brother Anthony death,
    2 it been very hard,
    2 oct 31-19 Thursday 12:39pm
    2 it's is very difficult to write about my brother Anthony,
    1 i have never had a good day,since my brother Anthony was murdered,
    2 it hard knowing that he was murdered,
    2 Anthony was a good person,
    2 November 1-19 Friday,
    2 i am glad for this site's,
    2 because the people on here are the only ones know how we feel,
    2 do to having a love one by,
    2 murdered is a very difficult worded,
    2 we all share the same,
    2 u never will get over losing a love one,
    2 by them being murdered,
    2 thete is a piece of your heart that is gone,
    2 November 2-19 Saturday 2:32 pm.
    2 how can anyone forgive anyone that has murdered your sibling,
    2 my brother Anthony was shot killed murdered in Oct 26-17 Thursday evening he was shot,
    2 and passed away Oct 27-17 Friday morning nine hours later,
    2 no i well never forgive the person that killed my brother,
    2 i hope that the killer rots in hell,
    2 November 7-19 Thursday 11:11am
    2 been a hard long two years, i can't believe that he was murdered, very difficult,
    2 i miss my brother Anthony dearly, he was a good person,
    2 i feel like I am alone,Anthony was my best friend,
    2 he was the only one that i could go to,
    2 when I had a problem, are was having a bad day,
    2 he was always there,
    2 i miss him,his laugh, smile, voice, kisses ,hugs,
    2 November 16-19 sat 11:57 pm
    2 been thinking about Anthony today like always,
    2 there isn't a day that goes by that i don't,
    2 think of Anthony, u can't because this is something u will never forget,
    2 this pain is not like any other pain,
    2 it's is painful ,there is something in your heart that hurts,
    2 it a piece of your sibling, that is gone,
    2 and there isn't anything that u can do,
    2 all u can do, is pray,
    2 i cry everyday,because I loved my brother Anthony,
    2 when a love one is murdered,thst is very difficult,
    2 November 17-19 Sunday 3:02 pm
    2 November 22-19 Friday 6:57 pm
    2 it's been 25 months since Anthony was murdered,
    2 this coming of November 26,19
    2 and it has been the hardest
    2 times since Anthony was murdered,
    2 his life was taken away, he was a good person,
    2 November 25-19 1:02 pm monday,
    2 in memory of my brother Anthony carter,
    2 it has been a very long hard two year since my brother Anthony carter was murdered
    2 as of November 26,2019 will be 25 months since Anthony was murdered,
    2 Anthony is in Jehovah hands,
    2 i will see him again in the new order,
    2 Jehovah.will Resurrected him,
    2 he loved Jehovah,
    2 i think about Anthony /ted / kable,
    2 Jehovah's has them,one day.we will see them again,
    2 November 27,19 wednesdays 11:36 am
    2 memories of Anthony,
    2 something had happened i can't posted this on my Facebook page,
    2 this is my brother Anthony carter,i cant posted because someone didn't like what I wrote
    3 on here,so the causing me problems,meaning i can't posted this on my Facebook page.
    2 this has nothing to do with community standards,
    2 this is none of your business what we write, ad long,
    2 as we stay woth the rules
    2 no one can stop are family from posting on here,but yet i.was blocked from posting this on Facebook,
    2 or are religous,
    3 November 29-19 11:42am Friday,
    2 it's been 25 months since my brother Anthony carter was shot killed murdered,
    3 as of October 26-2019
    2 he passed away nine hr's later Oct 27-2017
    2 will i wrote something on here, someone didn't like what I had wrote,
    3 so they report me,something to do with community standards,
    2 what was wrote thay someone didn't like,
    3 no.has the right to tell anyone what they can write,
    2 on here,i wrote about my brother Anthony carter, and long as we,go by the rules,
    2 should have anything to do with community standards,
    3 this is for family and friends, only
    3 this is bullshit, i can't posted this on my own Facebook page
    3 this is only for family and friends here to light a candle,
    3 this is none of your business what we write,
    2 as long as we stay in the guidelines,
    3 Shawn and Cameron miss you and we are glad you played football with us
    3 Thank you for always helping me Your neighbor Doris
    3 Dec 9-19 9:16 pm monday will i have been blocked from posting this on my own Facebook page
    3 thanks to someone reporting me,something about community standards, i have done nothing wrong,
    3 what should have been done is a investigate,
    3 who is responsible for reporting me, this is unfair,
    3 this site's is for family and friends,
    3 bad enough that my brother was murdered,
    3 now i can write about him
    3 on my own Facebook page,
    3 i don't appreciate community standards how they did me,
    3 they should have done a investigator first,
    3 who is over this needs to do a lot,
    3 u should have done a investigate before u block me,
    3 this had supposed to have something to do with,
    3 community standards, will listen u have made a big mistake by blocking,
    3 me from posting this site's on my own Facebook page,
    3 i have done nothing wrong,
    3 what i did write was about my brother death,
    3 and what happened to freedom of speech,
    3 no one had the right to report me,
    3 because i didn't write anything that wasn't the truth,
    3 but i know who is responsible for lieing to get,
    3 me blocked from posting what the truth is,
    3 community standards has made a big mistake,because there isn't anything on here to ,
    3 cause them from blocking me,
    3 this site's should do a investigate,
    3 before they blocked someone,
    3 Dec 11-19 wed 3:23pm
    3 this is my brother i should have the right to write on this site, i have been treated unfairly,
    3 and should be able to put this on my Facebook page, but i can't because i am blocked,
    3 Dec 20-19 Friday morning 1:30 i still think about my brother Anthony,
    3 u can't help thinking about him,
    3 so many things go through your mind,
    3 go back the evening he was murdered,
    2 than back when he was born up until he was a child,
    2 than in to a young man, than .
