Maurice Gore, age 34

Lost to gun violence on April 9, 2017 in Portsmouth, Virginia.

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10451 candles have been lit for Maurice.

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  • Nickname:
    30 Reese
    7 Reesie
    10 my baby
    5 Big Head
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    17 loving, goofy,
    5 giving
    7 independent, loyal, honest, intelligent, charismatic, driven and extremely family oriented
    3 Courageous
    2 wonderful, kind, friendly, joyful,dependable
    4 Passionate
  • Occupation:
    7 Owner of M.A.G Enterprises
  • Workplace:
    3 White Truck Co. (maintenance technician)
  • Schools attended:
  • Comments:
    15 You are miss and always in my heart. Love mom
    9 You are our Angel watching over us. Heaven knows they have the best up there. You are the best.
    9 God has the best in heaven you are miss. I love you son.
    9 My heart is broken and I miss you so much. I will always love you.
    10 Love you my son. God has you now.
    9 I am going to see you again.
    9 Love you son
    9 another day without my baby. You are truly miss. Love you.
    9 missing your smile and goofy ways. Love your mother.
    9 Love you and missing you
    9 thinking about you every day.
    10 My son my friend. Love you.
    10 missing you.
    10 Love you and missing you.
    9 Today is a hard one I am missing you.
    9 missing you son. l loveyou
    9 love u
    8 i.miss you everyday
    8 Another day without you. Missing you and loving you each and every day!
    9 RIP bro
    11 Love you Maurice ur cousin Byrd miss you like crazy
    10 miss you with all my ❤ and will see you again love your uncle RAYMOND
    10 Rest Easy Nephew much ❤
    9 Reese ur aunt Neadie misses u so much. I love u
    9 missing the Maurice Gore who has given us all joy and happiness.LOVE UNCLE RAYMOND
