Garrett “Gee Money” Burton, age 22

Lost to gun violence on September 10, 2017 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Rapper "Gee Money"

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You can add to Garrett's profile:

  • Nickname:
    13 gee money
  • Number of children:
    19 3. 2 daughters 1 son
    11 4 his mom got a dna tear after his death he has 3 daughters 1 son
  • Personality:
    19 Humble
    11 OutGoing
    15 unique
    10 Focus
    10 Vigilant
    9 leader
    11 Beautiful soul💜
    14 funny
    11 the hardest rapper out❣️
    10 funninest guy youll know❣️long live you
    2 Honest
    2 funny asl
  • Occupation:
    9 rapper
  • Workplace:
    8 and you so cute i miss youuu noo i am so sad gee money tbg
  • Schools attended:
    10 Tara High School
  • Comments:
    14 The good do die young
    12 DUMBBB❗️Rest On Geemoney🦍💚
    11 Best rapper out there
    9 Long LIve GEE we miss you why they had to takeyou so early love u big bro watch ova me TBG
    8 rest easy gee❤
    10 Longg Livee GeeMoneyy💕
    7 rest up gee
    7 i love you Gee
    8 justice being served right now Gee!!
    8 That voice 😘💯
    7 rest in paradise gee
    7 sleep up baby♥️
    7 RIP 🕊
    7 RIP
    7 thug in peace
    9 Rest up Gee money
    10 RIP GEE
    8 RIP gee!💔💔
    9 in the name of gee
    9 rip gee i wish u
    9 Indistry wasnt ready for a real one🦍🖤
    7 i still rap yo name for ever livelong
    7 LLGee-OTM KAy4our
    7 His swagger cannot be copied period
    7 rip
    7 LLcuzzo💔
    16 TBG For life. LLG
    8 GEE WAY 5L 🖤🩸🦍 all they way frm Texas
    12 We miss you Gee Money In Da Name Of Gee
    6 GEE WAY

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