Greyson Martin "Gigs" Kessler, age 4

Lost to gun violence on May 21, 2021 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

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1022 candles have been lit for Greyson.
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    4 grey
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  • Comments:
    5 R.I.P. Little One 😢
    2 My heart aches for this sweet boy Greyson,
    2 I lost my mother to gun violence also, I am hurting for all the victims🙏
    5 My Son Ian Samuel died from gun violence, I am a grieving mother just like Greyson’s Mommy 🙏💕
    4 I n ver thought I would ever be part of the Club of Grieving Mothers, my heart goes out to all!🙏
    3 Lord I pray for strength for this family how sad 😢

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