Alastair C Stephens, age 38

Lost to gun violence on May 8, 2018 in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

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409 candles have been lit for Alastair.
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  • Nickname:
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    13 A man that showed real love to everyone he knew!
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    3 South Side
  • Comments:
    7 Loved by many and will never be forgotten!
    3 Love ya, Al! I will always keep you apart of my family. Monique
    2 I will continue to light candles in memory of you!
    2 Every knock at the door or u telephone rings, the kids call your name!
    4 Praying that your killer will surface and you can rest in eternal peace!
    1 I only wanted the best for you. Thanks for looking out for me! Mo
    1 Missing you and hating that someone took you from us so soon!
    1 my friend who always knew how to make me laugh and smile.
    1 Love and miss you big head, your baby girl will always be taken care of πŸ’–
    3 Love and miss you so muchπŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ’”πŸ’”
    3 U r missed. When I go to the spots I think of u and that million $ smile.
    1 I love and miss you soo much . There is NEVER a day that i dont think about you πŸ’”
    3 Al Boogie, miss and love u. The biggest mess talker I know who could always make me smile. ❀
    1 ❀❀❀❀ love and my over protected cousin always made me laugh
    1 I love and miss you dearly 😣😣
    1 i Love Youu Unccc 😩😩 I really Miss Youuu
    1 Rest Up Al Ur Truly Missed
    1 near or far Al showed me mad LOVE! Such a great person to be around. RIH😞❀
    1 You been gone for 5 years and we continue to miss and think of you! Rest easy!

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