    10 Today I think about you and all the time you made us smile. You are truly loved and missed.
    11 missing ypur smile and the joy you bring that give u .S. I .P
    9 crying everyday. nothing can take away my pain. S I P nephew your unc RLG
    7 my ❤ mu soul was taken April 9th 2017 miss u nephew
    8 Remember our Sunday mornings watching POWER
    10 Mason missing his daddy.
    7 You are the love of my life. Missing you son.
    7 words can not express my pain missing you nephew.lovee uncle RAYMOND
    6 making your memory live on love you babyboy
    6 Thank you for never judging me nd taking sides showing 💗from the start you will ALWAYS BE IN MY ❤
    6 Bro I fight tears everyday when I think who much time and work we put in I miss ya
    6 I remember when you first ate oxtails nd you LOVED them lol missing those days coming ova to dinner
    6 Miss u daily bro nonthing is the same since u left
    6 I light a candle everyday in my heart for nephew that never go out
    5 Today is a hard one. You are on my mind and in my heart all day long. Missing you.
    6 I miss you my Reese love you not sure I love they gonna send it out how you on say
    6 You are our Angel watching over us. Son I miss you so much!!!!!!
    6 gone but never forgotton i will never let them forget
    5 Love you bro
    6 Miss you Bro continue to be my angel love you 🌹
    5 Still so broken hearted!! love you always R.I.P
    5 Words cannot express the heaviness of my heart. The day our family was torn apart.
    8 I love you and I miss you, now and until then. The day you and I meet again. Big Little Sister
    5 YOUR goofy ways shall live on. You made people smile when you where around. Your smile will live on.
    5 Boi 👁miss 👀your 😆 it's not the same phew miss you ALWAYS
    5 Maurice never left us cause he's always on my mind and in my ❤
    5 Rip Lil Cuz
    6 I know your watching over us all
    6 LORD please help me deal with this my nephew is gone for no reason
    8 My shining star in God arms free of worries.
    5 hey Reese sitting thinking of you at 3am. wishin i could call you
    5 looking at your pictures bring me joy .but thinking of our lost hurts deeply
    5 nobody no wat we meant to each other but we new love n miss u phew
    5 juan
    4 Another month without you. I miss you so much!!! I go on seeing your and you in my heart.
    4 I mean your smile. When I smile I see your smile. You are my son. Love you!!!!!!!
    4 Missing you bro
    4 its been 4 months since we lost our nephew but his life goes on in our hearts miss u Maurice
    5 there is a void in my heart that will never be replaced. I miss you everyday
    5 til we meet again💙💚
    4 Miss u bro 🎭
    5 Maurice GORE is truly miss by his love one's Ill see u again nephew. love YO R.G
    6 today is a good day because my nephew is smiling down on is all .love u Reese
    4 GOD has you in his arms and he tells us about you. you ate truly missed. 💘 uncle RAYMOND
    3 I love you forever and always ❤️❤️
    3 time has come time has past but nothing will ever be the same. love you always
    3 Each day get harder without you here . Missing you.
    3 luv you phew my heart heavy right now
    4 i can't find the words to tell YOU im so up set cause u are not here .love u and miss u
    4 Missing you everyday. My heart is broken and I love. I will see you in heaven.
    3 The greatest nephew who ever lived. Missing u bunches
    3 Grandma moved to florida. never seen that coming
    3 keep a eye on your grandmother she love and miss u Maurice
    3 hey nephew i will see you again love and miss you S.I.P. R.G
    3 I miss u Reese...its still unbelievable. Until we meet again, S.I.P.
    3 love u phew tell but a and fell I said I never got a chance to say I love u
    3 endless times damn I miss u real talk.sjit will never b the same
    3 five months and im still not able to deal with the lost sorry nephew but my justice got to be done
    3 if you don't understand then don't comment Maurice you are 💘 and missed
    4 its been 5mths and this still so unreal. what we would give just to pick up the phone
    4 love and miss you! u will alwys live on in my heart
    4 Missing you on this special day. I could see your smiling face saying happy birthday MOM
    4 its hard nephew but im holding on .i promise that we will see each other again.S I P
    3 GOD knows i miss you nephew but im trying to maintain until these courts do what it do
    3 anger can not express what i feel inside only knowing that life inst the same without u here.
    3 i have so much to say but i can't express my inner self to the world. S I P Maurice
    4 I hold you in my heart and talk 2 I every day. Missing u. until we meet again. Love your mother.
    4 hey nephew we are filling pain more and more each day. i miss u deeply. S I P
    5 im so messed up right now i cant stay focus Maurice he don't no what he did to me. love u damn
    4 This has been the longest 6mths of our lives. If only we could turn back the hands of time
    3 six months nephew that's all i can say love you deeply miss you as well
    3 its same fake ass n*****s nephew but me and you no the real ones
    4 life is so empty with out you here Maurice sometimes i really don't no what to do
    4 you are my Angel nephew keep me safe and focus i miss you everyday. love always unc
    4 today is a hard one ever 9th of the month just make me upset S .I.P
    5 to all who care light a candle for my nephew show some kind of love
    3 things are about to get better Maurice promise love uncle RAYMOND
    3 RIse and grind...You aint up for real. "man, just come get the car" i miss my brother RIH!!!
    3 god is good my nephew see you again keep smiling keep shining down on us all love uncle RAYMOND
    3 GOD made you and GOD taken you .but remember you ate safe with him. love you
    4 man i still cant get over this shit .im hurting so much each day .love you Maurice.RAYMOND
    4 They say GOD heals broken hearts then why haven't he heal mind .S.I P uncle RAYMOND
    4 love and miss you everyday Maurice GOD bless us all .S.I.P uncle RAYMOND
    3 miss you real talk nephew things just isn't the same anymore
    4 just checking in with you nephew and to let you know that i miss and love u deeply uncl
    3 It not a day I don't miss being round
    3 today start off with pain as always but knowing that you love us all makes things a lil better
    3 today start off with pain but knowing u love us make things better
    4 seven months nephew since we lost you .this is a hard one. for me S I P 💘
    4 Maurice it has been seven months since you were taking away from us
    4 God rest on the seven day so I know you are resting in God arms
    4 no more troubles and God knows we will keep your memories alive in our hearts and minds.
    4 Your mother, sister, nephew, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmother and friends love you and miss you.
