Taylor C. Thomas, age 20

Lost to gun violence on October 9, 2014 in Pittsburg, Kansas.

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You can add to Taylor's profile:

  • Nickname:
    1 Tay, Tay Man
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    2 Selfless, loving, highly intelligent mechanical engineering technology University student
  • Occupation:
    2 Lifeguard, math tutor, lawn care worker, city worker, grocery store worker.
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    1 St. Mary’s Colgan, University of Kansas School of Engineering, Pittsburg State University
  • Comments:
    1 Eagle Scout
    3 Taylor honorably gave his life for his roommates.
    3 The target of the home invasion was his roommate
    3 Taylor chose engineering to make the world a better place
    4 Taylor was a blood donor and a registered organ donor. The bullet ended donation possibilities.
    2 Taylor’s ACT scores were 33, 34 super score, perfect 36 math.
    2 Still grieving with almost unbearable pain. I love you Tay. Dad
    3 F.I.N.E. functioning in nightmarish existence
    1 The pain of murder feels so evil and suffocating.
    2 I can hardly believe how many families are suffering from this evil.
    1 Pure evil happens after 2:00 a.m.
    2 Shot to death after doing your homework and going to bed early!!!
    3 How dare they!! How dare they!!
    1 Always willing to help those in need. “Sure!”
    1 Today I just feel so crushed. Nearly four years. Help us all Lord.
    1 Praying for just 24 hours of painless relief.
    2 It was 4 years ago October 9th the evil action of murderers took our precious boy from us.
    1 You selflessly gave your young life for your roommates. So brave. So loving.
    2 When will I see you again Taylor? 1,2,5,10,15,20,30 years from now?
    2 Others continue on in graceful ignorance. I pray they never undergo this relentless pain.
    1 Enduring much pain and grief today Feb 6, 2019. Hope to survive.
    1 I love you Taylor. Another memorial weekend is about to punch us in the gut. How dare they!!!!!
    1 So sick of this pain. One more day of plowing forward. I love you immensely Taylor. Dad
    1 October 9, 2014. May the murderers find our merciful Lord Jesus Christ. Dad
    2 Murdered October 9, 2014. Exactly 5 years ago. I miss you desperately. Love, Dad
    1 Please help us to forgive your murderers and the media. They know not what they do.
    1 God bless you for trying to guide your roommate to repentance one week before satan murdered you.
    3 It’s been 8 years. My heart is broken but numb. I love you so much. Dad

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