Brandon Kluz, age 23

Lost to gun violence on November 22, 2018 in Amherst, New Hampshire.

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1427 candles have been lit for Brandon.
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You can add to Brandon's profile:

  • Nickname:
    22 Memo
    5 MEMO was my son!
  • Number of children:
    7 none
  • Personality:
    7 Memo fell in love with the souls of those around him, loving all their unique inner workings
    6 boisterous personality and contagious smile
    7 Loyal friend
    10 “One moment can change a day. One day can change a life. And one life can change the world.” ♥️
    6 Loved to laugh! didn't get an ulcer about anything :)
  • Occupation:
    4 Auotomotive Technician / Welder
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    3 Milford HS
    3 Nashua Vo-Tech
  • Comments:
    13 Awesome son! So loved, so missed! Rest in Peace MEMO!
    8 you will always be missed and loved, now, forever and an eternity🖤
    9 i love you Brandon Scott Kluz♥️- Mom
    6 Rest easy, i miss you so much. i love you memo ❤️😇
    8 I love you and miss you little brother . one day we will walk and talk again 🙏🏾❤
    7 You gave us a thousand ways to life to its fullest! xoxo
    3 memo you are turely missed ! thank you for bringing so much fun to life. Rest easy darlin🖤
    7 Fly high Memo.
    8 You will be missed for all of eternity.. Love you Memo <3
    7 I think about you every single day.. 🖤 you are eternal, Memo.
    7 Happy Birthday Brandon!
    8 JFK and BSK were both assassinated on 22 NOV.
    4 The shooter pleaded guilty in Dec 2020, Sentencing May 2021

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