Kevin P. Odneal, age 50

Lost to gun violence on February 13, 2015 in Everett, Washington.

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Also killed was:

102 candles have been lit for Kevin.
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You can add to Kevin's profile:

  • Nickname:
    1 Faulty Kevin
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    1 I thought he was great! Usually happy guy
    2 helpful, dependable. always trying to help
    1 typical little brother
  • Occupation:
    1 Being "faulty Kevin"
    1 Ace Mechanic, natural talent
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
  • Comments:
    2 kevin is loved and missed
    1 you are not forgotten Kevin, miss you bro
    2 everyone misses you kevin...
    2 Think about you all the time Kevin, miss you Bro. see you on the other side.
    1 Kevin, rest in peace my friend
    1 think about every time I'm stranded broke down. You came everytime.
    1 your legend lives on Kevin!
    1 still thinking about you, wish you were here
    2 Colleen, Kayla, and Ryan remembering you today. Miss you Faulty!
    1 RIP Kevin, I'll see you on the other side
    1 We talk about you everyday Kevin. Never far from our thoughts and hearts.
    2 Kevin, still missing you. You will never be forgotten. Love you always Morgan
    3 about to Banzai a flat tow across town just like you taught me LOL
    1 bbqing some ribs thinking of you. miss your fault ass
    1 Rest in Peace Kevin, I miss you
    1 Missing you still
    1 Kevin you made this world a better place and you are loved and missed.
    1 sitting here remembering you telling stories, miss you Bro, See you on the other side
    1 telling Faulty Kevin stories. Miss you Buddy
    1 thinking of you today, telling faulty stories
    1 think about you everyday, miss your faulty ass
    1 Kevin you are not forgotten
    1 me and Mike sitting here telling stories about you, we miss you Kevin
    1 Miss you Faulty Kevin
    1 still thinking about you Kevin
    1 telling doig stories about Beau and Ambrosia and you, miss all of
    1 you
    1 working on a hoopty car, missing my friend
    1 I wish you could see my Baby
    1 remember that girl Kelly and I fixt you up with when you got out of prison? LOL
    1 still missing you Kevin
    1 me and Martine, telling stories about Faulty Kevin
    1 I miss you my friend, see you on the other side
    1 Faulty Kevin You are Loved and Missed
    1 havent forgotten you my friend
    1 still alive in my memories, R.I.P. Kevin!
    1 miss you everyday Kevin
    1 miss you ofyen my friend
    1 still miss my friend
    1 always remembered my friend
    1 remembering my friend
    1 you are not forgotten, merry xmas Faulty!
    1 Working on a hoopty truck today, missing your help. RIP Kevin, see you on the other side.
    1 Merry Christmas Kevin
    1 You live on in my memories and stories, I miss you my friend.
    1 drove past your old house today. Lots of memories. 11 years. wow
    1 getting crazy out here, miss you my friend
    1 you live on in my memories, miss you buddy
    1 not forgotten
    1 remembered and missed
    1 could use your help about now Kevin
    1 remembering my friend today.

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