    4 Your friends that you call brother have been checking on your mother like you would
    4 Thank you for being my son and I will hold you dear to my heart until we meet again.
    4 I just feel you are away and I will see you again you are not lose. God got you.
    3 nephew your mother is very strong that's what keep me focus love you S I P.
    3 God Bless Patricia and Lele, keep that Faith, love ya'll
    2 y'all need to light yall candle everyday if you really care
    2 i miss u bro been thinkn bout you all week
    3 without you nephew there is no thanksgiving only understanding
    3 i love u maurice an my love will never end your whole family miss u this Thanksgiving
    3 hey nephew another day has past without you i love and miss you unk
    3 RIP Big Kuzzo💙
    3 i will never stop missing an loving u ur aunt chell
    3 my heart hurt everyday 💋 aunt chell
    3 love u soo soo much an will always till i die
    3 love you Maurice the has not gone yet but ill see u again love uncle RAYMOND
    3 the pain has not gone yet miss love remains strong as always uncle RAYMOND
    3 this thing is not putting all my words out u no how uncle RAYMOND feels about u
    2 love you my n**** always uncle RAYMOND
    3 being here on earth without you has been hard on us all we love and miss u Maurice uncle RAYMOND
    3 tomorrow it will be eight months nephew since u were taken away from us. love always uncle Raymond
    3 i love you so much Maurice an will Never stop
    3 hey nephew just letting you no uncle RAYMOND love and miss you everyday
    3 Today is a good day just missing you so much but knowing you are with the father make it better.
    3 loving and missing my nephew each day .keep smiling down on me. Maurice love uncle RAYMOND
    3 God is here with us this Christmas. Merry Christmas son I love you!!!!!
    3 love and miss you my nephew always things isn't the same without u here 💘 uncle RAYMOND
    3 love and miss you like crazy but im holding on by the grace of God 💘 uncle RAYMOND always
    3 You are my sunshine and I wiill keep your memories in my heart and you are truly loved and missed.
    3 I think God for you and I real appricate Him loaning you to me for the time you where here on earth.
    3 You will always be moma baby and your sister big little brother.I love you son.
    3 its a new year nephew without you here man i miss you. S I P Maurice. unk
    3 2018 with you in my heart and on my mind. Love you son.
    3 its been nine months nephew since we lost you .Love you and miss u deeply uncle r
    3 Someome told me that an angel is watching over me in heaven and I know that
    3 God says rested I have you in my arms and I have your family
    4 in my care and control love Mommy, Angelita, Angelita,Mason, Jasmine
    3 also your uncle Raymond, aunt Nakia, uncle Johnnie, aunt Juanita, uncle Tyrone, aunt Michelle
    3 uncle Kenneth,aunt Cheryl and most of all your mother/grandmother Deloris
    3 I put Angelita twice because she loves her brother that much but I ment Angelito
    3 You know that Starkeda, Nicole,Tiara,Lil Ronnie and all the rest of the family love and missed you
    3 Today I am just holding onto you in my heart and mind and loving and missing you!!!!!
    2 I hold you my nephew in my heart each and everyday and will never stop. S I P
    2 your born day is coming up and i hope that the family wiil remember it and show some real love
    2 you are not gone just away until we see each other again 💘 uncle RAYMOND S I P Maurice Anthony Gore
    3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! LOVE YOU ALWAYS Aunt/Cousin Kia😘😘😘
    3 Happy birthday Maurice love u uncle RAYMOND and aunt Chris
    4 289 days of heartache idk if the pain will end.I do know I'll always love you.Happy bday my love💙💚
