Ryan Harrison Banks, age 20

Lost to gun violence on January 6, 2017 in Boise, Idaho.

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  • Nickname:
    15 ry ry I love u u will always be in my heart
    5 love you miss you .Grandpa
    5 miss you my sweet grandson. from Grandma
    5 morning my sweet grandson. love you
    5 love you Ryan .miss you everyday.
    5 we love you.Grandpa
    5 love you Ryan.
    5 Morning my sweet Grandson.miss you love you
    5 love you my sweet grandson
    5 love you.
    4 love you
    5 Its Easter and we are missing you like crazy. love you
    5 grandma loves you.
    5 love you Ryan
    5 Miss you And I know you are in a better place. I love you. RIP
    5 Love you miss you always
    5 Morning my beautiful grandson. my heart is missing you so much. Love you forever
    4 I love you and miss you you son
  • Number of children:
    4 hi my sweet Grandson .Love you miss you every day
    4 miss you my sweet Grandson.love you always
    4 love you ryan.
    4 Love you miss you always.
    4 we love you miss you.
  • Personality:
    11 Ryan had a big heart
    12 Ryan always had a smile no matter what
    10 He was a very caring an respectful guy
    9 Great sense of humor!
    10 He appreciated nature and beauty
    10 You were my nephew and you will be missed so very much ...why you?
    9 Proud of his gaming skills and so patient when teaching others to play.
    4 ryan was such a joy he was full of laughter and love
    4 love you my sweet Grandson
    4 live you miss you lots.
    4 love you Ryan Miss you always
  • Occupation:
    4 we are missing you alot today.love you gandson
  • Workplace:
    4 Dennys
  • Schools attended:
    6 ASCENT Highschool
  • Comments:
    7 My first grandson. Always and forever in my heart. Gramma loves you baby.
    7 He loved Sheba, his German Shepherd. She was his best friend and faithful companion.
    7 I light a candle for you every day Ryan. I love and miss you SO much.
    5 My world will not be the same I love him with all my heart for the rest of my days
    6 Missing you and love you bunches. I think of you every day.
    6 Jan. 6th. One year. My life will never be the same. Gramma loves you baby.
    6 Today is your birthday. Wish you were here. Gramma loves you baby.
    4 I love and miss you ALWAYS my son..
    5 The clematis I planted for you is blooming! Miss you. Gramma loves you baby.
    5 precious (presh' - es) 1. of great worth 2. beloved; cherished
    5 Forever
    6 18 months. Feels like a million years since I've seen you. Gramma loves you baby.
    6 Had a good visit with your mom. Gramma loves you baby.
    5 Miss you heart
    5 My heart
    5 My heart is shredded. I am no longer the same. How do I recover from the loss? GLYB.
    5 In my heart. In my soul. Forever
    4 Love
    4 Miss you ~ always
    5 I'm so sorry baby. I didn't know. I. didn't. know.
    4 Two years without you. Love
    6 23rd. birthday today. How I wish you were here. Gramma loves you baby..
    4 You are forever wrapped into my heart. Way back when
    5 27 months. The pain is still as fresh as the first day. Gramma loves you baby.
    5 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Do you know how loved you are? Gramma loves you baby.
    5 I love
    6 Love you more than the miles that separate us.
    5 love you Ryan. grandma miss you everyday day
    5 I love you every day. Miss you more. GLYB.
    5 You will always be loved.
    6 What we keep in memory is ours ~ unchanged forever.
    6 Loved beyond words. Missed beyond measure.
    5 RIP cousin πŸ’”
    6 Your 24th birthday today. Hard to believe how long you have been gone. Love
    6 How empty my life space is without you.
    4 love you cousin πŸ’”
    6 Love you Harrison. Miss you even more.
    5 Memorial Day Baby. Always in Grammas memory book. Love you and miss you!
    5 IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyou!ImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyou!
    5 Love and miss you Harrison!
    6 Forever Loved. Deeply Missed. Safe in the arms of Jesus.
    5 4 years today. The heartbreak is still as tragic as day one. Love and miss you very much.
