Dylan Lopez, age 14

Lost to gun violence on August 1, 2020 in Winston Salem, North Carolina.

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156 candles have been lit for Dylan.
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You can add to Dylan's profile:

  • Nickname:
    10 mila
    2 big boy
    7 skeleton💙
    2 🎭mila 4L
    2 Carnalito Mila
    2 Dora🖤
    1 long live my 🥷🏿
    1 Long live Dylan/primo I’ve never got to meet u but I know u are already in a better place
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    10 Funny and loving
    2 Athletic
    2 Always in a happy mood 🥺
    2 always smiling and laughing
    2 caring
  • Occupation:
    2 we miss u down here
    1 all ways going to longlive dylan
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    6 East Forsyth middle school
    3 philo hill 🥺
    1 we you dylan 🕊💙🥺
  • Comments:
    3 Rest up 🖤
    6 r.i.p to dylan my bro we knew each other for like 10 years
    4 its hard to write this but r.i.p dylan
    2 You always defend me in school all I want to say is Rest In Peace you will always be in my heart
    2 🥺I miss you dearly 🥺wish you could come back LLD💙
    2 R.I.P to my mila imysm everyday💙😞
    3 LLD💙rest up mila IMY 😔-arlene
    2 i miss you lil bro💙 fly high🕊-Jerika
    2 LLD🕊miss u so muchh😔💙
    3 LongLiveSkeleton💙🕊gone but never forgotten😔
    3 rip 🕊we all miss you and we all love you
    2 we love you
    3 Rest up carnal 💙🕊 i miss you sm
    2 💔🕊Rip Dylan🕊💔
    3 Descansa En Paz Carxal💙🕊
    3 Rest.In.Peace Carnalito, I miss you so much Hermano- Cesar
    2 We miss u so much
    2 Fly high we miss hope we meet again
    1 LLD
    1 imyy sssssssoooooooo soooo much :(
    1 CSGx23
    1 LLDYLAN Mi Perro de Por vida STK -YoungSylent

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