Melvin White, age 36

Lost to gun violence on April 17, 2017 in Rochester, New York.

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836 candles have been lit for Melvin.
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You can add to Melvin's profile:

  • Nickname:
    6 RAH RAH
    5 rahzy
    2 Melzo
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    6 humble
    3 loving, generous, heart warming
    3 Respectful,kind,calm,
  • Occupation:
    2 playa
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    2 Franklin High School
  • Comments:
    6 Melvin had a big❤️and had a smile that will brighten anybody day!
    3 They hurt a lot of people that loved him when they took his life😔
    3 They didn't have to kill Melvin😪
    4 Rahzi was the kindest person with the biggest heart
    3 Missing you so much Melvin😔
    4 Riding not seeing ya face on the eastside is💔Melvin
    3 Justice didn't let you or ya family down🙌🏽
    3 Wish I can see your smile and hear you voice in person miss and love Melvin
    3 Every time I look at a pic of you it breaks my heart love you Melvin
    4 Miss you and that smile so much Melvin
    3 You will never be forgotten Melvin
    3 Anybody that knew you know how much you loved your kids and wanted them to stay close
    2 No situations should have nobody you took care of changing on your kids
    4 Real love holds it down no matter what just like you did RAH RAH
    5 There will Never Ever be another like you Melvin
    2 Miss you so much Melvin always and forever in my heart
    3 Miss you and Smalls like crazy love always lil sister
    2 Hard to live without 2 of my brothers life is unfair
    2 Miss you father
    2 you had amazing love for your mom
    1 Happy Birthday Melvin love and miss you
    1 Still on my mind❤️always will be Melvin
    1 RAH RAH🕯
    1 I miss you so much Melvin❤️
    1 Your truly missed❤️❤️❤️❤️
    3 I love you dad viaa lil Rahzy 💔 wish you could have met your grandson 😔
    1 Keep looking over all your family and friends Melvin😇❤️❤️❤️
    2 Not seeing you or your smile that brightened anybody’s ❤️still is painful😔miss you Melvin💋
    1 Merry Christmas Melvin🎄rest in peace and keep smiling down on your family and friends❤️💋
    1 🕯😘
    1 ❤️❤️❤️🙇🏽‍♂️
    1 Never Forgotten❤️🤞🏽😇
    1 Miss you❤️sip Melvin
    1 5/2020 missing you😔you will never be forgotten!!! RIH Melvin❤️
    1 It’s your 40th birthday month❤️you would of been showing on the whole month🎉
    1 I smile knowing how u would of been killing the town with ya style for ya Birthday month🥰
    1 3 more til your 40th birthday❤️miss you Melvin
    1 ITS YA 40TH RAHRAH😍(585) BETTER 🎉🎉🎉🍾🍾🍾ALL DAY FOR U❤️
    1 585 partied big for you❤️I know you was smiling😇miss and love you Melvin
    1 Been reminiscing about us lately🥰will forever cherish our good memories❤️❤️
    1 Wish u was still here😔
    1 GM😇you on my mind heavy❤️I miss you so much love you Melvin😘😘
    1 I’m 40 with u now❤️I can feel you smiling! Miss you❤️
    1 I will never forget you❤️Happy Thanksgiving🕯
    1 Merry Heaven Christmas❤️ miss you so much🕊🤍
    1 I will NEVER forget about you Melvin❤️
    1 4 years today😔miss you so much. Never will be forgotten love you Melvin❤️
    1 Happy Birthday Melvin❤️miss you so much
    1 Merry Heaven Christmas Melvin🎄🤍 you will never be forgotten from me😘
    1 i miss you dad your youngest and i wish you were stil here, love you dad .. - bianca

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