Joshua Steven Morrison, age 18

Lost to gun violence on January 17, 2016 in Ware Neck, Virginia.

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You can add to Joshua's profile:

  • Nickname:
    7 Josh
    2 ohmyjoshing
  • Number of children:
    6 None, but plenty of brothers.
  • Personality:
    8 Amazingly funny and outgoing, Josh loved helping people and would do anything for anyone.
    9 Josh loved the STEELERS and his customized Miami blue Mustang.
    2 Would do anything for you or to make you laugh
    2 Was a brother to everyone
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    2 Tabb High School
    2 Thomas Nelson Community College
  • Comments:
    1 Gone to soon but will never, ever be forgotten.
    1 Miss you josh. Almost 8 years. I think about you and my heart breaks. I love youforever and a day.

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