Joshua Evans, age 18

Lost to gun violence on February 14, 2017 in Louisville, Kentucky.

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5453 candles have been lit for Joshua.
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  • Nickname:
    19 Joshy
    3 Boog Man
    5 My Baby Boy
    2 Boogie Down Bronx
    1 Boogie-woog
    2 Bubba
    1 Bubby
    4 Sloshie hossie washur assie i called him that when he was pre teen i miss my grandson
    4 i'm sorry for your loss, sending love from UK xx
    3 Sending hugs from Brooklyn New York
  • Number of children:
    4 about the baby boy that is possibly my
    4 We'll do the paternity test
    1 know any
  • Personality:
    3 Boog
    5 funny, sweet, easy to talk too, non-judgemental, chill, and about his money
    1 coolest guy you could have ever met❤
    2 caring
    3 He could look into my soul
    1 sweet kind and funny he had a big heart and had away with the ladies
    2 1 of his murderers got out on the 20th of November... :(
    1 I miss you💔
    3 thanks for all the kind words plz light 1 tomm❤️
  • Occupation:
    2 Being The BEST At Everything He Ever Did!!!
  • Workplace:
    4 The South Side of Louisville Ky
    1 The South Side of Louisville
  • Schools attended:
    2 Iroquois High School, Olmstead Academy, Crums Lane Elementary School
    1 mill creek elementary, omsted north middle, iroquois high
  • Comments:
    2 Miss you Josh, Love you
    5 I Miss You Sooooo Bad, Boogie! Please come back
    4 please comment the mother's name or the child's name or both I would be the grandmother
    4 but I would love to have a grandchild so if it is you please contact me
    4 i miss you so much 💔 wish i could have seen you on your birthday night im sorry! i love you -Emalee
    1 you will always be missed, you was to young but not young enough to be forgotten
    1 i miss you so much josh
    5 i miss you big bra es killing me i love you fly high g
    2 we love you bro -nassim and adriana
    3 Hey Boog, it's Mama, just saying that I love ya baby 😘
    1 miss you handsome 😩
    4 I'm trying so hard to keep it together for your sisters but I'm falling apart without you 😢
    1 Always missin you
    2 idk how to go through life without you
    3 hey its jess, im playin ur gta but I won't spend ur online players money, lol love u bro
    1 we will always love and miss you and you will always be in our hearts and in the memories we shared
    2 we love and miss you lil josh -mama cris from longfield we miss you😢
    2 damn bro . i miss you so much
    2 miss you bro. rest eazy.
    1 I love you so much and miss you more every day 💔
    1 we love you and miss you every day you are still a big part of our hearts
    1 what am I going to do....
    1 I miss you so so bad Boog!
    1 I'm still trying to cope w/not being able to call you 😢
    1 I'm thinking of you every second of every day love you
    1 We miss you so much it hurts to wake up
    1 You're my Angel, Josh, please watch over me😇
    1 I miss you so much Boog! 💔😭😇
    1 the best thing in my life
    2 Wish i could pick you up tonight .. we could ride around and smoke-em
    1 Court went well but you're still gone so I can't smile
    1 I love you and miss you more every day 👼
    1 I'm trying to cope with it and accept that you aren't going to come home but I can't or I'll die.
    2 me and robbie boyd miss u
    1 I'd do anything to hang w/u Boog❤
    1 I'm missing you today, more than ever!
    1 I can't get enough of the videos and pictures that I have💘
    1 the pics don't make up for your company 😢
    3 I'm just completely lost w/o you, son, please come back!😭
    2 the best son ever, he made me proud to be his mom💯
    2 we miss you more every day and the house feels empty
    1 we miss you so much
    1 My main man, I'm still thinkin of you always love you son
    1 You're always gonna be in my heart
    1 love you josh (((<3)))
    1 I love you more than ever! You're with me, I feel you here...
    1 I miss your laugh. There's nothing like the sound of you voice
    2 I miss hearing you say "There you go" when I didn't agree or acted grouchy...
    1 I just love
    1 you more than words can say
    1 I'm starting another day without you and it's not getting any better. I wish I could be with you...
    1 i miss you babyboy but ill see you again one day till then i miss ya josh
    1 We're thinking of you
    2 a grandad that misses you so very much
    1 miss you bro
    1 i miss hearing your voice
    1 prayers!
    1 fly high baby boy
    1 Missing you everyday,
    1 Love
    1 you were always about ur money cuz i miss you so much g
    1 Get your rest baby.
    1 life without you isn't doesn't even feel like life. I miss you 💔😭😇
    1 My baby boy, I love
    2 I miss doing baby sister attack on sissy with U
    1 You took my heart with you when you went away. I'm not the same person anymore
    1 I miss you more today than ever... I NEED you to come to me
