Jordan Mucher, age 21

Lost to gun violence on June 2, 2017 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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You can add to Jordan's profile:

  • Nickname:
    21 handsome son
  • Number of children:
    21 one daughter
  • Personality:
    24 funny, smart, handsome, intelligent and a fun person to be around.
  • Occupation:
    22 server / cook
  • Workplace:
    21 furrs
  • Schools attended:
    20 hoover middle school, Eldorado high school and las Puente charter scho
  • Comments:
    24 we will always be together mom and son. I love you
    22 you were amazing in everyway sweetie rest well😚
    22 RIPP brother bear im repping your name n holding it down for you❤
    20 rip cuz cuz, love you. ♥️ watch over me while you can ♥️
    20 Love ya jordy! We will always miss you! Rest in paradise
    24 My prayers to the Family. May God comfort n strengthen you.
    20 jordy! love u and miss u everday...i hope u know we love u
    23 always loved watch over mom, Brittany, aria, sydney and new baby. miss u soo much 😍❤
    21 Jordy, as the trial date nears i miss u more and more. your daughter is beautiful. miss you :(..
    21 Love you jordy!
    20 Love ya Jordy! My kids and I love you 💕😘
    20 love u shitbird
    19 I miss you Jordy! My son asks for you constantly you are missed dearly 😭❤️
    21 love u Jordy. cliff says he misses u.

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