    2 into a man,he was the sweet little baby, he never cry.
    2 had a heart of gold,
    3 i think about all the good times, remembering
    2 how he was always thinking about other people,
    2 not hisself, he had a good heart,
    3 we grew up all together, he was more like a son, than a brother,
    3 i miss his call's,his hugs, kisses, not being around him,
    2 all that was taken away,
    3 this is so sad,that my brother was murdered,
    3 i continue to write about Anthony because I don't want,
    3 no one to forget what happened to him,
    3 he never brought anyone, he was a hard worker,
    3 I wake up sick EVERY DAY knowing my brother was horrifically slaughtered,senseless cold killing
    2 there isn't a single day that goes by,
    2 that i am always thinking about my brother Anthony,
    2 he life's was taken away,all we have of him is memories,
    2 apart of me wented with him,
    3 1-2-20 i hope and pray that the killer get what he deserves,
    3 life behind bars till his death,
    3 no possibility of getting parole,
    3 let him be a lifer, in prison without any possibility of getting parole,
    3 until his death, let him die in prison,
    3 1-3-2020 night 10:32 this has been the hardest thing in my life,
    3 January 12-20 Sunday 3:20 pm
    3 my brother was a wonderful person,he watch over his brothers,and his nephews,
    3 not a day goes by that I don't think about you
    2 I'm missing you every moment of everyday you were the best brother
    2 Thinking of you today
    3 Missing you
    3 January 17-20 it feels like i been living in a dream, i wish it was,
    3 i think about Anthony everyday, remember how much he loved his family,
    3 and so did we loved him,
    3 Anthony was a great person,
    2 January 18-20 sat it been very difficult for the last 27 months,
    2 with out u,missed very second, minutes, hr, of the day,
    3 missed every second, minute,hr of the day,
    2 it been a nightmare, of the lost of a love one,
    3 being murdered,
    2 i miss Anthony,
    2 1-25-2020 i haven't wrote anything in a few days,
    2 because i been very sick,
    2 had pneumonia was in the hospital for 9 days,
    2 but this doesn't mean that I don't care about my brother Anthony death,
    2 i will always remember that call,
    2 the evening that Anthony was shot killed murdered slaughtered tortured,
    2 that something that u will never forget as long as i live,
    2 it is still it hard to deal with,i his murder,
    2 i look at his pictures, thinking about all the wonderful things he has done,
    2 he was a good person had a great soul,
    2 he was a loving and caring brother,
    2 i miss him,no matter how long it been i still think of him everyday,
    2 because i truly loved my brother Anthony carter dearly,
    3 missing you
    2 February 20-20 2:27 pm this is the day that my brother was shot,
    3 sometimes between 5:20 / 6:20 pm
    2 Thursday evening, Oct 26,shot and passed away nine hr's later Oct 27,2017
    3 that was the most horrible new that a person could get,
    2 we was there from the beginning to the end of my brother Anthony carter life,
    3 i remember the evening that he was shot killed murdered slaughtered tortured,
    3 he shouldn't have never been killed murdered slaughtered tortured, he was a good person,
    3 Anthony was a kind loving and caring person, he didn't deserve to be,
    2 killed murdered slaughtered tortured, i love my brother Anthony dearly and will always remember him,
    3 it's still very difficult for me, because i truly loved Anthony,
    2 he is in jehovah hands,
    2 and the killer will be taking care of by jehovah
    2 still missing you
    2 march 14-20 sat night 9;?;58 pm
    2 i haven't forgotten about my brother Anthony carter, we lose our mother, February 7,2020 at 9:30 pm
    2 this has been a very difficult time for me,
    2 first my nephew was murdered Oct 2015
    2 than Anthony was murdered in Oct 2017,
    2 my oldest brother ted,passed away in 3-7 2019
    2 now my mother passes away February 7,
    2 2020,been very difficult for are family's, but the hardest
    2 is Anthony was murdered, he birthday was 3-9-2020 he would have been 54,
    2 April 10-2020 Friday 1:12 pm
    2 it has been two years and six months since my brother was shot,
    3 killed, on oct 26-2017
    3 passed away nine hr's later Oct 27-2017
    3 still doesn't feel real,
    2 i loved my brother Anthony dearly, and he is always with me,because he in my heart,
    3 I love you and miss you
    3 October 12-20 monday in loving memories of my brother Anthony carter
    3 i haven't gave up. it's very painful to write about our own brother.
