Malaki Joseph Stone, age 19

Lost to gun violence on April 27, 2021 in Duncan, Oklahoma.

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1457 candles have been lit for Malaki.
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You can add to Malaki's profile:

  • Nickname:
    2 Screen Names: Ronin O'Deorain
    2 Kai Nesta Bancroft
    2 Mal
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    3 Sweet and Polite
    3 Loved gaming.... especially League !!!
    3 Loved animals!
    2 loved Pokemon
  • Occupation:
    2 Store Cashier
  • Workplace:
    2 Chisolm Corner Store
    2 Long John Silvers in Duncan
    2 Braums in Duncan
  • Schools attended:
    2 Duncan High School
    2 Talking Leaves Job Corps
    2 Kline Whitis Elementary School in Lampasas TX
  • Comments:
    4 My Sweet Grandson.... lost too soon.
    4 So sad that he was killed while just trying to do his job.
    3 could eat half a dozen hotdogs wrapped in tortillas!
    4 two of his favorite things used to be Legis and the cardgame "Magic"
    3 RIP! This was a good boy who didn’t deserve it.
    2 Today is your Memorial Service my sweet boy. Fly Free. You will be remembered with love forever❤️.
    2 It's been just over a month... still missing you and remembering❤️ Grandma
    2 Two months now.... missing you. I think of you daily❤️❤️❤️ Love, Grandma
    2 Thinking of you this 4th of July... remembering past fireworks in Eagle Grove!❤️
    2 I was watching a "Friends" rerun..... one of Malaki's favorite shows when he was 12-13!
    2 My first birthday with you gone 😓.... never to hear from you again. 👼 Love Grandma
    2 4 months now.... my heart still weeps. Had pizza yesterday and thought of you❤️! Love Grandma
    2 Thinking of my Sweet Malaki on this first missed BD, never to be 20.
    2 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️‼️
    5 Happy Heavenly Birthday son, we all love and miss you.
    2 First Thanksgiving knowing you are not with us😢😢💔‼️We will be thinking of you. ❤️Grandma
    2 we are thinking of you this first Christmas w/o you. Hugs ❤️🥰Grandma❤️‼️
    2 A New Year without you... Heavenly Hugs from Grandma💔🤗🥰
    2 A first Easter with you not here ... you were missed dearly💔❤️😘‼️
    2 One year ago you were stolen from all who love you💔💔 Never forgotten; Grandma
    2 Dearest Grandson, it’s my Birthday and I woke up missing you…. ❤️❤️❤️❤️‼️
    2 I thought of you on The 6th Anniversary of Grandmama’s passing. Too many losses🥺❤️
    2 Labor Day…. Awake at 4am thinking of you 💭. Love,hugs &kisses G’Ma
    2 My lovely boy… it should be your 21st BD. You are vey much on my mind. Love Always G’Ma
    2 Justice…. Life without parole + 10 years. Justice but.. not. It will never be over. Love G’ma
    2 Missing you this Thanksgiving morning.. Love G’Ma
    2 Another Christmas without you but not forgotten… your name is on our family ornaments. ❤️G’Ma
    3 2 years today… You are never forgotten 💔 Love G’Ma
    2 Think of you Dly.. especially on G’Mama’s Heavenly BDay. Love G’ma
    2 Missing you on G’pa’s 71st BD❤️ love G’Ma
    2 Another Birthday missed… your 22nd. Know that you were thought of. Love G’ma🥲🥰❤️
    2 Remembered with love by your family on Ts-giving❤️ Love G’Ma
    2 Another Christmas without you… you were remembered with ❤️ G’Ma
    2 2024… This upcoming year, you will not be forgotten ❤️, Love G’Ma
    2 I so wish I was making a Margarita cupcake for you this Mardi Gras❤️G’Ma‼️
    2 I miss you, Mal.. You were an amazing friend.. Hugs forever, buddy. ❤️
    1 Planning Trunk or Treat for work…. So wish you were here❤️🥰‼️ Love G’Ma😘
    1 In our thoughts this week on your Heavenly Birthday 🥰❤️‼️
    1 Love G’Ma and G’Pa😘😘😘😘
    1 Having a Family Thanksgiving ❤️ you are missed❤️
    1 G’Pa and I had our 40th Ann’vsy. We missed you❤️
    1 G’Pa and I on a H’Moon Cruise. In NOLA saw Dino Ex. Missed you❤️
    1 G’Pa and I thought of you on C’mas/now 2025! Always missed ❤️G’ma

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