Raymond B Eldridge II, age 34

Lost to gun violence on December 18, 2018 in Dover, New Hampshire.

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786 candles have been lit for Raymond.
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You can add to Raymond's profile:

  • Nickname:
    2 Ray
    2 Beast
  • Number of children:
    1 one
  • Personality:
    2 stubborn
    2 Confident
    2 strong
    2 steady
    1 Caring
    3 light up a room
    2 respectful
    1 Headstrong
    1 Loving
    1 Passionate
    1 hopeful
    1 Happy
    1 always smiling
    1 Protective
  • Occupation:
    2 Non Destructive Testing Inspector
  • Workplace:
    3 Turbocam International
  • Schools attended:
    2 Dover Highschool
  • Comments:
    2 put others ahead of him self and helped them to an extreme
    4 gone in body, but never in spirit. Always remembered, never forgotten.
    3 Forever missed, my friend. You live on in the hearts of those who really loved you.
    3 This will never be right with me. You had so much more life to live.
    3 missing you, that wont ever change
    4 Always and Forever
    2 We Are Sparta!
    2 We'll always have the moon.
    1 missing our 2 am talks <3
    3 Thinking about you and the missed opportunities
    2 300!!!
    2 Happy Heavenly Birthday. thank you for visiting me, and watching over us! We love you!
    2 💔😭
    3 on my mind and always on my heart, never get used to the world without you in it
    3 Forever with us!
    1 My heart will always look for you
    1 I loved you, in every way I could.

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