Quintasha Martina Harris, age 38

Lost to gun violence on May 14, 2021 in Portales, New Mexico.

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294 candles have been lit for Quintasha.
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You can add to Quintasha's profile:

  • Nickname:
    3 Tasha
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    3 stuburn,Brave,secretive.unpredictable
    3 predictable.sudden,charmer,educated,smart
  • Occupation:
    3 career student/model/dancer/actor/photographer and more
  • Workplace:
    3 Self Employrd buisness owner
  • Schools attended:
    3 Clovid High, Mountain Veiw, Graduated Tucumcari community co;;ege with honors,
    3 also attender
    3 clovis community college,wayland Babtist
  • Comments:
    3 Quintasha was my daughter, ita been almost 2 years since she was l
    3 Gun violence,To many people have guns that shouldnt how many have died this way

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