Debra Escobedo, age 49

Lost to gun violence on June 1, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois.

Woman shot/abdomen - critical. Died in hospital 7/7/14

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190 candles have been lit for Debra.
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You can add to Debra's profile:

  • Nickname:
    5 tia boop
  • Number of children:
    5 no children
  • Personality:
    2 She was a firecracker and the life of the party and her smile says enough
    2 Her smile says enough.....
  • Occupation:
    2 Jack of all trades
  • Workplace:
    5 she had many job places
  • Schools attended:
  • Comments:
    8 this is a loss noone will ever ger over and i will forever carry you in my heart
    7 My soul and heart are breaking without you here
    5 i love you my debbie and will not rest until your killer is found
    5 I love you and i will not rest until the person that took you is held responsible
    4 You are missed so much my sweet debbie rest well my angel
    4 i miss you so much and i love you even more till i see you again
    4 heaven is so lucky to have you missing you like crazy 9 years too long
    3 i miss you so much i need you now more then ever you were my everything please rest well my love
    3 This year is10 years and I miss you so damn much Deb. I really need a sign from you
    3 i miss you so damn much please guide me love and rip my best friend forever
    3 i need you so bad i cant take it i love you my love rip beautiful
    2 !0 years today u were shot and survived a few weeks. Our lives are shattered forever. I Love you

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