    3 because he was murdered back in 2017 oct 26 shot.
    2 Nov 27-20 Friday morning 9:48 am
    3 there's has been a day that goes by that i am always thinking of him.
    2 i am very thankful for this site?
    3 because there are love one here that knew and understand how i feel.
    2 my brother Anthony carter didn't deserve to be murdered or anyone else.
    3 dec 1-20 tue no has changed since the death of my brother Anthony carter?
    3 i feel the same as the minute that i was told-
    3 that my brother Anthony had passed away?my heart was broken.
    3 this was like a nightmare.couldnt understand how this could have happened.
    2 something that is very difficult to try to deal with is your love one being murdered.
    3 murdered that word is very painful?
    2 that is very difficult know that someone has taken one of your siblings?
    3 i believe in the death penalty?if u take someone life u should be pushed by death?
    3 who every committed murder deserves to be put to death?
    3 i loved my brother Anthony carter dearly.he was a kindness and loving brother.
    2 he had a heart of gold?
    1 sister
    3 been four years as of October 26/27 been a very difficult four years. justice for all homicide case.
    2 i love u dad i will carry ur memory 4ever and u will never be 4gotten..
    3 Robert Mckissic u will get urs in the end
    3 i hate u 4 taken my dad u piece of shit
    3 i hope any and everything negative happens 2 u
    3 keeping Anthony memorial alive🏍
    4 MISSING you Serena
    3 March 2-2022 wed 11:10 am I love you Anthony and well always keep your memories alive.
    3 the justice from the court system or the prosecution?
    4 and from the homicide detective that was over your case?
    3 there was any justice for Anthony?
    3 march 2-2022 wed 12:45 pm
    3 Anthony birthday is coming up March 9.if he had lived he would have been 56.
    3 years old.i sure miss's been hard to deal with his murdered?
    4 the saddest thing was he never got the justice that my brother deserved?
    3 because they didn't care the homicide detective ir the prosecutors?
    4 the justice system failed Anthony?
    3 my brother case wasn't handled right at the beginning?
    4 there was people that was involved? but never charged with any crime?
    3 if the jury knew the hold story about real what happened?
    3 the killer would have been found guilty of murder
    3 Missing you Anthony today you would of been 56
    3 Missing you every moment of every day
    3 3-11-22 Friday 8:17 pmkeeping Anthony memorial alive?
    3 4-1-22 loving brother.
    3 April 10-22 sat night i love you anthony?forever in my heart
    3 4-24-22 keeping Anthony carter memoirs alive.
    3 there wasn't any justice for Anthony?
    3 the justice system failed him?
    3 may 7 22 it's is very difficult to write here it hurts.
    2 this will always hurt no matter what?
    3 because we lost our brother to to being murdered.
    2 i cry because he sure didn't deserve this.
    3 this shouldn't have never happened to him.
    3 he always in my heart.
    3 i never wanted to forget what happened to him?
    3 he was a loving and caring brother.
    3 may 9-22 in memories of my brother?
    3 5-14-22 i can't stop thinking about hard because how he was killed?
    3 here he was working at this apartment complex?
    2 as the maintenance contractor over these buildings?
    2 and lost his life?
