Virginia Villa, age 73

Lost to gun violence on July 12, 2017 in Los Angeles, California.

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97 candles have been lit for Virginia.
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You can add to Virginia's profile:

  • Nickname:
    2 Will there be a viewing? Old family friend would like to pay my respects. Please respond.
    1 still trying to find out those details from her children at this time
    2 I have a funeral date July 29th at 10 am Eternal Valley of Santa Clarita
    1 Thank You I will be there, ATTN: Gloria
    1 We will be there, Fernando and Maria Espinosa and family
    1 Rest in PeaceThey will now be together FOR EVER, your nephew Fernando Espinosa
  • Number of children:
    1 She has 2 sons and a daughter
  • Personality:
    2 friendly, loving
    1 giving, compassionate, caring, and funny
  • Occupation:
    2 Retired housewife
    1 worked for LAUSD as a teacher's aide for about 18 years
  • Workplace:
    1 Los Angeles Unified School District
  • Schools attended:
  • Comments:
    2 I will always remember her with a smile on my face.
    1 RIP, she will be missed
    2 Virginia was my aunt and older sister to my mother Lidia
    2 Tia you will be eternally loved and missed you join your many siblings in heaven

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