Braedon Anthony Kroeker, age 10

Lost to gun violence on January 3, 2017 in Hubbard, Oregon.

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3225 candles have been lit for Braedon.
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You can add to Braedon's profile:

  • Nickname:
    3 Grammas angel
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    2 giving, loving, gentle, helpful,quiet,and the love of my life.
    1 Full of life and always on the go,
    1 a sweet soul, always remember him wearing his red sweater
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    1 Lincoln elementary
  • Comments:
    2 Braedon was the first of my grandchildren I held the day he was born, he was the light of my life.
    1 I LOVE YOU BRAEDON!!! Gramma J
    1 Merry Christmas, you are one of the greatest gifts I was ever given. Gramma J
    1 365 days of hugs and kisses. I Love You!
    1 MY HEART HURTS SO BAD!!!!!!!
    1 I remember how much you loved the summer sun, it's like a hug from you.
    1 Happy 12th Birthday, I wish I could be with you with hugs and kisses, I Love you! Gramma
    2 All I want for the holidays is you back!! I Love You!!! Gramma
    1 Wish we could see you again, we loved our time with you and your family! You are missed
    1 2 years and I miss you every second of everyday.
    1 I sent you a message in the sand and the ocean delivered it, I hope you get it. Love Gramma Jackie
    1 I should have been there to protect you! I'm so sorry.
    1 Happy 13th Birthday, I Love you with every heartbeat. See you again someday. Gramma Jackie
    1 Please forgive me for not being there!
    1 Merry Christmas Braedon. My arms are empty without your hugs. I love You. Gramma Jackie
    1 Rain today, but I know it's sunshining in heaven because your there. I LOVE YOU! Gramma Jackie
    1 Taken from my arms, but never from my heart. I LOVE YOU! Gramma Jackie
    1 Happy 14th Birthday Braedon. I LOVE AND MISS YOU MORE THAN I CAN SAY! Gramma Jackie
    1 Merry Christmas Braedon, I LOVE YOU! Gramma Jackie
    1 Too much love, not enough time!
    1 Gramma is so lost without you! I LOVE YOU !
    1 Your favorite holiday, fireworks just for you!! Love Gramma Jackie
    2 Happy 15th Birthday my handsome Grandson, all my Love and Hugs. Gramma Jackie
    1 BRAEDON, I LOVE YOU!! Gramma Jackie
    1 Empty arms and empty heart!!
    1 Thankful that I have my memories of you.
    1 Merry Xmas my handsome angel. 5 years. I Love You! Gramma Jackie
    1 Give DAD a birthday kiss!
    1 Love in the sand. Gramma Jackie
    1 Loving you everyday with joyful memories, Gramma Jackie
    1 Fireworks lighting the sky just for you!!!! Love you Braedon. Gramma Jackie
    1 HEART BROKEN!!!!
    1 Merry Christmas Braedon my angel, missing you every minute. Gramma Jackie
    1 Braedon, 6 years and so many tears. Love you until I see you again. Gramma Jackie
    1 Give DAD a birthday hug from me. Gramma Jackie
    1 Fireworks just for you, I miss your joy! I LOVE YOU BRAEDON! Gramma Jackie
    1 HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY! Forever Handsome inside and out. I LOVE AND MISS YOU!! Gramma Jackie
    1 Merry Christmas my ANGEL, missing you always. Gramma Jackie
    1 Gramma LOVES YOU!!
    1 I lost you 7 years ago today, joy stopped and pain began. I LOVE AND MISS YOU!
    1 Give Dad a birthday hug for me. Gramma Jackie
    1 My heart to you!
    1 Remembering you in every heartbeat. Gramma Jackie
    1 Happy 18th Bday my handsome grandson, all my HUGS AND KISSES. I LOVE and Miss you! Gramma J
    1 Happy 18th Birthday Braedon!!!!!!!
    1 Thankful for the time we had, although short. Love forever Gramma Jackie
    1 Merry Christmas, all my love and hugs. Gramma Jackie
    1 8 lonely years, loving and missing you every minute. Gramma Jackie

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