    5 Its your birthday baby boy. Love and miss you very much. You are cherished.
    6 Your absence is a silent explosion in my soul
    6 This world does not ask permission before it steals from you. I want you back.
    7 RyanHarrisonBanks ~ Forever engraved in my heart.
    6 Forever in my heart ~ Always on my mind.
    6 It goes without saying. Yet I still do.
    6 Holding you in my heart ~ until I can hold you in Heaven. Love you baby.
    6 So many wonderful, funny memories you gave me.
    6 In my thoughts and heart always.
    6 Forever; For Always and endlessly. Forever Now.
    5 mem-or-ies ~ that which is created or present becomes past.
    5 Forever and always my warrior; my hero.
    5 How I hate you are on here. Hate it.
    5 Heavenly Father has great plans for you!
    5 I'm sorry baby boy. Why am I not surprised?
    5 I miss your voice. I miss your hugs. I miss YOU!
    5 πŸ’•Thank you for all the wonderful memories.
    5 Love you baby boy. Always have and always will.
    5 RYAN ~ Irish Gaelic; "little king"
    5 Miss you beyond words. Gramma.
    5 Waiting for the day we meet again. Gramma.
    5 You are my heart, Ryan. Miss you so much. Gramma.
    5 Always in my heart and Prayers. Love you pumpkn. Gramma.
    5 You left...and forgot to tell my heart...how to go on without you. πŸ’”
    5 Even in my sleep, pain which cannot forget, falls drop by drop upon my heart.πŸ’”
    5 Very thankful for you Grandson. A short time, filled with lots of memories.
    5 Miss you so much. Wish you were here. Love you.
    5 Such a wonderful kid. Forever and always in my heart.
    5 Miss you so very much. You should be here. With us.
    5 I miss you my precious, precious Grandson.
    5 Miss you E.v.e.r.y. D.a.y.
    6 RYAN; Irish Gaelic ~ "little king."
    5 I miss you SO much!
    5 😒Thanks for being in my life. I was blessed to have you as my first Grandson.
    5 I CHERISH the time we spent together.
    5 Had gorgeous, gorgeous hair! Such a handsome young man.
    5 πŸ’–Some days when I'm driving I can feel your presence. Love and miss you.
    5 My world is empty without you. Love you darlin'.
    5 Love and miss you ~ every day. Every.Day. I love and miss you.
    4 Its Christmas Baby. Wish you were here. Love you. XOXO
    4 I just miss you.
    4 Five years today you went away. πŸ’”Wish you were here. Love you.
    6 Still my shining star. Love and miss you.
    5 Its your birthday today, baby. Love and miss you sweety. Wish you were here.
    5 Think of you every day. Miss you every day. Love you beyond measure.
    5 Miss your voice, miss your smile, miss your hugs, miss your face. I love you.
    4 Miss you baby boy.
    4 I love you Ryan. Miss you beyond description. πŸ’–
    6 I'm glad I know where you are. You are safe.
    5 Miss you so much! My heart aches for you to be here.
    4 Miss you Ryan ~ to the moon and beyond.
    4 😒I miss your hugs.
    4 😒I still wake up wondering ~ if I can call you.
    4 You are immeshed in my very being; my soul.
    4 Missing you is my heartache that never goes away.
    4 Miss you every day ~ love you every day.
    4 Rainy cold day here. Love and miss you so much darlin'.......
    5 Storms with lots of rain. Your clematis is doing well. Love & miss you baby.
    4 πŸ’–Love& miss you darlin'. Wish you were here.
    4 Love and miss you this Christmas Day 12/25/2022. Wish you were here.
    10 I may not know him personally but he seems like such a wonderful person. I am so sorry 🀍🀍
    4 Six years and almost 5 hours you were taken. ALWAYS love and miss you. πŸ’”πŸ’”
    4 i love and miss you Ryan 😭
    3 ❣Love you & miss you.
    4 How can you be 27?? You are locked in time.πŸ’– Miss you so much.
    3 Your #6 birthday without you here. Love & miss you terribly.
    4 Sometimes we will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
    3 For the rest of my life, I will search for memories full of you. Love you Harrison.
    3 Grandma misses you every day. love you Ryan
    3 Grandpa and Grandma miss you everyday.
    3 we hold you in are hearts .and miss you everyday. Grandma
    5 You are among my favorite memories. Thank you. Love & miss you, baby.
    3 miss you all hold you my heart until I can hold you my arms again
    4 Love and miss you every day. Every day love and miss you Harrison.
    3 miss you Ryan.love you always .Grandma
    3 love you and miss you always Ryan.Grandma
    3 love you Ryan .We Miss you
    4 Today you made me laugh...Oh Gramma...'piders won't hurt you...thank you baby for the memories.
    3 Closure is SO overrated. It does not exist. Love and miss you every day.
    4 looking at your picture this morning missing you.love you
    4 Love and miss you baby boy.
    4 love you Ryan .