    1 You are an angel, now. God bless.
    1 I Missy more than there are stats in the sky Boog
    1 stars*
    1 come back please
    1 life sucks without you❤
    8 my son is most likely josh's we was suppose to get a dna test but he left us before we could
    2 I have dna from Josh. Let's do it plz!!! I want to know my grandson
    2 I'd love to meet you this is Josh's mom, Brandi
    1 I swear to god, I'll be there every time when the trial begins... <3
    1 We love
    1 Happy Halloween
    1 1st Halloween w/o you :(
    1 Haloween was f'n' weird...
    1 You made every holiday worth having
    1 miss you more then ever bigbra
    1 It's hard to get closer to the holidays without you 💔
    2 i miss you 😩😩😩
    1 I wish you were here Boog :(
    1 life cheated you but god needed you r.i.p baby boy
    2 happy thanksgiving fly high baby boy - Nola S.
    1 We missed you this year...
    1 I love You
    1 Grandma Diana and Grandad Mark miss you
    1 Oh god how much I wish I would have talked and seen you more before it was to late😓
    2 I miss you so much, I’d do anything to see you again!! -Destiny R.
    2 always thinking of you - mira
    1 I Love YouBoog. Sorry Tay's out but they'll both do time
    1 IDK what to do to make it right> I wish you were here though...
    1 I tried calling
    1 Who ever gave me the number to the guy from the zoo, you're cold hearted.
    1 I miss you so much! This isn't any easier now.
    1 i miss you sm 😢😢-Emalee
    1 leave the number please
    1 Please leave me the number this is Josh's mom. I'll delete it as soon as I get it
    1 Love u nephew forever and ever
    1 Plz say who the baby mama is or something.
    1 Inbox me the phone number or something. This is Brandi, Josh's mom. Please!
    1 I just want to know my grandchild please! it would mean everything to me.
    2 my heart has been aching for you brother. i miss you. - jena
    1 Keep your head up Jena XoXoXo❤
    1 I just tried calling you frm 631
    1 the 631
    1 I know ur an angel watchn over our whole family
    1 If that was you last night, give us all 3 the same sign tonight so we;re sur
    1 I hope you never forget me I miss you and I’m sorry we lost touch the past couple years!
    1 I’d do anything to see you one more time and spend time with you
    2 We use to walk home from school together almost everyday I miss you and I miss your face
    2 Even after all the time we lost this still smacked me hard in the face
    3 I miss you josh happy early birthday🎉🎉-Destiny R.
    1 Aunt Kristin loves u alot.can't wait to c u
    1 i miss you sm josh 😩
    1 plz him about my Grandson
    1 please let me know any info about my Grandson
    1 Idk your name or his. I pray to know him because he's family
    1 I'll never be a sometimesy Mamaw. I wanna be in his life
    1 love you Boog Miss you even more all ive got left of you is ashes im sorry i would so much want you
    1 You wouldn't believe how much stuff has changed
    1 I miss you so much. Wish you were here😢
    1 God i really miss you nephew i think about you and that night all the time 😭
    1 R.I.P Lil Bro I Love You, Rest Easy.
    1 My life isn't the same I can't deal with out you
    2 i miss yo ass like crazy bro we was together damn near everyday
    2 rip Jigga my brothers in peace
    2 may be gone but you will never be forgotten
    1 whoever keeps leaving the kind words thank you❤️
    1 Please continue lighting candles and his memory as the trail starts in November
    1 In November on the 13th to be exact, at the new courthouse
    1 I have friends and family are welcome to be there for support and very appreciated
    1 All friends and family are welcome and I encourage you all to come, on Boog's behalf😥
    3 The more people on our side of the room, the better chance of Tristan going down 4good👌🏼
    1 I miss you so fucking much💔
    2 I'm outta my mind w/o you... Love
    1 i love you josh!!! please keep lookin over me❤️🙏🏾
    1 Feels like groundhogs day to me still bc my life stoped 2/14/17
    1 we became best friends
    1 was 1 of the only ones who I could tell anything
    1 Boog rest easy
    1 We missLove you Boog💔
    1 Happy Easter Baby Boy, I love
    1 yes
    1 I miss you more than words can begin to say. love ya
    1 life will never be the same...
    2 My best fuckin friend no cap
    1 I miss you more every single day😭
    1 Another year without you...😭
    3 fly high!
    1 ❤❤❤❤❤
    1 my son is a Josh also. bless your family.
    1 deb
    1 Rest in Heavenly Peace Precious Angel
    1 i miss him so much
    1 I love and miss you Boog♥️
    1 i miss you big brotha , im foreva goin hard behind u💯
    1 Your dad is otw to you. He overdosed; I'm sorry 😭
    1 I don't know what to do now that you n your dad are gone. Y'all are my family
    2 I love you n Dad... Miss y'all sm! I wanna die too😭😭😭
    1 Love you
    2 Love you Josh and miss you more and more each passing day

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