    3 Happy Birthday Brother! 1/23/18
    4 I love you bro.... it's never goodbye.... it's always I'll see you later!
    6 Mason loves you Daddy
    5 if only you could see him now he is your spitting image Damn damn damn
    2 Gone but never forgotten,Step Dad Wayne!!!!!!!
    2 will be celebrating mine and yours,STEP DAD😁
    2 Love you Nephew! RIH!!
    2 Happy Birthday To My Other Son MISS You
    2 Rest Up Cuz.. 👑 Love you
    2 happy bday phew
    3 Cheryl Gore I Love You
    3 Son I miss you !!!!!! I will see you again! Love Mom
    3 nine months since Maurice left us and my ❤ is still heavy will the pain go away. S I P
    3 it feels like im all alone and thay took u away from us. damn whars wrong with this picture
    3 today i just sit here thinking about my nephew and missing him deeply. S I P nephew
    2 just sitting here thinking last year just me you and mason watching the super bowl now im alo9
    3 Today is nine months nephew and my ❤ is still heavy love and miss u deeply S I P
    2 ten months in still no peace of mind love you Maurice Anthony Gore
    4 My heart goes out to the mom; I lost my son 6/12/17
    3 I truly feel every pain the mom is going through. We will pray 4 each other
    3 Justice will be done for both of our sons.
    3 God is still in control and I will trust in Him for justice for all who loss someone.
    3 Maurice I really miss your wonderful and funny ways. You are in good hands now!!!!!!!!!
    3 Maurice you can never go backward again because you are in God's arms now!!!!!! A good future.
    3 God loves you more so He brought you home to rest from your worries.
    3 I miss you son and I know I will see you again!!! We will see Jesus face to face together!!!!
    3 11 months nephew the pain is still here love you for life S I P ifeel you close by always
    3 nephew im hurt im mad and i cant get over this mess yet talk to me nephew please
    3 I am loving you today and forever. I miss you so much, our laugh and love for other!!!
    3 You are your mother child. I am my son mother. Angelita and Lito love you and miss you
    3 All who knows the power of prayer, pray for justice for Maurice Anthony Gore.
    3 Family God got this in control and Maurice is in a better place, we all love him and miss him
    3 Each day you are away in God arms I hold onto the love you had for us that's what keep me!!!!
    3 I know you are home now with one who loves you more than we could, you died on 04/09/2017
    3 And you also live on 04/09/2017 with the Father forever in eternality. Love you and miss you MOM!
    3 I love and miss you Maurice. Pumpkin. You are in a better place.
    3 thanks nephew for the love ill always love you uncle RAYMOND S I P
    3 I love you son and I miss you so much wish you were here with us your memories live on in me!
    3 It coming up on a year since you been taken away from us and seem like just yesterday!
    3 I really miss when you would make me laugh just being you!!!!!! Wonderful Son of mines!!!!
    3 your mom's right nephew we really miss you and wish u where here love you for life
    3 i can't express my pain but my heart is heavy ass hell over own lost
    3 you keep me going nephew because i look forward to opening your business one day
    3 god got you now and one day we will meet again no time soon i hope love uncle RAYMOND
    3 hey nephew your uncle Johnnie coming to you keep an eye on him. love u boyth
    3 Heaven got two new Angel Maurice and Johnnie Gore y'all keep each other self S I P
    3 Reese your Unc is come to sit with you too watch over us love yall
    3 Maurice Johnnie y'all are truly loved and missed take care of each other u both S I P
    3 gone but never forgotten my Angel nephew Maurice and my Angel Johnnie god got y'all now
    3 uncle RAYMOND love u Maurice and i will never stop until we meet again u and Johnnie be good
    3 nephew like i ask your uncle Johnnie when are the family going to stop hurting S I P
    3 crying over y'all and not being able to get justice that shit hurt real bad love u S ai P
    3 we are going to see your uncle for the first time since he was killed. i don't no if i can take it
    3 nephew be there for us as we deal with this. i love you with all my heart
    3 My three best men are together Daddy, Johnnie and Maurice love you all.
    3 my heart is heavy my soul hurts deep nephew i can't believe you are gone love you deeply
    2 Today your uncle Johnnie will be laid to rest y'all are loved and missed deeply
    2 Maurice how can i easy the pain we i lost two of my love one to the streets
    3 first it was you and now its Johnnie nephew justice will come i promise
    3 Hey Maurice its uncle RAYMOND. just checking in to let you know o love and miss you always
    3 yo you seen your uncle Johnnie yet man its would be nice to see yall face right now
    3 my nephew and brother are two Angels flying high love you Maurice and will always love u
    3 nephew your mom sent Johnnie home with class just like she did you man I'm proud of my big sister
    3 i know you would be proud of her and you big sister thay got ot together and Jonathan
