Dana Logan, age 46

Lost to gun violence on October 28, 2016 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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453 candles have been lit for Dana.
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You can add to Dana's profile:

  • Nickname:
    2 Tricesa
  • Number of children:
    3 5 God children
  • Personality:
    2 outgoing loveable and fun
    1 giving, warmhearted
    1 hothead compassionate boss
    1 a smile that lights up the world and an spirit to match it
    1 The best sister anyone could ask for, I love and miss you dearly 💛💜💖💙
    1 Authitc Humbleness
  • Occupation:
    1 collection
  • Workplace:
    1 terget corporation
  • Schools attended:
    1 SouthWest High
  • Comments:
    2 Loving, caring. We miss our special 👼. Rest easy!
    1 rest easy Dana. miss you
    1 love you and miss you so much. You are truly missed My Friend

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