Step 1: Pick a photo:
Step 2: Tell us where you got this photo: If you got the photo from a web site, please paste a link in the space above.
Step 3: Please enter your email address or phone number. We'll keep this private but we need it to be sure that we have the correct photo for Jonathan "Man on Fire" Cordova:
Step 4: Are you a family member, friend, or acquaintance of the deceased Jonathan "Man on Fire" Cordova? No, but I found this photo online. Yes, I knew the victim.
Step 5: Are you the copyright holder for this photo? No, I copied the photo. Yes, I personally took the photo, or the person who took the photo is deceased and I am their legal heir.
Step 5b: Do you release this photo to the public domain? No, I agree for the photo be be used by the National Gun Violence Memorial, but others must ask for my permission before using it. Yes, I release my rights to this photo and I understand that others will be allowed to publish it without my permission.
Step 6: Click to post the photo
We will review your photo before we post it to the page, and this may take up to 24 hours.