    3 seeing your name on this site just makes my heart drop every time
    3 Today is kind of rough it hurt to know you both are not here missing both of you!!!!!
    3 Son I love you and it just don't stop hurting but God is holding me up!!!!!
    3 You and your uncle enjoy Jesus presence no more worries.You are in the master hand!!!!
    3 good morning nephew today is a year in the pain is still here
    3 nephew i love and miss u so bad we will celebrate you on this date today
    4 keep me safe as always man your mom is strong and so is your sister and Jonathan
    3 we celebrate the lost and Portsmouth help us celebrate yall as well
    3 Maurice smile for me and keep us as a family together love u uncle RAYMOND
    3 I guess time doesn't hell all wounds because you family still hurt
    2 heal**
    3 forever and always💙💚
    3 This marks a year!! love u cuz
    3 one year ago you were taken away from us and the pain get harder
    3 i don't know what is going on 1st you then Johnnie now the devil is messing with Kenny I can't deal
    3 hey nephew justice is on the way but om still mad ass hell
    3 Today I think about you and I miss you so much!!!!! I love you son and it hurt so bad!!!!
    3 I carry you in my heart and I will never let you go!!!!!!! My king and wonderful son!!!!!
    3 I guess I call your sister to pick me up at the bus stop from work because you are with me!!!!
    3 In my heart and mind. Your memories live on in me son!!!!! I love you for being in my life 34 years!
    3 Hey nephew this is really breaking my sis and your sis down. lets not forget about the rest of us
    3 if we could just go back to that night. if you would've seen how fast I got to you
    3 Hey nephew boy this shit has me all fucked up on the head trying to do whats right
    3 this peaceful shit ain't getting me no where my nephew and brother are gone behind fake ass n*****s
    3 and your cousin Jamail ain't making shit eazier on us man i wish y'all were hete
    3 people say if they can turn back the hands of time that shit only happen in the movie
    3 i need justice right now before i lose my mind love you and Johnnie deeply
    3 I just got laid off so nephew you know im pissed pay back is a bitch
    3 good morning phew the week is almost over and it's about that time to get Justice for you
    3 love and miss you❤❤❤❤
    3 these courts best to do what's right come Monday love you nephew S I P
    3 less than 24hrs before court and I pray to the heavens this case begin and end well! love you always
    3 its going to be hard nephew but justice is here promise love you S I P
    3 we are going to get justice for Johnnie in june those ho ass n***** will pay
    3 love and miss you deeply and man look over us today keep us focus
    5 Hold on Baby Boy. Love Big Sis
    3 Today is judgement day things look good so far Faith will put him away
    3 like my niece hold on time is near love you nephew always
    3 today April 25 justice will be served for my nephew Maurice Anthony Gore thanks God
    3 this will take some of the pain away love you nephew Now you can S I P
    3 Babyboy I prayed to the heavens they this dude get the punishment he deserves. Just sitting
    3 in that court room these last 2 days listening to the pain
    3 you went thru just burns my soul. I am praying for peace in my
    3 in my 💔 because the hate I feel is overwhelming Love you and miss always. Your Aunt/cousin
    3 tony Morrison justice is you nephew rip
    4 Aye Aye Aye Aye! Do your dance! Love Ya, Big Sis
    2 today we celebrate love for my nephew Maurice Anthony Gore justice has been served
    3 im full of joy and now its mu brother time for justice S I P nephew and big bro
    3 God is good all the time my Faith and god had given us peace love uncle RAYMOND
    3 It still dont make me feel whole but that Lil bit of justice we got I'll take
    3 love you nephew
    3 its never going to make us whole again but god has us all safe S I P Maurice
    4 Today son just missing you and feeling your spirit leading me and guidingme.
    3 Good morning REESE yeah I screamed your name. I miss you nephew
    3 heavy on my mind like always. I love and miss you. forever and always 💙💚
    3 Hey Nephew I really miss you and my brother
    3 hey Maurice just checking in to let you know i love and miss you
    3 things has not gotten better but knowing that you are in good hands im okay
    3 nephew mason look just like you man i wish you were here
    3 hey nephew just letting you know how much i love and miss u
    3 REESE hey missing you! ❤❤❤
    3 Hey nephew love you and miss you
    3 another day without my nephew has been hard i love you and miss evening more
    3 there is nothing no one could say or tell that will stop this pain
    3 life goes on my love for you will live on and one day i will be able to fulfil your fream
    3 smile Maurice Anthony Gore to let me know things are going to be alright love unk Raymond S I. p
    3 Maurice i miss you calling saying gest what unk. and just c in
    3 I'm about to cry so im going to just say love and miss you and Johnnie. You both S I P
    4 Son I love you and miss you but God
    3 is still in control!!!!!!!