    4 JUSTICE was not served because of the judicial system...... if you take a life yours should be taken
    2 may 24-22 Tuesday 11:04 am
    2 this is so very difficult for me?
    2 because my brother didn't get any justice?
    3 from the justice system?
    2 this is why this case of Anthony death will never be same?
    4 because of how this case was handled?
    3 he deserve justice but never received it?
    4 when i see my brother on here that the worse thing anyone can't induce?
    3 and this murder killer walking free?
    4 6-9-22 it is still very difficult the death of my brother.
    3 my heart aches for the lost of my brother.
    4 the saddest thing Anthony was victimize over and over.
    4 he didn't get the justice that he deserved?
    2 here he was murdered.
    3 it's been very hard to deal with his death.
    4 this is something that you will never forget or get over.
    3 please remember my brother
    4 so many life's has been taken away from these innocent people? so very sad.
    3 7-30-22 friday morning it's is still very difficult since my brother was murdered?
    5 it's been almost five years and it feels like yesterday?
    5 as of oct 26/27 2017 Anthony was killed?
    5 i miss him?still like in a nightmare?i loved my brother dearly?
    5 the only ones that can understand my feelings is the people here that has lost a love one?
    5 my brother never received any just? the justices system has failed him?like other's?
    3 9-1-22 10:17 am no justice for Anthony Carter.these criminal are treated better than the victim?
    3 there isn't any justice for are love one's?
    3 these gangs are coming in killing innocent people?and getting off?
    3 9-16-22 Sunday 1:22 pm just because I haven't posted anything doesn't mean that I stopped?
    3 I will never stop posting about my brother Anthony carter he was killed murdered ambushed
    3 killed in cold blood slaughter as he was laying on the ground
    4 the killer Robert mickissic shot him in the neck.
    4 Anthony was ambushed as he was pulling into his own
    3 in front of his own residence.shot Anthony through the front window shield as he
    3 was seating in the driver seat.
    3 as my brother was laying on the ground from falling down hit his head
    4 as Anthony was laying on the ground Robert mickissic walked up and shot him in the neck
    4 Anthony fall hit his head on the concrete step and Robert mickissic shot him again,
    7 ANTHONY you are MISSED EVERY moment of every justice for Anthony
    5 it's been 7 years since we lost a wonderful kind and loving brother..until we meet again
    5 love and miss you
    4 five years since Anthony carter passway Oct 26 /27 2017
    5 since he was murdered ambushed slaughter
    5 has been five years since Anthony carter was murdered
    5 ambushed in front of his own residence shot as was pulling in to park
    5 shot onece in the chest or torso than one in the neck as he was laying on the ground
    5 where he had fall trying to get in to the door.
    5 he hit his head on the corner of the step.
    5 where he lay.could get in because she had lock 🔒 the patio door so he couldn't get in,
    5 I had to stop.because how the killer murderer my brother.
    5 something that you will never forget.
    6 here my brother Anthony carter was shot twice murdered ambushed slaughter by Robert mickissic.
    7 there wasn't any justice for Anthony carter.
    6 Robert mickissic should be serving time in prison for the rest of his rotten life
    7 I hope that one day Robert mickissic will face the same thing.
    5 he a cold blood killer.and very dangerous person.
    8 missing you every moment of every day
    6 I pray Robert Mckissic and his helpers get what they gave
    5 my brother day there luck will run out.
    5 they was involved with the help of his friends and girlfriend
    5 because he was shot 💉 killed ambushed slaughter in cold blood by Robert mickissic.
    5 Anthony never got the justice that he deserves.
    5 Justice comes in many forms... God's VENGEANCE
    5 December 31-22 love you Anthony 💘
    5 12-31-22 9:52 pm love you Anthony 💘
    5 2-6-23 2:24 am will I miss my brother.
    7 missing you Anthony
    7 justice system failed you
    8 love you Anthony....miss you every moment of every day
    8 all things work out in time... MISSING YOU ANTHONY
    8 Missing you ANTHONY..Until WE meet AGAIN
    8 missing you ...time changes nothing
    7 there will be a judgement day
    5 3-8-23 10:19 pm tomorrow Anthony birthday 🎉🎂 3-9-23
    5 3-14-23 Tuesday evening 4:25 pm I miss my brother Anthony carter and I do think 🤔
    5 of him matter where I am.its still very difficult that he was murdered.
    5 it's be hard to know that he was shot twice onces in the chest or torso one in the neck 🧣
    5 4-10-23 2:45 PM something that you will never forget.
