Zackary Mason Farmer, age 20

Lost to gun violence on February 9, 2017 in Muncie, Indiana.

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326 candles have been lit for Zackary.
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You can add to Zackary's profile:

  • Nickname:
    7 Woody
    2 Mason
    2 Suzy
    1 Jordan's Mom
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    4 Athlete and friend to many
    1 Witty, charming, loving, friendly
    2 best big brother ever very protective handsom and lovable
  • Occupation:
    1 Construction
  • Workplace:
    1 Tyler Truss, Two Guys and a Truck
  • Schools attended:
    2 Shenandoah HIgh School
  • Comments:
    2 We love and miss you so much!
    3 My heart aches for you son. I love you miss you so much 💙
    1 forever i will love and miss you little brother. ❤️ -eva
    1 forever in our hearts. -spearman family
    1 Rest easy, Zacky. ❤️
    1 Gone from our sight but never our hearts! Hoping for justice, all of my love Zack.
    1 lots
    1 I love you too Zack
    1 so sorry for your koss
    1 we love and miss you so much.❤️ - Benfield/Emmons family.
    1 what a great person. I remember you always with a smile. Your truly missed by many😓
    1 not being able ti say cholo n farmer will shut things dien if need be hurts the wirst i love you
    1 My heart goes out to you all...gone too soon loved forever.
    1 may you RIH The Haney's
    1 Love and miss you everyday!!!
    1 😢❤️ Love you!!
    1 love you lots, almost 3 years later still unbelievable

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