John Owens Jr., age 31

Lost to gun violence on October 25, 2017 in Kansas City, Missouri.

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201 candles have been lit for John.
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You can add to John's profile:

  • Nickname:
    4 bam bam aka bro
    2 chief
    1 Uncle bam
    1 Uncle Bam Bam
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    4 loyaly n loved everybody
    1 loveable
    1 Someone u can depend on no matter what....
    2 real
    1 was one of the Sweetest and playful always joking
    1 Loved his family
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    1 Kansas city mo school's
  • Comments:
    5 my best friend my bro even know we not blood he still my bro miss nd luv u
    4 protector
    3 yep thats him. sweetie pie. joker
    1 say less
    2 i could talk to him about anything n he loved to feed me
    1 best godfather to my daughter! He was there the whole laror
    2 Always smiling
    1 goofy n kept a smile always said i love u when he would leave RIP
    2 words cant explain him....he was one of a kind
    1 loved his smile
    1 sense of humor out this world
    2 Was truly a Blessing to have met and known Bam
    1 He always made people laugh always joking around
    1 I miss you uncle bam
    1 love u n miss u so much bam. . words cant explain my pain nobody will never understand
    1 he loved making me laugh he always said when u happy im happy u will always have a place n my โค
    1 man why did thy take u i need u so bad...nobody to talk to Anymore r look out for me
    1 its really hard dealing with things without u but all i hear is u saying do u f*** em
    1 missing u like crazy man i wish u just come back to me....
    1 miss going to winsteads
    1 Iโ€™ll never forget you, Bam... ๐Ÿ˜”
    1 i miss u bd....
    1 missing u like crazy... 8 more weeks
    1 I Love You Uncle ๐Ÿ’—
    1 blessen says hi daddy...we love n miss u bam...
    1 I miss u Bam I think about you everyday
    1 Almost a year now and itโ€™s been a rough year, but it feels like just yesterday that my
    1 brother called me and told me you were gone. He was shook cause
    1 he was supposed to be with you, at the time. Rest in love, Bam. Blessings and
    1 strength to your family.
    1 still think abiut you daily
    1 imu so much unc I love man mob n Peace watch over us we miss
    1 hi daddy love blessen
    2 happy Turkey day daddy from blessen
    2 i love you baby love always your wife desirea Owens
    2 We love you Bam !

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