Jerzy Milewski, age 55

Lost to gun violence on October 13, 2017 in Bridgeview, Illinois.

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1167263 candles have been lit for Jerzy.

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Visitors created this profile for Jerzy:

  • Nickname:
    19 God bless Jerry
  • Personality:
    36 Jurku, wciąż trudno uwierzyć .....
    20 Caly czas jestes w naszych myslach 😪😢❤️
    25 Man I wish this was just a bad dream
    45 Always on our hearts never will be forgotten
    26 Spoczywaj w pokoju 🐦
    69 Good person inside and out! Didn't deserve this
    27 Jurek – smutno nam bez Ciebie 🕯💐
    43 How this innocent men was ripped away from her family, friends, and future 😢😢😢
    64 We miss you! But you are with us every day!!!
    36 Your memory will be alive we will never let go
    43 Pozostal smutek i ból przerazliwy.Dlaczego stalo się tak?
    44 Są ludzie których anioł śmierci przytula za wcześnie.
    16 Można odejść na zawsze by stale być blisko.
    14 Rest Up! 100!
    9 1 „Nie umiera ten kto, pozostaje w sercu i pamięci bliskich.”
    14 Zgasles nam jak swiecy plomien bez buntu, bez słowa skargi, bezbronny….
    25 “Let us hurry to love people they depart so quickly” Jan Twardowski
    9 First anniversary of death 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯
    8 Smutno nam bez Ciebie
    12 This should never happen!
    9 Happy birthday in Paradise 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯
    8 great friend
    9 Gregarious, jokester, kind and compassionate
    4 Great true and loyal friend🌿
    4 Gregarious, jokester, kind and compassionate🕯 🕯 🕯
    5 Super kind, liked by everyone. Gone way too soon...
    2 Great true and loyal friend🌿🕯 🕯
    2 Nice Person 🕯💐 🐦
    2 Gregarious, jokester, kind and compassionate🕯 🕯
    2 Ambitious, compassionate,generous, Sincere, Reliable. Rest in peace
    2 Good person inside and out! Didn't deserve this,,😢
    11 A true and loyal friend🌿
    6 Nice Person
    4 a true and loyal friend 🌿
    7 Super kind, liked by everyone.
    8 Ambitious, compassionate ,generous , Sincere, Reliable.
    6 Very helpful
    7 Gregarious, jokester, kind and compassionate.
    3 Good person inside and out! Didn't deserve this 💔
    3 a true and loyal friend🌿🌿
    3 Great Friend
    2 Very helpful 🕯 🕯
    2 Ambitious, compassionate ,generous , Sincere, Reliable. 🐦
    3 Super kind, liked by everyone. 🕯. 🕯.
    3 Gregarious, jokester, kind and compassionate R.I.P
    3 Nice Person 🌿
    3 💔 Good person inside and out! Didn't deserve this 💔
    3 Super kind, liked by everyone. 🕯.
  • Occupation:
    4 shop supervisor
    4 The years working with him were the best years ever!🕯
  • Workplace:
    6 Gerhard Designing and Manufacturing
    2 Gerhard Designing and Manufacturing
  • Comments:
    14 Rest in Peace
    18 Best friend, wonderful person.
    8 Rest in Peace 🍁
    25 wonderful person we're all gonna miss him.RIP Jurek..m
    152 We miss you!😪
    20 Best uncle ever. My superhero. Always in my heart.Till we meet again.
    66 Miss you with all my heart. Gone but not forgotten.
    181 Rest in Peace Jerzy, you are missed.
    182 Jerzy , odszedłeś na zawsze?NIE! Będziesz stale stał blisko.
    43 Zawsze bedziesz w naszym sercu
    220 Czas szybko płynie lecz nie da się pogodzić ze Ciebie nie ma.
    131 Rest in Peace 🎄
    87 tak mi przykro
    135 Odszedłeś za szybko, ale na zawsze pozostaniesz w naszej pamięci
    134 oreduj za nami tam w niebie
    32 .... puste miejsce przy Wigilinym Stole......
    8 Tak bardzo mi ciebie brakuje wujku...
    129 We miss you! But you are with us every day!!!
    136 Your memory will be alive we will never let go
    128 How this innocent men was ripped away from her family, friends, and future 😢😢😢
    147 The good die young.RIP Jerzy
    125 „Nie umiera ten kto, pozostaje w sercu i pamięci bliskich.”
    120 „To wielki ból, że Cię straciliśmy. Pociesza nas pewność, że zobaczymy się w niebie.”
