Timothy Echols Jr, age 17

Lost to gun violence on February 14, 2017 in Corpus Christi, Texas.

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4121 candles have been lit for Timothy.
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You can add to Timothy's profile:

  • Nickname:
    344 Little Timmy
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    314 Funny
    287 Smart
    257 Hardheaded
    260 Determined
    7 caring
    3 inspiring
    7 loving
  • Occupation:
    307 he luved to work with me . i luved him beside me
    5 skating and bike riding
    4 being a kid
    3 he loved mma
    2 best brother ever
  • Workplace:
    304 could of did anything he wsnted. all waz possible
  • Schools attended:
    77 Flour Bluff High School
  • Comments:
    266 He was an awesome Grandson. And he was my Grandson.

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