Shanice Williams, age 26

Lost to gun violence on March 12, 2017 in Hickory, North Carolina.

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You can add to Shanice's profile:

  • Nickname:
    1 Nikki
    1 Auntie
    1 Sister
    2 Bestfriend
  • Number of children:
    3 three
  • Personality:
    2 She was amazing,fun,outgoing
    3 she was a loyal friend
    2 she was The best mother and an amazing niece
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    3 Newton Conover High School
    2 Newton Conover Middle School
  • Comments:
    3 Such a beautiful soul gone too soon.
    3 The sweetest and beautiful person I've ever met. Inside and out loved life and her kids
    3 Shanice I miss you so much this is so rough for me!!! I cherish every moment we shared
    2 RIP Shanice god has another angel just pray for me and until we meet again
    3 she might be gone, but she will never be forgotten
    2 I miss her so much. i wish i could have my bestfriend back.
    2 Shanice it’s been 3 years and I’m still going through it I miss u so much!!! Rip
    2 It’s about to be 4 yrs and it still feel unreal. Miss you
    2 I will forever keep your name alive miss you so much.
    2 Can’t believe it’s about to be 6 yrs already
    1 I miss and love you so much!! My second daughter!

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