Paul Wyatt Russell Jr., age 30

Lost to gun violence on October 20, 2016 in Garden City, Idaho.

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865 candles have been lit for Paul.
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You can add to Paul's profile:

  • Nickname:
    6 PWR2
    5 MickeyMoose
    4 Rusty
    4 Pee-Wee
    3 sponge bob
    2 Breakfast man
    3 uncle paul
    2 my hero
    2 my protector
    2 soulmate
    2 Dad
  • Number of children:
    7 1 son
  • Personality:
    4 kind
    4 Loving, selfless
    5 humbled spirited
    4 loyal
    4 Funny
    3 Amazing father
    3 hero
    3 best person to talk to
    3 loving
  • Occupation:
    5 Chef U.S. Navy
  • Workplace:
    3 black bear
    2 taco bell
    2 construction jobs
  • Schools attended:
    3 Madison high school
    2 cole high school
  • Comments:
    4 I Will Miss You Until The Day That I Die! MxxseGang Forever Baby!!-BabyGirl
    3 Forever in my ❤️... Dustie Rose
    3 i will miss my uncle forever and i wont forget u i love u
    3 My brother, protector and best friend. Taken to soon by hate. luv u
    2 auntie miss you so much
    2 Happy Holidays my love, you are truly missed
    4 Out of all things no one could have ever prepared me for this.
    3 my ❤ hurts every day
    3 loving son... my grief is unbearable
    3 Happy Father's Day
    2 He will always and forever stay in our hearts.
    2 i love you and miss you so. i think of you everyday. love you cousin/sister
    3 hay dad I miss you so much and I love you

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