Cameron Tyler Hendrix, age 25

Lost to gun violence on July 12, 2016 in Jacksonville, Florida.

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302 candles have been lit for Cameron.
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You can add to Cameron's profile:

  • Nickname:
    10 strawberry
    1 curious george
  • Number of children:
    7 Zero
  • Personality:
    15 Generous
    15 Caring
    14 Smart
    10 Talented
    11 Honest
    18 Great heart
    18 the best friend there was
    14 Sweet heart
    13 Non Judgemental
    12 he was allways there for you no what time or situation
    4 Caring and compassionate
  • Occupation:
    6 Construction and pipe crews
    9 Being A KickAss Best Friend
  • Workplace:
    4 Archer western construction
  • Schools attended:
    8 Baldwin Middle Senior High School
    3 Whitehouse Elementary School
    5 Joseph Stillwell Middle School
    3 Thomas Jefferson PreK
    4 Never thought he was better than someone else.
    5 Always cared when you were down.
    4 Loved his family and helped if he could.
    4 He will be missed forever, love you Tyler.
  • Comments:
    3 Miss and love you... I know you are our angel now and forever...
    3 Wishing someone thought before taking you from us and pray we soon have justice.

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