    31 Rest in Peace Sir ❄❄❄
    54 Spoczywaj w pokoju 🐦
    61 Pokój Ci wieczny w cichej krainie, gdzie ból nie sięga, gdzie łza nie płynie
    6 R.I.P ❄❄❄
    66 Good person inside and out! Didn't deserve this
    35 R.I.P💐
    37 "można odejść na zawsze by stale być blisko"
    42 Man I wish this was just a bad dream
    6 Zawsze bedziesz w naszych sercach.
    22 Tak bardzo za Toba tesknimy
    31 There is only one thought that eases my pain. Its knowing that one day We'll meet again.
    11 ....Jest cos co mrokom sie opiera. Jest Pamiec a Ona nie umiera....
    10 Rest in Peace 🌠
    21 May you look down upon the ones that miss you and bring joy to our sorrowful hearts🐦
    29 Rest in God's arms in peace.
    11 and the last person that should have ever been taken away like this
    17 Didn't deserve what happened to him may you rest in peace 🌿
    30 the last person that should have ever been taken away like this
    5 tak bardzo bardzo tesknimy za Toba braciszku
    22 I might forget to light a candle everyday, but your memory is with me everyday
    177 didn't deserve this! we are still waiting for justice!
    6 Always in our hearts never will be forgotten
    7 God bless you and your family. God needed a special man
    25 Always in our hearts will never be forgotten
    33 thank you for everything...
    12 Ty jestes tam gdzie bolu brak I sprawiedliwosc absolutna
    13 gdzie rownosc ma juz inny znak a smierc doczesna nie okrutna
    11 Jurku, wciąż trudno uwierzyć .....
    7 Jureczku! Zawsze byles mi pomocny i troskliwy oraz dumny ze swojej pracy. Andrzej
    12 "Odszedles tak nagle, ze ani uwierzyc, ani sie pogodzic..."
    5 Jurek. - smutno. Nam. Bez. Ciebie 🕯💐
    6 Cały. Czas. Jesteś w. Naszych myślach 😪😢❤️
    6 Braciszku tak bardzo bardzo tesknimy za Toba tak smutno bez Ciebie zyc
    9 Niech Pan bedzie z Toba.
    5 i will be forever grateful
    5 Jak trudno uwierzyc ze odeszles braciszku smutek I lzy nam zostawiles
    30 A good person who has left this world too soon 💐
    61 a true and loyal friend🌿
    65 The years working with him were the best years ever! 🍁
    35 Nice Person
    32 RIP 🌹
    55 Great friend
    28 I'm so Sorry 🌼
    37 Didn't deserve what happened to him may you rest in peace
    100 The last person that should have ever been taken away like this
    18 Oreduj za nami tam w niebie
    112 Kind hearted, handsome gentleman. Justice for Jerzy !
    27 Rest in Peace Jerzy, you are missed
    30 "Spieszmy sie kochac ludzi. Tak szybko odchodza." (ks. J. Twardowski)
    30 Czas tak szybko leci,ale nie mozna Ciebie zapomiec
    21 Jurku, wciaz trudno uwierzyc
    23 Odszedłeś tak nagle, że ani uwierzyć, ani się pogodzić.
    25 „Kto zyje w sercu tych, ktorzy pozostaja, nie umiera.”
    27 Zgasles nam jak swiecy plomien bez buntu, bez słowa skargi, bezbronny….
    314 You Were Taken Brutally From Us On And We're Still Waiting On Justice
    13 There is only one thought that eases my pain. It's knowing that one day We'll meet again.
    29 I can forget to light a candle but you are always in my memory.
    32 Rest in paradise 🕯 🌿
    14 kolejne święta mijają bez Ciebie
    10 Zawsze jestes w mojej pamieci I moich myslach
    7 Chociaż minęło tyle czasu nadal nie wierze ze ciebie nie ma z nami
    6 Dziś są twoje imieniny a ciebie nie ma z nami , ale w naszym sercu będziesz zawsze
    6 Az trudno uwierzyc ze wszyscy tak pamietaja o Tobie I tak Cie kochaja
    7 Zasluzyles na to sobie sam okazujac dobroc I milosc do drugiego czlowieka
    5 Dlaczego?
    4 3 Jurku, wciaz trudno uwierzyc .....
    5 w sercu i pamięci bliskich.”
    10 Dlaczego tak się stało?
    6 "non omnis moriar" Horacy
    7 Today marks 7 months since you have been taken from us. Missing you everyday uncle.
    12 Happy birthday in Paradise 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯
    9 Happy Birthday uncle! I know your celebrating in heaven.
    14 Happy birthday 🕯💐 🐦
    13 miss We you! But you are with us every day!!!
    17 brother forever missed never forgotten
    12 sleep in the arm's of Jesus
    45 I wish this was just a bad dream
    13 Rest In Peace
    6 rest in the arms of our Lord
    13 Rest in God's arms in peace
    22 You will always live in our hearts...
    55 Didn't deserve what happened to him may you rest in peace🌿
    36 A good person who has left this world too soon
    12 Missing you everyday uncle!
    16 1yr without you. I Wish this never happened.
