Jose Leon, age 46

Lost to gun violence on March 25, 2017 in Beaumont, California.

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  • Nickname:
    21 Grandpa
    21 my Leonie bear <3
    21 Jose..Jose <3
  • Number of children:
    10 10 grandchildren
    4 Aaliyah,Adrian,Aaron
    2 his oldest granddaughters are Nevaeh and Melanie
    2 then comes Jacob,Lilly,Daisy and Giovanni
    2 Angie is his most youngest granddaughter
    5 and 7 girls,Natalie and Rosemary,Josie,Dede, Dina,Davina and Roxi
    4 Stella is his newest granddaughter
  • Personality:
    9 fun personsonality
    6 very caring and gentle
    3 Adventurous
    2 he was such a living and caring man
    2 Always went out of his way to help people
    2 Helping strangers,damsels in distress we would say
    2 Hard working and funny
  • Occupation:
    9 there's nothing he couldn't do
    5 he was so smart..<3
    2 Jose was a mechanic,good with his hands,Jack of all trades
    2 He could build houses and tear them down
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    2 John j. doyle elementry
    9 wife=Dora Leon
  • Comments:
    11 Jose was a goodman.A great husband,his wife Dora and a terrific father and grandfather
    7 Jose was an amazing man,so loved,so dearly missed. Didn't deserve to die this way
    11 Best man ever your wife Dora Leon
    6 He deserved better than what happened to him
    7 The best grandpa that anyone could ask for.❤️😪😭
    9 I love you, and even though your body is gone your spirit lives on
    6 I piece of me died with you
    7 Find your peace
    7 Everyday is such a struggle for me,but I know I must go on and live for you,honey <3
    8 miss your beautiful eyes and wonderful smiles
    3 Happy Fathers day!!! Miss you so much my Leonie bear <3 Dora Leon..your wife forever
    3 Happy Father's Day, Grandpa Joe
    7 I love you and I miss you
    4 ❤️💔
    7 another month Leonie bear <3
    2 Today is 3 months
    2 I miss you Grandpa Joe
    6 the love of my life..miss you so much Jose.jose
    3 Happy Fourth of July
    7 I miss you❤️❤️❤️
    3 Fourth of July .my honeys favorite holiday <3
    3 Thank you, Grandpa Joe ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    3 I miss you ❤️❤️
    6 I still think of you everyday and I miss you everyday I love you
    4 4 months now..miss you my Leonie bear..your handsome face,your eyes,smike,your everything 😂
    3 My Jose loved his grandkids so so much <3
    3 His grandkids miss him so their grandpappy
    3 Only God knows why 😢
    3 5 months today honey,love and miss you so much <3
    3 Love my honey miss him so much <3
    3 Happy Birthday, I love you and miss you so
    3 Happy Birthday Grandpa Joe ❤️❤️😭😭😘Rest in Peace I love you
    2 Miss you
    2 Love you
    3 He is 47
    2 I miss you
    2 I was reminded of you at camp. I miss you soooo much. I hope you are happy up in heaven
    3 6 months today,damn I miss you like crazy,until we meet again my love
    3 6 months I miss you grandpa
    2 is our 4th anniversary...would of been my love <3
    3 Happy Wedding Anniversary , Grandpa 🌹🌹🌹
    2 your grandkids are so young they don't understand why your not here honey...
    5 May God help us each and everyday. <3
    3 Gio says I miss Joe
    5 I love you
    4 God please help my grandkids understand,it's so hard <3
    4 Miss you Joe it’s been 7 months since I have seen you
    3 Hope your resting on Peace baby,honey we think of you very often a day 💜
    2 I agree I think of you so much
    2 I love you grandpa I miss you a lot ❤️❤️
    2 I’m sorry
    4 Jose so loved his eldest granddaughter oh so so much <3
    4 He knows she's gonna grow to be an awesome person <3 very beautiful Vaeh Vega <3
    2 7 months today love,miss you,until we meet again <3
    3 Miss you grandpa
    2 Happy not..Halloween Honey,miss you,love you
    2 Happy Halloween
    2 Going to see my Pup on the 16th I know your watching over her
    3 I love you Jose,Jose <3
    3 we are leaving,please be with us,love and miss you so much,protect us all,our guardian angel
    2 be with our grandkids,always look over them and protect them
    2 I can’t believe it has been 8 months since I’ve talked to you or seen you. I miss you love you
    2 Happy Thanksgiving
    2 first Thanksgiving without you,it will never be the same,miss my love
    2 I miss you it has been 8 months to day I miss you so much I love you Grandpa
    2 Goodnight, I love you, and good luck ❤️🤧😭😢😘
    1 Goodnight
    2 missing,missing you,but I know your in a better place
    2 I wish I could just talk to you
    1 ❤️I miss you so much and you will never know❤️
    2 I wish heaven had visiting hours and/or a phone
    2 my handsome Angel I miss your eyes, your smiles,you everything
    1 Adrian was crying for you today,our poor grandson misses you so
    1 Giovanni misses you so much
    1 Lilly is a Broncos fan,watches the game for you,she's says she knows your with her
    2 Our Vaeh misses you a bunch too,please protect our babies,I know your watching over them
    1 Merry Christmas Grandpa Joe❤️
    2 Merry Christmas <3
    2 Happy New Years Baby,its tough being without you,you were the best and always will be <3
    1 Happy New Year
    2 Love you Jose.Jose,wish you were here love
    2 I thought about you so much today
    2 I miss you so much I love you grandpa joe
    1 Can’t believe it has been 10 months
    1 Thank you for the flock of birds and the butterfly
    2 Happy Valentine’s Day
    2 It’s been 11 months I miss you
    2 I can’t believe it’s March already
    1 It’s about to be one year😭
    1 I wish I could talk to you and show you what I’m doing
    1 I can’t believe it’s been a year
    1 I miss you and I love you and you will never know
    1 I wish I could turn back time
    1 Love you Joe
    1 I just realized next month will me a year and a half dang
    3 Happy birthday Grandpa💔😭 48 would have been fun for you
    2 It’s been a year and a half and I’m just wanting a hug from you
    2 its been a year and seven months,it never gets easier,missing you everyday,always thinking of you
    2 Love you always my Husband,your wife always Dora
    2 I love you Joe.
    2 Miss You Joe ❤️Thanks gor all the Love you gave us and the love you countine to give❤️
    2 Love you Joe. You’ll never get to met Stella here but I will tell her all about you.
    2 Merry Christmas Eve Joe Love You❤️
    2 Almost two years and I still miss you
    2 One more month till it is 2 years
    3 Almost two years in a couple of weeks my Jose we miss you dearly forever your wife
    2 2 years and 1 month I love you Grandpa
    3 Happy Father’s Day
    4 I’m the only one who still does this
    3 I love you and have been missing you more recently
    3 Happy 49th birthday Grandpa ❤️❤️
    7 Think of you everyday Joe ❤️ Thanks for everything
    3 Love
    3 Even though so much time has gone by we still carry you with us everyday❤Thanks Joe
    4 3 years and I’ll still miss you gone but never forgotten
    3 Happy Father’s Day I miss you and I love you ❤️
    3 Happy 50th birthday I love you grandpa ❤️
    3 Four years ago today we lost you in this world and you became our Angel in Heaven. Love you Joe❤
    3 Starting 2022 thinking of you as always, knowing you're here by our sides.Love Always
    2 It's been 1,826 days since we've been without you. May you be at peace Joe, Love you.

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