    3 Absent from the body present with the Lord!
    3 I'm missing you! That night still replay in my head
    3 If only I could turn back time
    3 Maurice the same thing th8sshit hurts right to this day
    3 justice from the courts is not enough my pain is still here
    3 Another bday w/out you. I can hear you saying Kia what you gonna get me for your bday
    3 love nephew
    3 Hey phew!! just wanted to stop by and say hey love you and miss you
    3 Son everytime I pull up this web site I have to have God holding me because it is hard to see
    3 Your face and Johnnie face on this because of foolishnes. You are truly loved and missed by many
    3 God is keeping all of us because we hurt so bad to lose three great men Daddy,Johnnie and You!!!!
    3 Your godfather page and uncle Johnnie is right there with you see how God work he give you family
    3 right by you!!!! your sister is alright about you being out there because you have family there.
    3 Hey Reese Ashlee, Angelic, Aliyah and my newest addition Amiyah loves you💓💓
    3 just letting you know i love and miss you each day
    3 you and Johnnie look out for each other okay love y'all we will see each other again
    3 its been a year and a month since we lost you the love remains the same love unk. Raymond
    3 Hey Maurice this is still so unbelievable I could handle you being locked up but this right here
    3 I can't deal. like I'm so terrified of answering my phone after 10pm
    3 So scared of what the caller may say. until we meet again Love you always and miss you dearly
    3 Hey nephew/cousin
    3 forever in our ♥
    4 💙💚
    4 I MISS YOU😍😍😍
    3 Still waiting on you to call me and ask what i cooked. You know for you anything😘😘
    3 hey nephew missing you so much i know if you were here you would spoil Miyah.
