Jeremy Faglie, age 33

Lost to gun violence on October 17, 2017 in Peggs, Oklahoma.

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4350 candles have been lit for Jeremy.
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You can add to Jeremy's profile:

  • Nickname:
  • Number of children:
    7 jeremy jr, kaze
  • Personality:
    38 The greatest
    28 funny ,smart,kind,loving, hard working ,and just the best there ever could be
    11 He loves the great outdoors.
    10 kind, loving, caring, supportive, family man
    10 dare devil
  • Occupation:
    12 Lineman
    10 One of the best Lineman Ive ever known
  • Workplace:
    4 Diversified
    1 Oak Grove Sawmill
  • Schools attended:
    3 Peggs
    2 Hulbert High School
  • Comments:
    21 He Loved his Children
    13 helped anyone he could
    5 He would take his shirt off his back for you
    4 Loved hotrods and going fast!
    3 fishing and fast cars lol
    5 love you porkchop
    8 Always there for family and friends. Love you Jeremy
    4 A hard working father who would help anyone . RIP Porkchop
    3 A great man that was always just a call away when in need, would do anything for anyone anytime
    2 Very missed N very loved luv ya Porkchop
    1 Great man with a huge heart so sad he is gone
    1 Nothing but a fun loving child at heart who would give you shirt off his back
    1 miss very dearly
    1 such a sweet and nice guy and very missed
    2 miss you Porkchop, your boys and family miss you
    1 Very well missed not only from your family but all your buddies
    1 5 years and still hae not got justice

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