Breanna Perez, age 38

Lost to gun violence on September 25, 2017 in Fort Myers, Florida.

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115 candles have been lit for Breanna.
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You can add to Breanna's profile:

  • Nickname:
    2 Bree
    1 Breeze
  • Number of children:
    2 3 puppies
  • Personality:
    2 exciting, explosive, kind, sweet, loving
  • Occupation:
    3 Registered Dental Hygienist
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
  • Comments:
    2 Condolences to your family. May God of comfort give you strength.
    2 2 cor.1:3,4 assures ones that God can bring comfort during difficult times
    2 May the Lord bless and rest your soul.
    3 Thinking of you today. My heart still hurts that you're gone.
    2 your beautiful smile, warm heart
    2 I have been searching for you. now I know why I couldn't find you. damn you John,...
    2 you said you would take care of her... not kill her...
    2 You told me "John pulled a gun on me" and as your friend, I couldn't do enough to save you!
    1 Im sorry this happen to you, Miss you very much RIP Beautiful Queen
    1 I will always keep you in my heart your sis LUNA VRAVA
    1 I think about you everyday love you till we meet again your sis Luna Vrava

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