    7 your being missed and loved dearly
    7 time has changed are missed and loved #6
    4 Victoria FOUGHT endlessly fir justice for Anthony throughout her battle with cancer Rip
    4 VENGEANCE is mine says the LORD...and it's coming ...Rip until we all meet AGAIN
    2 Missing you Anthony..NO JUSTICE FOR ANTHONY
    2 Vicky fought on here for justice for Anthony...until your dying day...miss you ..
    2 Anthony never got justice...the system is corrupt...gang members have more rights then citizens
    2 Your dearly missed and loved..Robert mckissic and his helpers got away with MURDER
    2 detective prosecutors fumbled the case..went with a different narrative..not the truth
    2 Anthony was slaughtered in broad daylight during their birthday party he was ambushed
    2 Anthony was ambushed when he pulled up..they were having a bday convenient..planned
    2 none of them would come forth..expect uncle and his gf.befire 3years for trial
    2 the uncle died and his gf lost her witnesses from who would know the truth
    2 Anthony's gf was there Ashley she knew what was going to happen
    2 didn't call the police until after he was shot..never opened the patio door so he could get in
    2 detective went to talk to her several times without being recorded
    2 he retired..she becomes pregnant.. evidence left at the scene
    2 evidence taken from Anthony at the hospital was given to detective from shea was lost
    2 they fumbled on this case.....why?????
    2 prosecutors left the case went to work for Daniel Cameron
    2 paco..Garcia another lady don't remember her name it was so short then Amanda
    2 Anthony was killed because the manager of the apts took Anthony with her
    2 to tell Angela Riley her children was tearing up the apartment
    2 her bf Robert mckissic would see Anthony and tell him
    2 don't be telling my kids what to do .they had words
    2 Robert mckissic then came back with his drugging selling gang member
    2 gang member all from Detroit
    2 and tried beating Anthony up..well that didn't go well for they
    2 planned the shooting
    2 my brother Anthony Carter was working on the job
    2 he was ambushed slaughtered in broad daylight
    2 by gang members from Detroit bring in the drugs flooding our streets with fentanyl
    2 my brother stood up to them and they killed him
    2 he fought for what everyone of us should do
    2 instead the judicial system failed was a joke
    2 Anthony you are a hero...
    2 I watched the CDs ..Angela and the fat girl who lied and
    2 and portrayed his gf in court was going in the
    3 apartment taking things out right in front of the officer's
    3 if the officers would of listened to the Mexican that witnessed
    3 Robert mckissic get into Durham car ..and looked for the vehicle they
    3 of caught the killer Robert mckissic instead they went only to the apartment
    3 dispatch did a lousy job..first 🥇 officer did a lousy job
    2 third and fourth officer I commend you you took charge
    3 you pressure on Anthony's wound which first officer didn't secure the scene
    3 the officers that did arrive and secure the scene and talked to Anthony to we thank yiu
    2 the girl trying to cross the yellow tape was in on it she's the one who testified she was his gf
    3 they should of put out apb ...why didn't they
    3 instead Angela and killer mckissic fked to Detroit where they had family to help them
    3 they found Angela car in Detroit
    3 she was not charged
    3 Robert was not charged with a felon with a hand gun
    3 detectives wee told were he through it out at
    3 no camerafootage pulled at location or at apartment complex they had cameras..
    3 manager said they didn't work. but they
    3 took the one down across from Anthony's apt..that was directed right at his aot
    3 apt
    3 the US Marshals caught the killer in Detroit used the money to return him to lex
    3 just to have the judicial system drip the ball
    3 drop
    3 Angela was never charged..neither was the Durham brother and sister
    3 who drive him off and met up with Angela
    3 Robert the killer was not charged with felon with a handgun
    3 he went to Bud's to practice
    3 Lexington has had so many shootings because of gangs coming in
    3 and bringing in drugs and shooting up our town
    3 what is being done..nothing.. building more parks
    3 we've had a influx of people moving in and crime will get worse..ms13
    3 gangs are here ..crime is out of hand..
    3 they know where the problem is..but still allow it
    3 off Versailles Rd is high crime area..police should be
    3 sitting out there..instead sitting somewhere for speeders
    3 a police officers should be in that area at all times..
    3 we also have a problem with human trafficking
    3 not enough is being done!!!!
    3 No Justice for Anthony. .... missing you every moment of every day
    3 your never forgotten..until we meet again
    2 missing you every moment of every you Anthony.. vengeance is mine says the Lord

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