    4 miss you love you forever
    4 Your clematis is blooming like crazy!!πŸ’–πŸ’–Love & miss you, baby boy.
    4 love you Grandson miss every Day
    5 You make Gramma smile & you make Gramma cry. Love you Harrison.
    5 Love & miss you pumpkin....every day. Always on my mind.
    5 miss you Ryan your always on my mind and forever in my heart.love you
    4 miss you
    4 love you miss you always
    4 Love & miss you. I just miss you.
    3 miss you Ryan
    3 its the 4th of July .miss you like crazy
    5 As long as there is a memory, you will live on in my heart. Love you baby.
    3 love you Ryan.
    3 I talk to you every day. want I wouldn't give to see your smile
    2 our heart miss you every day.love you forever
    4 My mind still talks to you. My heart still looks for you. But my soul knows you are at peace.
    3 going to see sheba this week. Grandma will give her a big hug for you.miss you every day
    3 6 years, 8 months you have been gone. Seems an eternity. Love & miss you.
    2 grandma saw Sheba she is well loved and is doing doing grandma gave a hugs for you
    2 love you grandson and miss you always
    3 If only wishes could come true..........Love and miss you baby.
    3 Love and miss you my darlin' grandson.
    3 You are my Forever More............love you.
    2 love you miss you so much. ❀
    3 You are my eternal memory. Love & miss you!
    2 Wish we could've grown up together bro.
    3 I love and miss you every day. Some days, missing you, are much worse than others.
    2 miss you so much sheba just turned 10 its hard to believe .Grandma miss you so much .love you
    3 "They" say time heals all wounds. "They" didn't tell my broken heart and soul.
    2 its almost Christmas and we are all missing you like crazy.love you Grandson
    2 Merry Christmas Grandson.
    2 sheba passed away a few days ago. now you are together with her
    4 Love and miss you so much. More every day. 7 years ago today you were ripped from this world.
    4 we lost you 7 years ago today. and we miss you love you so much
    3 its almost you Birthday.Miss you so much Ryan
    3 Love and miss you sweetheart. Thanks for all the memories. I think of you every day. Every day.
    2 Happy Birthday. we love you miss you everyday
    3 Missing you even more today; if that's possible. Lots of memories. Love you so much.
    3 Another anniversary. Another birthday without you. 2024
    3 You are on my mind more so than usual. Love you and miss you so much.
    2 Spring is here. Wish you were. Love & miss you so much.
    4 the sun is out and cherry tree are blooming and I miss you with all my
    3 You are in my prayers every day. Thankful Father is keeping watch. Love you.
    3 Love and miss you baby. Every day.
    4 love you miss you every day
    3 Measure time in units of pain. Hollow shells walk around. Love you.
    2 A life that touches others goes on forever ~ always in my heart~love you Ryan ~
    2 I knew it was a boy. I knew his name was Ryan. Since way back when. Miss you so much.
    3 Love you so much. Wish you were here.
    3 love you with all my heart. miss you with all my heart
    2 Love and miss you 24/7/365. Every day.
    2 Always and Forever Grammas' baby boy; no matter your age. Love you!
    3 Grandma's sweet grandson miss you every day love you forever
    3 Almost fall. Another year approaching without you. Love you.
    2 Never gone. Never far. In my heart is where you are. Love you. Miss you terribly.
    3 love you forever miss you forever
    2 Closure is an empty word. Deal with losing you. Live without you. That's the word.
    1 Ryan, hard to understand how it can be 8 years. Love and miss you forever.πŸ’”
    1 On Jan. 9, your Dad went to join you. What a reunion. Love and miss you, baby.
    1 I so remember this day you were born.Wish you were here. Love you.πŸ’–
    1 Wish you were here to have a celebration. How can you be 29?? Love you.
    1 just stopped unto to tell you I miss you so much. and send you hugs
    1 love you Ryan
    1 Love and miss you so much. Every day. πŸ’–πŸ’–

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