    9 l love you brother sow match
    16 We all miss you, rest in heaven
    15 I love and miss you brother
    5 kolejne swieta bez Ciebie braciszku
    10 Merry Christmas in Heaven 🎄
    136 Where is the justice for this lovely man.
    8 Eternal rest grant to him, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon him
    12 Radosc Nieba racz mu dac Panie
    6 Missing you everyday
    8 Bedziesz z nami dzis choc w innej postaci
    16 Merry Christmas in heaven
    19 May your soul rest in peace
    12 Happy Easter
    10 Happy Birthday in Heaven I wish you was here with us 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯
    8 We remember the 30th wedding anniversary
    186 Because He was true and loyal Friend for so many people.We miss him
    9 please stop removing .Thank you
    38 We all still miss you Jerzy
    17 Christmas without you again
    17 Merry Christmas
    8 🎄🎄🎄
    14 Happy birthday in Paradise 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯
    17 Happy Birthday in Heaven
    16 4 years gone by and you still are so very much missed and loved by everyone who knew you.
    22 Such a senseless death. 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯
    11 I love you so much brothers❤️
    5 Wieczny odpoczynek racz mu dac Panie
    14 Merry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄
    10 I love you brother ❤️
    12 Rest in peace🕯🙏🏻
    20 We will always love you and the shock will never pass. Rest in peace
    13 Happy Birthday in Heaven 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯
    8 I love you Broter
    20 You were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why
    17 As each day passes we miss you more and more. Rest in peace
    18 It's been 5 years now and we still can't believe you're gone
    16 5th year without you..…the life that touches the hearts of others lives on forever
    16 You were always there for us when we needed help or when our spirits needed a lift. Miss you 😢
    9 Merry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
    10 Happy New Year in Heaven.
    11 May he rest easy in grace and love and shine down on all of us.
    9 Jerzy's eternity lasts as long as memory pays him.
    13 I believe you are in better hands with the Lord and the angels. RIP!
    7 Rest in peace my friend, We know you are in a better place and one day we shall meet again
    9 Gregarious, jokester, kind and compassionate
    10 You are gone, but you will always live in our memories. Rest in peace
    9 Gone far too soon, but the memory of you will always be in our hearts.
    9 I know that your kind soul is in Paradise watching over us. Until we meet again.
    9 You will live with us in memory for evermore.
    11 The years working with him were the best years ever!
    9 May your soul rest in peace 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯
    8 Rest in peace , We know you are in a better place and one day we shall meet again.
    9 I wish this was just a bad dream.
    8 I might forget to light a candle everyday, but your memory is with me everyday 🕯 🕯 🕯
    9 Didn't deserve what happened to him may you rest in peace🕯 🕯 🕯🙏
    9 A good person who has left this world too soon.Rest in peace🙏🏻
    11 Till memory fades and life departs, you live forever in our hearts.🕯 🕯 🕯
    7 Happy Easter my brother😘🐥🙏
    12 God bless Jerzy on his name day 🙏🏻 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯
    6 It would have been your 61st Birthday…😥
    9 you walk beside us every day, unseen, but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear
    4 The last person that should have ever been taken away like this 🙏🏻
    4 I know that your kind soul is in Paradise watching over us. Until we meet again.🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯
    4 I can forget to light a candle but you are always in my memory.🕯🙏🏻
    4 Good person inside and out! Didn't deserve this🌿🌿🌿
    4 Rest in peace , We know you are in a better place and one day we shall meet again....
    4 It is hard to believe that you are no more. You will never be forgotten. RIP
    4 You are in the arms of God now and I believe that you will be watching and guiding us from above.
    4 Only God knows why it happened. RIP, we will see each other again in heaven.
    3 We will keep you alive in our memories. Rest in peace.
    3 Anyone who has ever known him is sure to miss him. May he sleep peacefully.
    2 May you look down upon the ones that miss you and bring joy to our sorrowful hearts🙏🏻
    2 The last person that should have ever been taken away like this.....
    2 Till memory fades and life departs, you live forever in our hearts. 🌼
    1 A good person who has left this world too soon...
    2 The years working with him were the best years ever!..
    2 There is only one thought that eases my pain. It's knowing that one day We'll meet again.🙏🏻
    2 Rest in God's arms in peace 🙏🏻
    2 Rest in peace , We know you are in a better place and one day we shall meet again.🙏🏻
    2 Gone far too soon, but the memory of you will always be in our hearts....🕯 🕯
    2 I might forget to light a candle everyday, but your memory is with me everyday.
    2 How this innocent men was ripped away from her family, friends, and future 😢🕯
    12 Rest in God's arms in peace🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯
    8 The last person that should have ever been taken away like this😭😭
    6 May he rest easy in grace and love and shine down on all of us.🙏🏻
    6 Rest in peace my friend, We know you are in a better place and one day we shall meet again.
    4 How this innocent men was ripped away from her family, friends, and future 😢😢
    6 Didn't deserve what happened to him may you rest in peace🌿
    5 Rest in peace 🕯 🙏🏻
    5 Till memory fades and life departs, you live forever in our hearts. 🙏🏻
    5 May he rest easy in grace and love and shine down on all of us.🐦
    11 Thank you for everything...
    5 I can forget to light a candle but you are always in my memory.🕯 🕯 🕯
    5 No farewell words were spoken, there was no time to say goodbye. Rest in peace🕯🙏🏻
    5 Man I wish this was just a bad dream....
    4 I believe you are in better hands with the Lord and the angels. R.I.P..!
    6 You are gone, but you will always live in our memories. Rest in peace.
    4 The good die young. R.I.P Jerzy🕯💐 🐦
    4 Rest in paradise.🕯
    1 Best uncle ever. My superhero. Always in my heart.Till we meet again.
    2 I love you so much brother❤.🕯
    8 Super kind, liked by everyone. Gone way too soon.❤.🕯
    5 “Let us hurry to love people they depart so quickly” Jan Twardowski.🕯
    2 Missing you everyday uncle! .🕯
    10 We all still miss you Jerzy
    10 You were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why.Rest in peace🙏🏻
    5 The years working with him were the best years ever!
    6 May you look down upon the ones that miss you and bring joy to our sorrowful hearts 🐦
    7 There is only one thought that eases my pain. It's knowing that one day We'll meet again.
    7 You were always there for us when we needed help or when our spirits needed a lift. Miss you💔
    9 miss We you! But you are with us every day!!!🕯 💔
    7 We cannot believe that you are no longer with us.
    6 I know that your kind soul is in Paradise watching over us. Until we meet again. 🙏🏻
    6 Those we love don’t go away. They walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near.
    6 The beautiful moments you shared with us will never be forgotten. Rest in peace.
    6 You may be gone, but your presence will never be forgotten. Rest in peace.
    6 It’s hard to believe you left us so suddenly.
    6 We will miss you dearly, and you will always be in our prayers and thoughts🙏🏻
    3 A good person who has left this world too soon🕯 🕯 🕯
    3 I Wish this never happened 💔
    3 Rest in God's arms in peace🕯, 🕯, 🕯
    3 The last person that should have ever been taken away like this 😭 😭
    3 May he rest easy in grace and love and shine down on all of us. 🙏🏻
    3 Rest in peace my friend, We know you are in a better place and one day we shall meet again. . 🙏🏻
    3 How this innocent men was ripped away from her family, friends, and future ,😢,😢
    3 Didn't deserve what happened to him may you rest in peace .🌿
    3 Rest in peace. 🕯 .🙏🏻
    3 .Till memory fades and life departs, you live forever in our hearts. 🙏🏻
    3 .May he rest easy in grace and love and shine down on all of us.🐦
    3 Thank you for everything... 🕯
    3 I can forget to light a candle but you are always in my memory.🕯. 🕯 🕯
    3 .No farewell words were spoken, there was no time to say goodbye.
    3 Rest in peace🕯.🙏🏻
    3 ..Man I wish this was just a bad dream....
    3 I believe you are in better hands with the Lord and the angels.. R.I.P..!
    3 You are gone, but you will always live in our memories.. Rest in peace.
    3 The good die young. R.I.P Jerzy.🕯💐 🐦
    3 Rest in paradise..🕯
    3 Best uncle ever.. My superhero.. Always in my heart.Till we meet again.
    3 I love you so much brother.❤.🕯
    3 Super kind, liked by everyone. Gone way too soon..❤..🕯
    3 “Let us hurry to love people they depart so quickly” Jan Twardowski. 🕯
    3 .Missing you everyday uncle! .🕯
    3 We all still miss you Jerzy.
    3 You were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why.Rest in peace 🙏🏻
    3 The years working with him were the best years ever.!
    3 May you look down upon the ones that miss you and bring joy to our sorrowful hearts .🐦
    3 There is only one thought that eases my pain. .It's knowing that one day We'll meet again.
    3 You were always there for us when we needed help or when our spirits needed a lift. Miss you.💔
    3 miss We you! But you are with us every day!!!🕯. 💔
    3 We cannot believe that you are no longer with us..
    3 The beautiful moments you shared with us will never be forgotten. Rest in peace. 🕯
    3 .You may be gone, but your presence will never be forgotten. Rest in peace.
    3 It’s hard to believe you left us so suddenly...
    3 We will miss you dearly, and you will always be in our prayers and thoughts.. 🙏🏻
    3 You will live with us in memory for evermore...
    3 Gone far too soon, but the memory of you will always be in our hearts.!🕯
    3 May your soul rest in peace 🕯 🕯

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