Hunter Smith, age 18

Lost to gun violence on July 22, 2017 in Bruneau, Idaho.

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2296 candles have been lit for Hunter.
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You can add to Hunter's profile:

  • Nickname:
    5 the great melinco
    2 Hunter Bear
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    3 happy good lucky
    2 Kind hearted
    2 Loved and missed by his family
    2 To trusting of people
    2 He had an old soul and was wise beyond his years
  • Occupation:
    2 fast food
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    2 junction city high. wla
  • Comments:
    2 This World Sucks lately 🍁
    3 So senseless to read about this sad news. May the Family rcv peace
    2 May my grandson R.I.P.
    2 We just want to bring him Back home to R.I.P
    3 We weren't close but I hope you're watching over us, man.
    3 I grate soul lost way to soon R. I. P little brother
    2 missing you greatly brotha. see you on the flipside
    3 I'll never forget you milenko💔 I miss you dailey
    2 paradise -ryan caraveo one of his faves misses greatly
    2 I think about you daily and miss you more than words can explain

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