Derrick Brown, age 21

Lost to gun violence on February 28, 2016 in Huntington, West Virginia.

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259 candles have been lit for Derrick.
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You can add to Derrick's profile:

  • Nickname:
    1 Dee
  • Number of children:
    2 Derick was an only child and never had the chance to raise one of his own
    1 He was just a child himself who left us way too early in life.
  • Personality:
    1 He had a great personality. He was very loving person and friend to Monday people.
    1 apparently they cap the comment to a shorty comment so ill make 3 short ones.
    1 Kresta ,My dearest Cousin(T) , you are the stringest person I am proud to call you my kin.know
    1 you gave Dee the best life any kid would love
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    1 Winfield High School
  • Comments:
    1 Love and miss u bub

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