    3 nephew im hurt mad upset this shit is getting to me. S I P love you
    3 HAPPY FATHER'S DAY Love you S.I.H
    3 Son you are with the Father. Happy Father's day.
    2 happy fathers day love 💚💙
    2 HAPPY father's day nephew wish you where here love u S I P unk Raymond
    2 HAPPY father's day nephew wish you were here love u S I P
    2 Good morning!!
    3 Happy Father’s Day❣️I’m kinda late.
    3 Hey phew sitting here looking at the memories on fb I swear this still stings like it was yesterday
    3 Hey nephew i came to see u last night this shit is getting to me love you
    3 im about to act a fool i miss you and things ain't getting any better
    3 i love you so much i well never stop loving you
    3 Hey Reese we really bad I just we out there fbf and here with us
    3 i love you always❤❤❤❤
    3 love you nephew that's for real
    3 Son I love you and it still hurts. My son and brother.
    3 The tears in my eyes and heart are still here
    3 To know that God has you makes me feel a little better.
    3 Johnnie II Johnnie III and Maurice my three best men love you all and miss you.
    3 I miss you! ppl say don't ask why! I still don't understand why
    3 HAPPY 4th of July nephew love you and miss u to
    3 Hey Reese up showing Miyah pics of you and Johnnie I would have love
    3 for you to have met her. She is so goofy with an OLD SOUL
    3 anyway baby boy we love you and miss you so much S.I.P
    4 It's been 15 months nephew and im still hurting. love you and miss i S I P
    2 I miss you I love you im always thinking of you 💙💚
    3 Reese this piece of Justice is around the corner.
    3 Hey nephew love u and miss u the party just started
    3 it will be justified i promise the party dont stop in court
    4 Good morning, Brother! 🤪
    3 Hey phew this site is crazy let you light candles sometimes
    3 anyway just wanna tell you I love you and miss you dearly
    3 Hey Nephew just thinking about you❤ wishing I had just a little more time with you.
    2 yo Maurice just thinking about u mad because u are here
    2 this shit still hurt i can't get my shit together until i see real justice
    2 Maurice i have to much shit that reminds of u and u are not here
    2 something got to give love u and miss you everyday nephew the pain just getting harder
    2 ❤❤❤❤
    2 Tuesday right around the corner love you nephew my life kust ain't the same
    2 Just 10hrs before you get "some " justice.
    3 Hey nephew just wanted to tell u i love and miss u always
    3 Hey nephew just checking in to let u know justice is done
    3 I love and miss you so much my pain will never doe. S I P
    3 Good morning nephew! love and miss you
    3 Yo nephew just wanted you tp know that i love and miss you
    3 Good morning nephew love and miss you
    3 yo nephew love and miss you deeply. S I P
    3 To nephew always loving u and missing u things just aint the same S I P
    3 ❤❤❤❤❤❤
    3 Maurice I miss your smile every week I visit your resting place rest in God my son I miss you
    3 S. I. P. nephew missing you
    3 another thanksgiving w/o you nephew i love and miss u S I P uncle Raymond
    3 im thankful for you being my nephew and a positive black man love uncle Raymond
    3 im still hurting and i hope soon things will gwt better S I P
    3 keep smiling down on us thanks maurice for being in my life
    3 one day i will be able to fulfill your dream Keep me safe
    3 Another thanksgiving w/o you being here. I think we all lost ourselves when you left
    3 Miss you and Johnnie on this day wonderful Thanksgiving.
    3 God got us today because it hurt without you and Johnnie!!!
    3 God has us, but it's hard without you and Johnnie!!!!
    3 Maurice I miss you so much!!!! It's been almost two years since you left and it still hurts!!!
    3 I think about you all the time!!! Wishing I could hear you say moma I love you!!!!
    3 You are truly missed and loved!!!! Always in my heart!!!
    3 Hey nephew just thinking about you missing you like crazy!!
    3 this the second Christmas with out you love and miss you deeply nephew S I P maurice
    3 I've been trying to light your candle all day
    3 its still not letting me. Christmas aint the same
    3 without you. love you and miss you
    3 second new year without you nephew love and miss you deeply S I P unc Raymond
    2 Hey phew Just wanted to tell you i miss and love you
    2 rest easy my love. happy birthday 💙💚
    3 Today son just missing you on this special day !!!! Happy birthday!!!! Love you always mom!!!!
    3 Happy birthday nephew i don't know what say but love and miss uncle Raymond S I P
    3 my words are off .ill be out there later S I P miss u And lovr liks crazy UNC Raymond
    3 i love u so much an miss u the same RIP my baby
    2 Just wanted to say I love you and miss you.Until we meet again rest in the Father arms.
    2 its almost two years nephew the pain is still here loveu and miss u S I P
    3 Maurice moma loves you and miss you everyday!!!! I wish I could bring you back!!!!
    3 I know you would have Mason and he woould be your twin, silly aand all!!!
    3 Jesus has my winners in heaven You, Johnnie and your granddaddy!!! Loving and missing you'll!!!
    3 hey nephew love you still to much pain ill get back later S I P
    3 its been two years today nephew and today is not a good day to fuck with mw
    3 i love and miss you deeply and the pain just keep coming S I P my nephew love always
    3 Missing you!!! It hurts!!!! Love you!!!
    2 Hey you i miss and love you always
    3 Hey phew it took 2 yrs before your death to affect my baby she wrote a letter
    3 asking GOD why he took you away from her. She wanted to be strong
    3 for her aunt but its really getting to her now and ahe has been showing it. So emotional here lately
    3 nephew for mother day i wish my sister can get her son back love you. S I P
    3 Son I miss you saying mom I love you this day hurt!!1
    3 Love you phew one of them days missing you
    3 Every day is so lonely without you physically here.
    3 You are in my heart and always on my mind.
    3 Son I truly miss you!!! I will always love you.
    3 Like your uncle said this never stop hurting!!!
    3 its father day nephew and you are not here i love and miss you your uncle Raymond
    3 ain't nobody else writing happy father's day for maurice an Johnnie
    3 then the hell with yall uncle Raymond said this
    3 Missing you like crazy. Mom loves you!!!!
    3 today is your mom birthday if only you where here her dau would be full of joy
    3 love you nephew amd miss you your aunt Sharon birthday was yesterday she miss love you to
    3 keep me and the family safe nephew love uncle Raymond
    3 your aunt shell is up there with you take care of her
    3 we miss y'all and love y'all unc Raymond
    3 Merry Christmas- you are with the reason for the season. Miss you.
    3 Love you and my heart is still broken. I miss you so much!!!
    3 2020 still lost without you!!! moma loves you!!!!!
    3 Mommy to Reese heaven got one of the best! Love you!!!
    3 Miss you so much!!!
    3 Happy birthday miss you and love you forever. your gift the niners made the superbowl 💙💚
    3 Happy Birthday nephew love and miss you uncle Raymond and Chris
    3 Wish you were here but in heart and mind always gone but never forgotten
    3 ill be to ser you me and your brothers and uncle Kenneth man it's hard keep watching over us
    3 Happy birthday mommy love and miss so much! This day is hard!
    3 If I could only hear you say I love you mom.
    3 Your sister made you beautiful flowers for your birthday.
    3 I love you nephew words cnt express the hurt.rih
    2 💙💚 eternally
    3 love you nephew .man i can't find the words right now to much pain .S.I .P unc
    3 Today and everyday life is not the same without you!!!
    3 I miss you so much!!! I just want to hear you say I love you moma!!!
    3 My father in heaven loves you more and He wanted you back!!!
    3 I am missing you like crazy!!!
    3 I want to hear you say pray for me mom!!!
    3 Its father day wish you were here love you nephew miss u deeply unc Raymond
    2 wish you where you are always here with me keep watching over us
    2 my mind and heart always with you love and miss you dee6
    3 Today I am really missing you!!! My birthday sucks!!!
    3 Love you and missing my baby!!! I am still hurting!!! Moma!!!
    3 Just to hear you say Moma Pat once again would be great!!
    3 it was a good Thanksgiving just wish you where here love you unc
    3 Happy heavenly birthday my love 💚💙
    3 Happy born day nephew I'm going to celebrate your day love you uncle Raymond
    3 missing you is a understatement you are truly loved and missed always
    3 Forever and always my love 💙💚
    3 four years the worst four years of my life love nephew S.I.P
    3 Hey nephew just showing some love and thinking about you Johnnie and Michelle miss yall
    2 nephew love you and miss you .hurting right now cause yall aren't here
    3 It' been four years and the pain is still here. Missing you and loving you!!! Mom
    2 This holiday has been one of the worst!!! Missing you!!!!
    2 Happy birthday my love. I miss you so much. Forever and always 💙💚
    3 happy birthday nephew love you miss always and my heart and or my mind
    3 This day I can not enjoy but I will make the best of it. love always unc Raymond
    3 Happy birthday son!!! Missing you like crazy!!!
    3 I think of you on two occasion that day and night! Missing my son!
    3 Loving and missing you!!! Always in our heart and mind!!!!! Mom is still hurting!!!
    3 Wishing I could hear your voice!!!! Your nephew sound just like you, but it not you!!!!
    3 Lito miss you!!!! He was talking to his mom about you yesterday!!!
    3 Not a day goes by I don't think about you! Missing my twin!!!!
    3 You are my heart beat!!! I hold you near to my heart!!!Gone but not forgotten!!!
    3 Love your kids they are missing you, wish you could have met your grandson!!!
    2 Missing you today and every day 💙💚
    2 Son God knows I wish you were here!!! Loving and missing you. Forever in my heart!!!
    2 nephew your uncle Kenneth is coming to see you .man love yell S I P.
    2 Reese your twin has got his wings!!! Missing you all!! This hurts !!!
    2 Forever and always 💙💚
    3 Fly High Son😇
    2 Forever…for always…💙💚
    2 today is a hard one.missing you and loving you each day nephew. keep watching over us all
    2 4E4A fly high 💙💚

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